Current State of Guild 02/28/2019 09:50 AM CST
I just want to address all the amazing development to the guild over the last year. From the changes to Naphtha working with TKS/TKS to the recent changes to Dazzle, Burn and Dinazen Olkar, I want to say thanks to all the staff who is putting in work and pushing guild developments.

I think we are in the best spot we've been post 2.0! I'm really pleased with the recent changes and hope this trend continues with spells like cage of light and the rest of our spells that require moons overhead.

In the long run I would still like to see Dazzle exploding moonblades when all three moons were up. Or at least Gaharzen. And I would also like to see moonslivers lodging and SHMO getting steelstars as an option. SHMO should be able to give moonblade a FOCI form as well that changed its function based on which moon the blade was cast from. Moonblade is already one of the most complex spells around and has really high potential but doesn't end up being used that often. Even if it was a ritual to turn a moonblade into a FOCI I think its something that should be looked into.

The only other thing I can imagine right now that could be looked into is Calm and Hypnotize. They are both rather underwhelming. Overall I think think this is the happiest I've been playing my moon mage since 2.0

"An' I'm learnin' 'ere in London what the ten-year soldier tells; If you've 'eard the East a-callin', you won't never 'eed naught else. No! you won't 'eed nothin' else"

Re: Current State of Guild 03/01/2019 06:30 PM CST
I'd love to see moonslivers lodge and be explodable via dazzle too, even if the moons had to match or something. As is, I don't use moonsilvers unless I'm just being lazy (granted, a nice option) and I don't use dazzle ever. I can see maybe using it again vs a mm with full vs will defenses up, but that's really the only time I can think of using it. MB is more powerful and lacks the downside of light source requirements.

I'd like to see something, perhaps sever thread, get the old riftal summons ability where you can pull characters to you if you've seer'd them. That's a niche thing, granted, but exceptionally useful for its niche.

All round, I agree with the general post about the feel of the guild at the moment.

Hope not ever to see Heaven. I have come to lead you to the
other shore; into eternal darkness; into fire and into ice. —Inferno