I've recently found out that you cannot point the sphere from within RF.
I realize the reason behind this is that you could fight people with it and never be harmed since players can't point out people in RF.
However, critters CAN. Perhaps you could point the sphere from RF at critters, but be forced to make a difficult stealth check? If you fail, you are seen pointing the sphere, and pulled out of RF. Perhaps make the check harder and harder the closer you are to the critter.
I wouldn't allow players to be attacked with this method. Since they cannot point you out of RF even if they see you do something. Maybe if you try to point the sphere at a person, you are told 'You are unable to control the sphere' or you are pulled out of RF automatically, your sphere goes poof, or something similar to stop attacks with this method.
The point behind this is that doing stealthy manuvers around critters is very risky, even in RF. I have been found and slaughtered most mercilessly on more than one occasion.
Players, however, can not pull you out of RF if you botch a stealth check. Attacking players in this way would impart zero risk, and make it unfair to the opponent. Since critters can find me, and kill me, with RF, I think I should be allowed to find them, and kill them while I'm in RF too.
--Player of Malveras