Tangled Fate was cast upon me, I now see this with predict analyze:
Your masterful awareness brings the webs of fate to life as a dynamic overlay on reality. A few images materialize before your mind's eye and you pick out the following:
A solid ruby moonblade that resolves into a club. It quickly dissipates. For some reason, the display leaves a deep sense of unease lingering in the back of your mind.
but this with Exp mods:
>exp mods
The following skills are currently under the influence of a modifier:
- Evasion
Re: Tangled Fate
06/17/2016 01:15 AM CDT
Here's the log of this whole process from my end (the caster):
s> align stealth
You focus internally and align yourself for a prediction on Stealth.
Roundtime: 2 seconds.
Eclyps puts his orb in his duffel bag.
Skaen scans the sky from horizon to horizon.
Eclyps roots around the area for a moment.
Eclyps forages around the area for a while and manages to collect a pile of red flower.
s> show mirr to skaen
You notice Apophys attempting to conceal his spell preparations.
Apophys raises his arm skyward, chanting.
You recognize the familiar mnemonics of the Psychic Shield spell. (Moon Mage: basic warding)
You tilt your mirror to catch Skaen's reflection, capturing his reflection within the mirror.
Roundtime: 2 sec.
Killashandrea carefully makes another fold in her paper.
sR> gaze mirr
You gaze deeply into your mirror, opening yourself to the probability that trembles within it.
Fragments of the future ripple across the surface as time races forward. Slowly, they coalesce into a singular reflection.
The unity of your mind sharpens the focus of your prophetic talent as you channel it through the mirror.
You see a S'Kra Mur man in surroundings very much like your own. Though they are saturated with vibrant colors, the tonality is alien and wrong.
He is under assault by a giant black leucro and repeatedly dodges directly into the line of attack.
Judging by the heavens above this prophecy will come to pass by early Revelfae.
A blast of heat emanates from the surface of the mirror as the glass appears to momentarily bubble and liquefy.
Roundtime: 10 sec.
Learned: Astrology
Skaen glances up at the sky.
After a few moments he lowers his gaze.
Apophys gestures.
Apophys's cambrinth armband emits a loud snap.
Apophys's cambrinth armband emits a loud snap.
Killashandrea makes a fold in her paper, but it doesn't seem to enhance her project much.
sR> ooc skaen got your evasion
You whisper to Skaen, "OOC: got your evasion"
s> chuc
You chuckle.
Skaen glances up at the sky.
After a few moments he lowers his gaze.
Esseriel smashes her foot into a pile of rocks. It suddenly explodes, scattering bits and pieces of debris in every direction.
Pulsed: Shield Usage, Light Armor, Defending
You notice Apophys attempting to conceal his spell preparations.
Apophys raises his arm skyward, chanting.
You recognize the familiar mnemonics of the Clear Vision spell. (Moon Mage: introductory augmentation)
Eclyps smashes his foot into a pile of red flower. It suddenly explodes, scattering bits and pieces of debris in every direction.
Esseriel roots around the area for a moment.
Esseriel forages around the area for a while and manages to collect a pile of rocks.
Three blue-white slivers drift away from you and disappear into the air.
s> anal my mirr
You turn your mirror about, carefully evaluating the craftsmanship.
The glass is clear.
The surface of the mirror is flat but slightly scuffed.
The mirror's frame has reasonable integrity.
The reflective coating is unevenly spread across the glass, resulting in a slightly distorted image.
The mirror is quite a few years old.
It appears to have seen plenty of use.
The overall craftsmanship is above average and the mirror should prove slightly resistant to damage.
Recognizing the investiture as your own, you cautiously probe the mirror with your prophetic talent.
Your reflection is surrounded by a fuzzy halo, but is otherwise well defined.
He appears as you were as a youth.
He hides his face behind his hands.
He is emaciated and his body is continually wracked by tremors.
Roundtime: 10 sec.
Killashandrea carefully makes another fold in her paper.
Eclyps begins to carefully examine an ornate palladium armband.
sR> tie mirr to div belt
You attach an octagonal framed divining mirror to your divinator's belt.
