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Re: Kalestraum Events 01/30/2007 11:02 AM CST
" don't think posting logs of the event would stop her rp'ing in the event. It would open the event up to people who have no interest in approaching Reene or her character for information."

What I was talking about, and emphasised, was your complaint about people "having" to go to her. So? Wanting people to contact your character to roleplay* things your character is involved in is not out of line or excluding anyone. It's wanting to roleplay. In a roleplaying game.

OOC board information is nice, and logs are fun even if I can never bother to read all the way through them, but they arn't nessicary. If you're intrested explore with your character. Question with your character. Don't rely on those who did that to post all of their information for you. If they do, it's nice, but they do it at the price of forfiting the roleplay of you coming to them and you forfit that as well. If you're questing for information about an event, guess what, you're already involved. You're playing a part in the event and whats more important is you're roleplaying. You/Your character may fail on their quest. You can't be the hero every time, but you were one of the moving pieces. So enjoy it.

*note, roleplay dose not have to be "IN THE EVENT" Roleplay is where you play a role while interacting with somone who is also playing a role. Events are not a requirment for this.


"Moon Mages have already been given some of the most ridiculously powerful magic in the game, third only to Warrior Mages and Barbarians" -Armifer
Re: Kalestraum Events 01/30/2007 12:15 PM CST
I hardly think it's unfair to ask that people who want to get involved with an event should seek out the people currently involved rather than expecting the logs to just be posted or assuming that keeping a mirror up will give them all the access and information they need.

It sounds like Reene has been reasonably accomodating towards those who put in effort to learn about the events and how they could get involved (if it was appropriate, not just "gimme sorcery plz screw Taramaine"), but she was hardly the only participant. It's not her event, it's simply one that she got involved in to a large degree.

Cleric of Ushnish
Airanie whispers, "are you raising?"
>whisper air I don't deal with corpses.
Airanie whispers, "ah I'm sorry thought you were a cleric, my apologies"
Re: Kalestraum Events 01/30/2007 01:05 PM CST
>> It's not her event, it's simply one that she got involved in to a large degree.

This pretty much sums it up.

I've posted at least two or three logs on top of various summaries in the absence of logs pertaining to this event here on the boards.

The only things I didn't share publicly (as in here on the boards; plenty of logs were given out to people who contacted me personally because that's just how I felt comfortable doing it) were private communications between Ealuik and Caelumia.

I realize I'm still in the unique position of knowing a lot about the event because of my role in it which means people will seek me out. That's fine. If my approach to how I shared information bothered you, by all means do it differently yourself. I sure didn't see much of anyone else posting logs or summaries though, even the public stuff...I think Rroht is the first person I saw do so in some time.

I don't mind being in this position at all. That wasn't the point of my post. Stolas was just (in my opinion) an unreasonable ass about the whole thing, and his attitude to follow it up was disgusting.

Rev. Reene

Out of Context Theatre Presents...
<Reene> I hope no one ever falls in love with any of my characters :X
<strk> I wouldnt worry about that
Re: Kalestraum Events 01/30/2007 02:46 PM CST
Since Renee (Caelumia) wanted to add her 2 cents, I would like to take a moment to respond to her accusations.

1) When I heard about the Children event I did seek out the player especially since nothing was being posted on the boards at the time. Stolas' motivation was to find out more about The Children due to their tie in with the divergence of the two sects from Tezirah's original cabal. I did talk to you OOCly via AIM and found out what I could. I believe you have a problem of seperating my character from the player. Stolas is a lying, cheating, plotting, manipulative ass but what would expect from a Progeny member? Tezirites do not normally inspire images of bright sunny days and rainbows ... they should bring to mind the exact opposite. That being said, the player behind the character would ask that you tell people what you do not want them to use IG from OOC conversations, prior to them happening. That way you will not have another issue with someone else in the future. Using them to attack someone on the boards later after you never asked not to bring them IG is a little dishonest and one of the reasons I do not interact with you. I did let you know that Stolas is deceitful and you took the "oh my god, you are lying to people ... but not to me" stance. You betrayed a trust that was given to you in game and you got to pay for it in game. Then you came out of game to tell people about it. I think that speaks volumes about your personal character and how you handle problems.

2) Stolas is bigger than your character Caelumia. If you act snarky to him, he will make a mention of it. Politeness is the key when dealing with him. Stolas does not want to talk to anyone so bad that he would let some MM whippersnapper be impolite to him. You got your warnings, you got your thumpings and I think you realize that Stolas will kill you. I know you are upset about this but life is rough. Stolas can kill Caelumia and Caelumia can hoard her interactions with the Children since they have chosen her to be the main conduit for info.

3) I do not want to make a liar of Renee ... so let me make a mention that I am a Grandmaster MM. Don't you feel better already?

4)The time I was talking with Magmus and you showed up went something like ... Cael will be her rude and obnoxious self and get thumped, that was when you took your leave. From what I recall you did not hand out any info and that you came back to divulge it to Magmus later. Hmmmm, wonder how I know that?

5)I would still like to say that I was not included in the 3 magical tickets to Sever Thread. The Children can go where they want and do what they want - I do not have any control of them. However, I would have liked to be included. Armifer said there were scrolls for anyone who proclaimed it on the gweth, if that had been done in Shard more of them would have been handed out. Armifer has already stated that he does not play Ealuik so I am just letting the MM GM know that there are more hot beds of sorcery than in Crossing. Will it matter, who knows? You can not say that I did not try though.

6)Renee, I think you have a serious case of sour grapes. But, being a dark sorcerer is not all getting to be the sole conduit to the only dark magic event going on and being hand picked to be the first owner of Sever Thread. I guess you feel that being hounded by people who would have liked to been included or to get a chance at the things you were given just isnt worth it for what you received.

