Bloodburst and redeemed 02/12/2010 03:16 AM CST
In the help section of perform, it lists this under cut:
- Cut: Used on yourself to cut your palm in preparation for blood or animation magic.

as none of the other blood spellbook spells use "perform cut", i am assuming one uses "perform cut" for this spell.

Yet, according to what we have learned so far, only the "preserve" ritual may be used by those who are redeemed.

On the other hand, we are told that only the "animation" and "transcendental necromancy" spellbooks would be "off limits" for those who become redeemed.

I'm confused. Will Redeemed be able to utilize bloodburst spell? and "perform cut"? <on a regular basis and still be redeemed that is>

Also -

if one reaches the level where an empath recoils as if burnt upon touching you <haven't gotten there so far, but a few people only a small bit higher than me in circle have>, is one at that point past the point of redemption?

Lileyew smiles kindly, "I'm afraid it's too late for you, my friend. Your fate is to be a Necromancer." Lileyew pats you on the back.
Re: Bloodburst and redeemed 02/25/2010 03:23 PM CST
>I'm confused. Will Redeemed be able to utilize bloodburst spell? and "perform cut"? <on a regular basis and still be redeemed that is>

Perform cut no longer gives experience, and by itself doesn't give outrage. The immortals don't really care if you nick yourself with a knife after all. Bloodburst doesn't currently give outrage, either. However, any animation that uses cut will still give outrage and can't be used as a redeemed.

>if one reaches the level where an empath recoils as if burnt upon touching you <haven't gotten there so far, but a few people only a small bit higher than me in circle have>, is one at that point past the point of redemption?

No, you aren't. When you're past the point of redemption, believe me, you'll know.

-GM Abasha


When the squirrels rule the world, my work will be complete.