Masking DO versus God Smites 03/25/2022 12:01 PM CDT
Trying to troubleshoot someone else's DO-related issues, part two...

As I understand things, when your Divine Outrage reaches a certain threshold a necromancer is rolling the dice. Any DO-generating activity in that danger zone has the potential to bring the Immortals down upon you.

Here's my question, regarding DO masking (via Rite of Contrition and Liturgy):

Is the red "I'm in danger of being smote" zone your base DO, or your masked DO?

I'm trying to figure out if this edge case (from the official Discord server) is possible:
- Necromancer has enough DO to be risking being struck down. The necromancer's fake spell prep fails, and they fall back to their default (muttering) prep.
- Necromancer casts RoC, or RoG+Liturgy, and masks enough DO to restore access to their fake prep.
- In this state (high, but masked below the "muttering" level) the necromancer generates more DO, and triggers the smite roll.

If so, eww. It's the edgiest of edge cases, but I hope the smite check looks at the masked DO number, not the base DO number. If it doesn't, that would mitigate one of the stated benefits of DO masking.

- I
Re: Masking DO versus God Smites 03/25/2022 12:13 PM CDT
If it's not just a system not mechanically doing something as it should, there are two things I might consider:
1) Does that fall under the whole "You can fool a mage but you can't fool Harm Evil"
2) Is the "it was the GODS!" the result of everyone being an unreliable narrator? In other words, is really a godly smiting, or, science-wise, the body can only process X amount of the energy that High Necromancy throws together to do what it does before burning itself out.

Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.