Killashandrea makes a fold in her paper, but it doesn't seem to enhance her project much.
s> stand
You stand back up.
Esseriel smashes her foot into a pile of rocks. It suddenly explodes, scattering bits and pieces of debris in every direction.
> hold skae
You reach over and hold Skaen's hand.
Eclyps begins to carefully examine an ornate palladium armband.
Pulsed: Parry Ability, Small Edged
Esseriel roots around the area for a moment.
Apophys gestures.
Apophys's cambrinth armband emits a loud snap.
Apophys's cambrinth armband emits a loud snap.
> just
You're fairly certain this area is lawless and unsafe.
> pond
You ponder.
Skaen acquaints you with some more tricks of the trade by means of droll commentary and cogent examples.
Learned: Forging, Scholarship
You notice Apophys attempting to conceal his spell preparations.
Apophys raises his arm skyward, chanting.
You recognize the familiar mnemonics of the Piercing Gaze spell. (Moon Mage: basic augmentation)
> go door
[Observatory, First Level]
Airy strands of light waver about you on all sides of the alcove, soft filaments reaching out from within the milky observatory walls themselves. At its northwestern corner, the square chamber gives way to an atrium of lush vegetation, flowers and exotic plants which reach upward into the sun's friendly glow. A thin railing of intricately woven willow branches rises at the garden's edge, arcing gently to the south and northeast. A carved ivory door leads outside.
Also here: Horsewoman Eyenka.
Obvious exits: northeast, south.
Skaen followed.
Mapped exits: go ivory door
> south
You prance south, leading your group.
[Observatory, First Level]
The room is dominated by a massive ivory pillar rising from its center, barely leaving enough room for an armored human to walk through comfortably. Life-sized likenesses of the eleven gods and goddesses ring the column, each clothed in garments of leisure with faces and bodies forever frozen in the reposed rigors of ease and kindness.
Also here: Skaen.
Obvious exits: north, west.
Mapped exits: go door
> say People everywhere
You say, "People everywhere."
> prep tf 35
That will disrupt less than a quarter of your current attunement.
Turning your focus solemnly inward, you allow the configuration of the Tangled Fate spell to spread across your skin as a shadowy design of fractals and geometric abstractions. Casting rationality aside, you prepare to yoke unseen mana streams to fuel your sorcery.
> discer tf
The Holy infusion of the Pattern of Luck, Tangled Fate generates a steady flow of luck around its target. The luck that teleologic sorcerers deal with is not the 'good' or even 'bad' luck of folklore, but a force of improbability, which they believe twists fate and slackens iron-clad destiny into shades of probability. Tangled Fate uses this force to artificially modify the shape of the subject's destiny. While this sorcery can theoretically have subtle long-term effect, most sorcerers only have the skill and patience to use it to undermine the immediate, vivid prophecies that seers use to augment or curse skills.
In order to use Tangled Fate, the sorcerer must first align himself to his desired result. This sorcery can only safely be used when the subject has just a single prophecy influencing his immediate future: meddling with more complex destinies invites Tenuis' fate.
This is a non-battle spell that can be cast on a single target. Non-battle spells have significantly longer preparation times than battle spells. It can be cast without a target, at other adventurers, and at hostile creatures. It requires a minimum of ten mana streams, and can expand to a maximum of ninety-four mana streams woven into it. To begin to be able to cast this spell, you will need to reach the rank of a trained novice. By the time you have mastered this spell, you will be ranked as a renowned professional in your abilities as a caster. It requires the Utility and Debilitation skills to cast effectively. Before you can learn this spell, you must be circle 15. It will also cost two spell slots.
The spell requires at minimum 10 mana streams and you think you can reinforce it with 84 more, for a total of 94 streams.
Roundtime: 10 sec.
Skaen says, "Yeah, I was teaching a class."
Skaen chuckles.
R> harn 35
...wait 7 seconds.
R> say You still are
You say, "You still are."
Your tenebrous sense picks up a sudden and sharp increase in mass within a nearby shadow. However, your eyes reveal nothing out of the ordinary.
R> chuc
You chuckle.
