Astral guides and 3.0 speculation 10/03/2012 06:15 AM CDT
does anyone know how many ranks in mechanical lore/enchanting we will need to make astral guides in 3.0?
Re: Astral guides and 3.0 speculation 10/03/2012 08:35 AM CDT
Dunno but slightly worried about it myself. My moon mage does guides really easily with ~400 Arcana and ~300 Astro. His mech is almost 100 ranks behind those though...
Re: Astral guides and 3.0 speculation 10/03/2012 06:23 PM CDT
>does anyone know how many ranks in mechanical lore/enchanting we will need to make astral guides in 3.0?

If it has even been set yet (I imagine specific item difficulties will be set last), they haven't shared it.

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