RISEN 08/07/2022 08:30 AM CDT
You sense an emptiness about the shaman fetish. At the moment it is nothing more than an inanimate doll.
>wear fet
You hang a perfect shaman fetish around your neck.
>look in locker
Looking into all the spaces in this cold locker, you see...
A passable quality head from the body of a little and rather unfortunate shaman.
A passable quality leg from the body of a little and rather unfortunate shaman.
A passable quality arm from the body of a little and rather unfortunate shaman.
A passable quality torso from the body of a little and rather unfortunate shaman.
A passable quality arm from the body of a little and rather unfortunate shaman.
A mediocre quality head from the body of a little and rather unfortunate shaman.
A passable quality arm from the body of a little and rather unfortunate shaman.
A poor quality leg from the body of a little and rather unfortunate shaman.
A mediocre quality torso from the body of a little and rather unfortunate shaman.
A passable quality arm from the body of a little and rather unfortunate shaman.
>turn key
You turn a tiny dial on your key, bringing it to match storage space number 1 on your locker.
You are certain that spot in your cold locker holds a passable quality head of a little sized creatural shaman.
>turn key
You turn a tiny dial on your key, bringing it to match storage space number 2 on your locker.
You are certain that spot in your cold locker holds a passable quality leg of a little sized creatural shaman.
>turn key
You turn a tiny dial on your key, bringing it to match storage space number 3 on your locker.
You are certain that spot in your cold locker holds a passable quality arm of a little sized creatural shaman.
>turn key
You turn a tiny dial on your key, bringing it to match storage space number 4 on your locker.
You are certain that spot in your cold locker holds a passable quality torso of a little sized creatural shaman.
>pull locker
You carefully retrieve a chilled shaman torso from the cold locker.
>choose torso
There's nothing in here for you to choose!
>put torso on table
You place a chilled torso on the table, starting up a new project using it as the Risen's torso.
>turn key
You turn a tiny dial on your key, bringing it to match storage space number 5 on your locker.
You are certain that spot in your cold locker holds a passable quality arm of a little sized creatural shaman.
>turn key
You turn a tiny dial on your key, bringing it to match storage space number 6 on your locker.
You are certain that spot in your cold locker holds a mediocre quality head of a little sized creatural shaman.
>turn key
You turn a tiny dial on your key, bringing it to match storage space number 7 on your locker.
You are certain that spot in your cold locker holds a passable quality arm of a little sized creatural shaman.
>turn key
You turn a tiny dial on your key, bringing it to match storage space number 8 on your locker.
You are certain that spot in your cold locker holds a poor quality leg of a little sized creatural shaman.
>turn key
You turn a tiny dial on your key, bringing it to match storage space number 9 on your locker.
You are certain that spot in your cold locker holds a mediocre quality torso of a little sized creatural shaman.
>turn key
You turn a tiny dial on your key, bringing it to match storage space number 10 on your locker.
You are certain that spot in your cold locker holds a passable quality arm of a little sized creatural shaman.
>turn key
You turn a tiny dial on your key, bringing it to match storage space number 1 on your locker.
You are certain that spot in your cold locker holds a passable quality head of a little sized creatural shaman.
>pull locker
You carefully retrieve a chilled shaman head from the cold locker.
>put head on torso
What were you referring to?
>put head on table
You add the shaman head to the project, placing it above the shaman torso.
You're fairly sure that the head already has eyes and a brain attached to it, though there's nothing stopping you from adding more.
You also think you can CARVE the body to replace the brain.
You sense the obfuscating field around you vanish.
Stitch what?
>STITCH head to torso
What were you referring to?
Stitch what?
It would be better to find a creature to carve or specify which tool you want to carve with.
>look on table
You think that the project looks more monstrous because it currently has an incorrect number of body parts.
Looking on the table, you see...
The risen has a shaman torso as its main torso, has a shaman head to control its motor functions. The risen has no eyes.
The skill of the stitching and quality of the body parts look poor.
The specimen is currently extremely monstrous and may be hard to control.
The corpse on the table is currently tiny.
The specimen on the table needs to be stitched to the main body.
[STUDY BODY to see how to change it further.]
>study body
Studying the table closely, you see...
You have begun assembling a Risen's body on the table.
You think that you can:
PUT a specimen onto the table to add it to the body.
STITCH the body to combine a specimen on the table with the body.
CUT the body to remove the last specimen you stitched to it.
PULL the body to remove a specimen if you don't want to keep it.
CARVE the body to replace the brain, if it has a head.
PINCH the body to remove an eye from it.

Once you have finished assembling the Risen, you think you can PERFORM FETISH to bind the Risen to a fetish, then PERFORM AWAKEN to animate it.
Stitch what?
You crack your knuckles.
You think that the project looks more monstrous because it currently has an incorrect number of body parts.
Looking on the table, you see...
The risen has a shaman torso as its main torso, has a shaman head to control its motor functions. The risen has no eyes.
The skill of the stitching and quality of the body parts look poor.
The specimen is currently extremely monstrous and may be hard to control.
The corpse on the table is currently tiny.
The specimen on the table needs to be stitched to the main body.
[STUDY BODY to see how to change it further.]
Studying the table closely, you see...
You have begun assembling a Risen's body on the table.
You think that you can:
PUT a specimen onto the table to add it to the body.
STITCH the body to combine a specimen on the table with the body.
CUT the body to remove the last specimen you stitched to it.
PULL the body to remove a specimen if you don't want to keep it.
CARVE the body to replace the brain, if it has a head.
PINCH the body to remove an eye from it.

Once you have finished assembling the Risen, you think you can PERFORM FETISH to bind the Risen to a fetish, then PERFORM AWAKEN to animate it.
Stitch what?
What were you referring to?
You turn a tiny dial on your key, bringing it to match storage space number 2 on your locker.
You are certain that spot in your cold locker holds a passable quality leg of a little sized creatural shaman.
You carefully retrieve a chilled shaman leg from the cold locker.
You need to stitch the last piece onto the project before adding the next one.
Stitch what?
What were you referring to?
The project does not need any stitching right now.

IT wont let me stitch!
Im in the place that Jayron is at

And for revenge thou hast created this demon. Her domain is darkness - her purpose is wickedness- Dead Sea Scrolls