Risen dropping things in wrong room 03/29/2018 01:21 PM CDT
When you command a remote risen to drop what it's holding the thing is dropped in the room with the necro, instead of where the risen is standing.
Re: Risen dropping things in wrong room 04/05/2018 08:48 AM CDT
Can confirm, still happening. Pretty upsetting. Please fix.
Re: Risen dropping things in wrong room 04/05/2018 10:32 AM CDT
It's an issue that is on the radar and fixes are being made to it and a few other outstanding bugs, but the GM working on these things is really busy irl currently, so I can't give you a strict eta.

Re: Risen dropping things in wrong room 04/06/2018 03:25 PM CDT
This bug should be fixed as of now.

The other bug fixes are still outstanding, but Abasha was able to push this one through :)

Re: Risen dropping things in wrong room 04/06/2018 03:41 PM CDT

That’s great news! Thanks for the quick turn around!
Re: Risen dropping things in wrong room 04/06/2018 03:54 PM CDT

Great news! THANKS!!!
Re: Risen dropping things in wrong room 04/06/2018 04:42 PM CDT
Thanks, we <3 you guys.

"If I take death into my life, acknowledge it, and face it squarely, I will free myself from the anxiety of death and the pettiness of life - and only then will I be free to become myself." ~ Martin Heidegger