chain and leather combo 02/10/2009 05:32 PM CST
I was trying to throw leather into my mix of LC/HC, but I am getting pummeled, even just adding leather gloves. I'm not sure it's my meager 40 ranks of leather or the added hindrance. Anyone got a decent chain/leather setup for a moon mage?

Re: chain and leather combo 02/10/2009 06:57 PM CST
Leather accessories tend to be pretty flimsy, so I'm not surprised that you're feeling some punishment.

You might want to take up training shield too: I have a character who trains chain and leather, but relies heavily on shield. And she seldom gets hurt much while hunting at level.

Good luck!

Sometimes the key to happiness is not assuming it is locked in the first place- Ziggy

A journey of a thousand SMILES begins with a single step- Ziggy
Re: chain and leather combo 02/11/2009 07:59 AM CST
I've got a character that runs a chain/leather setup.

Leather coat, LC gloves/greaves, Visored chain helm (HC), and a small shield. Granted he's a barb but at sub 40 ranks in everything:

If you were only wearing a superior dark-scale coat your maneuvering would be unhindered and your stealth would be insignificantly hindered.
But considering all the armor and shields you are wearing or carrying, you are currently insignificantly hindered and your stealth is moderately hindered.

I'm a very big fan of the coat and accessories set-up. Feel free to contact me if you need a tanned coat.

~Hunter Hanryu
Tolle says, "Yup yup, 'bout time. What the heck took you so long?"
Re: chain and leather combo 02/11/2009 08:10 AM CST
>>But considering all the armor and shields you are wearing or carrying, you are currently insignificantly hindered and your stealth is moderately hindered.

Nice, but a Moon Mage isn't going to be getting the same hindrance reduction as a Barb. It'd probably be moderate like your stealth.

That said, if you want to mix in chain then leather body armor (either coat or leathers) and chain accessories is the way to go. Zaruto just showed how badass a MM can be in a leather setup.

Re: chain and leather combo 02/11/2009 08:41 AM CST
With the new information offered by stealth hinderance appraisal, I tend to side with Armifer's opinion that min-maxing your armor (i.e., going really light or really heavy) is probably the best choice. People say that shadows can help overcome the penalty of light chain, but shadows and leather will always be more effective than shadows and cloth. Since it would take relatively little backtraining for you, I would try your best to take a critical look at how you want to act in combat and choose armor accordingly.

If you're just doing it for tdps, then leather body and chain accessories is probably the best way to go. It also opens up the possibility of adding a third armor if you decide to go with a coat and chain greaves.

Re: chain and leather combo 02/11/2009 10:39 AM CST
> Nice, but a Moon Mage isn't going to be getting the same hindrance reduction as a Barb.

That's a barb with less than 40 ranks in any armor. I can't imagine that @ 150+ ranks of leather/chain/shield a moon mage couldn't get down to insig or none in that same setup. Maybe someone with those kinds of ranks could post? If you don't have that equipment I can loan you some to do some hindrance testing. Now I'm really interested to see...

~Hunter Hanryu
Tolle says, "Yup yup, 'bout time. What the heck took you so long?"
Re: chain and leather combo 02/11/2009 06:07 PM CST
>I can't imagine that @ 150+ ranks of leather/chain/shield a moon mage couldn't get down to insig or none in that same setup.

Moon Mages fail at armor. 432 LC grants me lightly/lightly hinderances in full forged LC setup without a shield equipped. Bumps to lightly/fairly when I add an insignificantly hindering shield with 421 ranks in it.
Re: chain and leather combo 02/11/2009 06:49 PM CST
"432 LC grants me lightly/lightly hinderances in full forged LC setup without a shield equipped. Bumps to lightly/fairly when I add an insignificantly hindering shield with 421 ranks in it."

And even then that depends on the type of chain armor you are using. If, for example, you want the so-called "best LC" (with "great" absorption) you get to fairly/fairly with shield. Once again, it comes down to tradeoffs.

Re: chain and leather combo 02/12/2009 12:26 AM CST
<<Leather coat, LC gloves/greaves, Visored chain helm (HC), and a small shield. Granted he's a barb but at sub 40 ranks in everything:

I think with that leather coat, even a moon mage could get to insignificant. Body armor is the most significant piece of armor when determining hindrance.


Climbing List:
Swimming List:

And while I am evil, I try to avoid being just plain mean.
Re: chain and leather combo 02/12/2009 12:06 PM CST
I like how we have worse armor hinderance than empaths. Really drives home that "not-a-combat-guild" point. Why does this folder even exist again?
Re: chain and leather combo 02/12/2009 04:59 PM CST
>I like how we have worse armor hinderance than empaths. Really drives home that "not-a-combat-guild" point. Why does this folder even exist again?

It's the resulting massive feeling of triumph from succeeding as a combat Moon Mage. What fun is it if the world is handed to you on a silver platter?

Not that I don't agree with you. I cry myself to sleep in my star-embossed bed sheets every night thinking about those lucky Empaths. At least we can bitch about being the worst, instead of only second worst ;)
Re: chain and leather combo 02/12/2009 07:07 PM CST
>>I think with that leather coat, even a moon mage could get to insignificant. Body armor is the most significant piece of armor when determining hindrance.

I don't know about that. I put on "armor" from Wolf Clan (covers chest, back, abdomen, arms) and got to insignificant hindrance. As soon as I put on my forged LC accessories (with ~300 in LC) it shot me up to fairly/fairly before I even added my shield, which is worse than my all LC/HC setup with a shield.

I ended up adding some leather legwraps from Riverhaven and I'm down to lightly/fairly and am learning all three armors pretty decently. Keep getting my legs chopped off though - chain does have its advantages. Hopefully with some more ranks in leather the protection will get better.

Re: chain and leather combo 02/13/2009 06:20 AM CST
>I put on "armor" from Wolf Clan ... I ended up adding some leather legwraps from Riverhaven ~ Latathi

You really need to make a trip to Shard and come see Hanryu. Like yesterday :D

~Hunter Hanryu
Tolle says, "Yup yup, 'bout time. What the heck took you so long?"