7)Maybe you can graverob some things from me so you will feel better?

Shadowmancer Stolas, Darkling of the Progeny

"Moon Mages have already been given some of the most ridiculously powerful magic in the game, third only to Warrior Mages and Barbarians" -Armifer
Re: Kalestraum Events 01/30/2007 02:55 PM CST
>>6)Renee, I think you have a serious case of sour grapes.

She's not the one I'd make that claim about.

Cleric of Ushnish
Airanie whispers, "are you raising?"
>whisper air I don't deal with corpses.
Airanie whispers, "ah I'm sorry thought you were a cleric, my apologies"
Re: Kalestraum Events 01/30/2007 02:57 PM CST
Stolas, you've already made an ass of yourself, why not quit while you're ahead? The depth of your RP seems to be act tough when you can kill people. Your latest post in the events folder was essentially trying to encourage other people to nag Caelumia with locates and shadewatch mirror. Clearly you harbor more of a grudge than she does, as she has tried to just ignore you, yet you can't leave her alone. Give it up man.

For the record, I don't even know Caelumia.
Re: Kalestraum Events 01/30/2007 03:08 PM CST
>>I do not want to make a liar of Renee ... so let me make a mention that I am a Grandmaster MM. Don't you feel better already?

This matters why? Scripting does not make you a Grandmaster rp'er, sorry =(

>>The rest of the rant.

Seriously, just get over yourself.


Your mind hears Netherlich thinking "Actually i was asking to buy....movin up to 50Pk for Limb Disruption and 40 for Blackfire."
Re: Kalestraum Events 01/30/2007 03:24 PM CST

Huldah sings in a tenor voice:

"I'm bringing sexy back,
Those other mmmmfmmmphfh"
You place your hand over Huldah's mouth.
You smile apologetically.
Re: Kalestraum Events 01/30/2007 03:26 PM CST
Candy gram!

Re: Kalestraum Events 01/30/2007 03:34 PM CST
>> Stolas is a lying, cheating, plotting, manipulative ass but what would expect from a Progeny member?

I would expect those character traits to not extend to the player as well. Unfortunately they sure seem to because they have tainted every single interaction I've had with you as a player. Are you that unable to separate IC from OOC? I'm talking about IM conversations here after all.

>> Renee, I think you have a serious case of sour grapes.


>> Maybe you can graverob some things from me so you will feel better?

Maybe I will. :)

Rev. Reene

Out of Context Theatre Presents...
<Reene> I hope no one ever falls in love with any of my characters :X
<strk> I wouldnt worry about that
Re: Kalestraum Events 01/30/2007 03:39 PM CST
I want Caelumia to have my CHILDREN!

Re: Kalestraum Events 01/30/2007 03:42 PM CST

Rev. Reene

Out of Context Theatre Presents...
<Reene> I hope no one ever falls in love with any of my characters :X
<strk> I wouldnt worry about that
Re: Kalestraum Events 01/30/2007 03:54 PM CST
...are you sure about that? i'm fairly certain that mountain elves eat their young


Your mind hears Netherlich thinking "Actually i was asking to buy....movin up to 50Pk for Limb Disruption and 40 for Blackfire."
Re: Kalestraum Events 01/30/2007 04:17 PM CST

- Maje
Re: Kalestraum Events 01/30/2007 05:14 PM CST


Your mind hears Netherlich thinking "Actually i was asking to buy....movin up to 50Pk for Limb Disruption and 40 for Blackfire."
Re: Kalestraum Events 01/30/2007 05:22 PM CST

>Davius says, "Well, I am the most devious of people, and I can tell you that they are dumb."

Check out - the DragonRealms Platinum community webpage!
Re: Kalestraum Events 01/30/2007 06:32 PM CST
You're that clever SHARK, aren't you?
Re: Kalestraum Events 01/30/2007 07:50 PM CST
I'm only a dolphin

I'm umm conflicting about not being a land shark, that's it. Yeah

ok I'm done

Re: Kalestraum Events 01/30/2007 09:21 PM CST
Somehow this event being about "the Children" and many of the previous posts have satisfied my irony quotient for the day.


-=Dirge. We've been kicking ash for centuries!=-
Re: Kalestraum Events 01/30/2007 11:25 PM CST
wow children huh you will die alone

Re: Kalestraum Events 01/31/2007 06:49 AM CST
Can someone point me to where it says when you sign up for an account that every character will be in every event that in some way could possibly involve their character?! I seem to have missed that.

Also, can someone point me to where it says that GMs will go to every city, and spend all of their time, to involve everyone they possibly can instead of RPing their GMPCs in at least some fashion as living around, or at least hanging around, a specific area?

And where does it say that a GMPC has to even like your character, want to be around them, and want to seek them out?!

Halp, I'm so confused. :(

Shadeau Moonith,
Player of.

(Drongol dislikes you.)
Re: Kalestraum Events 02/06/2007 11:01 AM CST
>>Stolas is a lying, cheating, plotting, manipulative ass but what would expect from a Progeny member? Tezirites do not normally inspire images of bright sunny days and rainbows ... they should bring to mind the exact opposite.

You are seriously mistaken... Progeny members are not Lying or cheating... They -might- be manipulative or plotting, but in my experience, they are not all like that. Nor are they all asses like Stolas is. If you want to rp him as a lying cheating plotting manipulative ass, that's your buisness. But do us all a favor (general us) and do not group all Tezirites into the same category as Stolas, most of the Progeny is not happy with how he acts anyway.

Oh, and about the Kalestraum Events, I suggest not whinning.... it's unbecoming for you as a player.

>ask shadowling about Solomon
The shadowling exclaims, "Bibayaritoo mi!"

The tiny shadowling glares at you.
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