I know it does but can someone give me a breakdown on skill checks/aids for moonie target spells? Specifically DO? Does agility aid a lot?
Re: Agility helps right?
07/25/2005 11:11 AM CDT
Yes, agility helps, and call me crazy but I think disc helps as well.
Re: Agility helps right?
07/25/2005 11:19 AM CDT
IIRC, agility helps in all TM spells now. Reflex might as well (I can't remember), though not as much. And of course in hybrid spells like Burn it helps a great deal more than, say, DO or TKT.
Master Craftsman Thryntyrlz BagMaker steps out from under Caelfind's road-worn traveler's cloak.
Master Craftsman Thryntyrlz BagMaker steps out from under Caelfind's road-worn traveler's cloak.
Re: Agility helps right?
07/25/2005 02:23 PM CDT
agility always use to help, it just helps less now, its mainly discipline that affects your ability to target.
The shadows on the wall indeed ran long across the room during the late hours of the afternoon.
The shadows on the wall indeed ran long across the room during the late hours of the afternoon.