Poison 11/01/2018 10:39 AM CDT
The Blood and Gourd game is really reminding me of the holes Necromancers have in their healing repertoire.

Your body feels slightly battered.
Your spirit feels full of life.
You feel somewhat tired and seem to be having trouble breathing.

And cue the falling over and feeling my strength ebb away for 20+ minutes, even though I have a capped cast of Devour going.

I actually don't think magic is necessarily the answer here. I'd love to see an alchemy remedy for this. But, correct me if I'm wrong, there's currently no poison or disease remedies.

Thanks for considering,

*falls to knees*
Re: Poison 11/01/2018 10:22 PM CDT
But, correct me if I'm wrong, there's currently no poison or disease remedies.

You are correct. As of now there are no poison or disease remedies.