Favor savers 09/18/2020 02:41 PM CDT

Question for whomever is in charge of Necromancers:

So I was messing around with my multiple 100% fully unlocked favor savers in TEST, checking that the different DEPART options all worked with them and noticed this happens when we DEPART GUILD.

Is this intentional when all the others ("DEPART", "DEPART ITEM", "DEPART FULL") all leave my items with me (admittedly, at the nearest normal depart location) and not a grave to go dig up...???? I am assuming so because it alters the location you depart to but it seems odd since DEPART GUILD without wearing a favor saver would get the same result...it's a waste of a use.


>depart guild
You feel your eternity knot warm, preparing to aid you.

A cool, calming aura envelopes you. Feeling comforted, you do not fight it as you feel it pull your spirit away.

You feel a burst of pain and dizziness as you gasp in a deep breath! All around you the world spins rapidly and you get the feeling of falling from a great distance. After a moment, the spinning is replaced with a mild wooziness and the far greater joy that you are once again alive...

REDACTED. You also see a winding pathway.
Obvious paths: none.
[Any coins you had on hand have been lost forever. Any other possessions have been left behind in your grave. To recover them you will need to return to your gravesite and DIG it up.]
