So, a little bird told me that some Necromancers recently got around to talking about doing necrowork on necrobooks. Abasha, Persida and I have talked about this and agree that not only is this a fine idea, this is behavior that ought to be rewarded.
Here's what we're going to do. During the next two months (until the beginning of June), we would like you to write a book for inclusion in upcoming libraries in the Necromancer guildhalls. I'm giving you a month and a half because we want these to be solid, well researched and reasoned books without rushing.
For every book submission that meets with the approval of our trilateral commission, there will be the following rewards:
1) The book will be a permanent addition in an upcoming Necromancer libraries.
2) The IC author of the book (your character) will get a special title. The exact title is TBD, will be one chosen by us and shared by all authors, but will not grant SO and probably will not be obviously necromantic.
3) There will be an IC event honoring all of the new authors.
All books will be expected to be on topics of interest to Necromancers and be written by Necromancer PCs. They will have to meet all normal guidelines and requirements for book submissions, as well as Team Necro's subjective approval.
Submission requirements and instructions can be found here:
Happy writing.
"Perinthia's astronomers are faced with a difficult choice. Either they must admit that all their calculations were wrong ... or else they must reveal that the order of the gods is reflected exactly in the city of monsters." - Italo Calvino