R> harn 35
You tap into the mana from thirty-five of the surrounding streams and attempt to keep it channeling in a stream around you.
Roundtime: 2 sec.
R> harn 15
You tap into the mana from fifteen of the surrounding streams and add it to the huge amount already streaming around you.
Roundtime: 2 sec.
You feel fully prepared to cast your spell.
Pulsed: Light Thrown, Heavy Thrown, Brawling, Offhand Weapon, Melee Mastery
> align stealth
You focus internally and align yourself for a prediction on Stealth.
Roundtime: 2 seconds.
R> align stealth curse
You focus internally and align yourself for a curse on Stealth.
Roundtime: 2 seconds.
R> cast skaen
You gesture at Skaen.
You contribute your harnessed streams to increase the pattern's potential.
All the sounds around you seem to retreat down a distant tunnel, leaving the area quiet except for a single, ear-splitting tone that is centered around Skaen.
Emotional pain and exhaustion lingers in your mind, even after you regain rational control.
Roundtime: 1 sec.
Learned: Utility, Astrology, Sorcery, Attunement
You feel fully rested.
With a jarring spike in volume, the sound of the area returns to normal.
> pred anal skaen
Your masterful awareness brings the webs of fate to life as a dynamic overlay on reality. You focus your thoughts on Skaen. A few images materialize before your mind's eye and you pick out the following:
A vivid scarlet moonblade. It seems to vanish almost immediately.
Roundtime: 10 sec.
Learned: Attunement, Astrology
Pulsed: Missile Mastery, Lunar Magic, Attunement, Arcana, Targeted Magic
Skaen smiles at you as he patiently enlightens you further on the practice of Forging.
Learned: Forging, Scholarship
R> say Can't tell what it is now
You say, "Can't tell what it is now."
> pred anal skaen
Your masterful awareness brings the webs of fate to life as a dynamic overlay on reality. You focus your thoughts on Skaen. A few images materialize before your mind's eye and you pick out the following:
A flickering fiery moonblade. It seems to vanish almost immediately.
Roundtime: 8 sec.
Pulsed: Debilitation, Utility, Warding, Sorcery, Evasion, Perception
say Although it looks like I hit a weapon
You say, "Although it looks like I hit a weapon."
> mutt
You mutter to yourself.
> [Trigger]: bark
Your shadow meows inquisitively.
You make a barking noise.
> pred anal skaen
Your masterful awareness brings the webs of fate to life as a dynamic overlay on reality. You focus your thoughts on Skaen. A few images materialize before your mind's eye and you pick out the following:
A flickering ruby moonblade. It seems to vanish almost immediately.
Roundtime: 7 sec.
Skaen says, "Still evasion, although that's not what analyze says."
Skaen whispers, "OOC: i think we found a bug"
> nod
You nod.
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s> align stealth
You focus internally and align yourself for a prediction on Stealth.
Roundtime: 2 seconds.
Eclyps puts his orb in his duffel bag.
Skaen scans the sky from horizon to horizon.
Eclyps roots around the area for a moment.
Eclyps forages around the area for a while and manages to collect a pile of red flower.
s> show mirr to skaen
You notice Apophys attempting to conceal his spell preparations.
Apophys raises his arm skyward, chanting.
You recognize the familiar mnemonics of the Psychic Shield spell. (Moon Mage: basic warding)
You tilt your mirror to catch Skaen's reflection, capturing his reflection within the mirror.
Roundtime: 2 sec.
Killashandrea carefully makes another fold in her paper.
sR> gaze mirr
You gaze deeply into your mirror, opening yourself to the probability that trembles within it.
Fragments of the future ripple across the surface as time races forward. Slowly, they coalesce into a singular reflection.
The unity of your mind sharpens the focus of your prophetic talent as you channel it through the mirror.
You see a S'Kra Mur man in surroundings very much like your own. Though they are saturated with vibrant colors, the tonality is alien and wrong.
He is under assault by a giant black leucro and repeatedly dodges directly into the line of attack.
Judging by the heavens above this prophecy will come to pass by early Revelfae.
