Too damaged 03/27/2015 07:42 PM CDT

Is there any way this could be looked into, so I blow my arms off researching sorcery, and die in a critter I can kill easily. I go to my grave and blast a critter while waiting beside the grave, but my inability to get even my knife from my grave prevents me from healing, and I am beyond empathic assistance at this point. Shouldn't we at least be able to get our knives from the grave?
Re: Too damaged 03/27/2015 08:12 PM CDT

You can have a third party pick up items for you and then give them to your character. At that point, you can wear, stow, use, whatever. You just can't do the original pick up from the ground.
Re: Too damaged 03/27/2015 11:40 PM CDT
Not very many people that are willing to run right out to help a necro in that situation.

It is one of the ridiculous parts of this guild. It goes beyond being hard and just makes it so that people invest in a second account.
Re: Too damaged 03/28/2015 08:22 AM CDT
Last time this was brought up I think Armifer floated the idea of allowing the consume ritual to work without a knife. I think this would solve the issue.

That said, I still think it's silly that limbs can get so damaged you can't even pick up and stow/wear items. I get it from a realism standpoint, but I think it's a bit too punitive. Just making it so you can't actually do with the item you temporarily hold (swing a sword, craft with some chisels, etc) should be enough, IMO. But I don't know the kind of lift it would take to only allow get/wear/stow to work with busted arms.

Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
Re: Too damaged 03/28/2015 08:27 AM CDT

It's funny, the last comment I have in General is on the topic of temporary ritual knives.

I think the easiest solution is to have Devour and CF be castable without a ritually prepared corpse, at the cost of reducing it's potency...
Re: Too damaged 03/28/2015 09:48 AM CDT

It is just odd that while you cannot pick the items up, your character can accept items offered, pick up coins(but nothing else), swap/stow/wear/wield things once accepted from a third party. I agree that if so damaged not being able to perform combat (perhaps if that damaged lock shield/parry stances at 0?) and other things, but nobody should have to scramble to log in or find a third party to circumvent this situation.

Easy? solutions would be to allow consume to be cast without a prepared corpse (maybe only option for healing in this manner being right hand/arm) or maybe allowing the knife to be the only item that departs with a necromancer?