A blast of heat emanates from the surface of the mirror as the glass appears to momentarily bubble and liquefy.
Roundtime: 10 sec.
Learned: Astrology
Skaen glances up at the sky.
After a few moments he lowers his gaze.
Apophys gestures.
Apophys's cambrinth armband emits a loud snap.
Apophys's cambrinth armband emits a loud snap.
Killashandrea makes a fold in her paper, but it doesn't seem to enhance her project much.
sR> ooc skaen got your evasion
You whisper to Skaen, "OOC: got your evasion"
s> chuc
You chuckle.
Skaen glances up at the sky.
After a few moments he lowers his gaze.
Esseriel smashes her foot into a pile of rocks. It suddenly explodes, scattering bits and pieces of debris in every direction.
Pulsed: Shield Usage, Light Armor, Defending
You notice Apophys attempting to conceal his spell preparations.
Apophys raises his arm skyward, chanting.
You recognize the familiar mnemonics of the Clear Vision spell. (Moon Mage: introductory augmentation)
Eclyps smashes his foot into a pile of red flower. It suddenly explodes, scattering bits and pieces of debris in every direction.
Esseriel roots around the area for a moment.
Esseriel forages around the area for a while and manages to collect a pile of rocks.
Three blue-white slivers drift away from you and disappear into the air.
s> anal my mirr
You turn your mirror about, carefully evaluating the craftsmanship.
The glass is clear.
The surface of the mirror is flat but slightly scuffed.
The mirror's frame has reasonable integrity.
The reflective coating is unevenly spread across the glass, resulting in a slightly distorted image.
The mirror is quite a few years old.
It appears to have seen plenty of use.
The overall craftsmanship is above average and the mirror should prove slightly resistant to damage.
Recognizing the investiture as your own, you cautiously probe the mirror with your prophetic talent.
Your reflection is surrounded by a fuzzy halo, but is otherwise well defined.
He appears as you were as a youth.
He hides his face behind his hands.
He is emaciated and his body is continually wracked by tremors.
Roundtime: 10 sec.
Killashandrea carefully makes another fold in her paper.
Eclyps begins to carefully examine an ornate palladium armband.
sR> tie mirr to div belt
You attach an octagonal framed divining mirror to your divinator's belt.
Killashandrea makes a fold in her paper, but it doesn't seem to enhance her project much.
s> stand
You stand back up.
Esseriel smashes her foot into a pile of rocks. It suddenly explodes, scattering bits and pieces of debris in every direction.
> hold skae
You reach over and hold Skaen's hand.
Eclyps begins to carefully examine an ornate palladium armband.
Pulsed: Parry Ability, Small Edged
Esseriel roots around the area for a moment.
Apophys gestures.
Apophys's cambrinth armband emits a loud snap.
Apophys's cambrinth armband emits a loud snap.
> just
You're fairly certain this area is lawless and unsafe.
> pond
You ponder.
Skaen acquaints you with some more tricks of the trade by means of droll commentary and cogent examples.
Learned: Forging, Scholarship
You notice Apophys attempting to conceal his spell preparations.
Apophys raises his arm skyward, chanting.
You recognize the familiar mnemonics of the Piercing Gaze spell. (Moon Mage: basic augmentation)
> go door
[Observatory, First Level]
Airy strands of light waver about you on all sides of the alcove, soft filaments reaching out from within the milky observatory walls themselves. At its northwestern corner, the square chamber gives way to an atrium of lush vegetation, flowers and exotic plants which reach upward into the sun's friendly glow. A thin railing of intricately woven willow branches rises at the garden's edge, arcing gently to the south and northeast. A carved ivory door leads outside.
Also here: Horsewoman Eyenka.
Obvious exits: northeast, south.
Skaen followed.
Mapped exits: go ivory door
> south
You prance south, leading your group.
[Observatory, First Level]
The room is dominated by a massive ivory pillar rising from its center, barely leaving enough room for an armored human to walk through comfortably. Life-sized likenesses of the eleven gods and goddesses ring the column, each clothed in garments of leisure with faces and bodies forever frozen in the reposed rigors of ease and kindness.
Also here: Skaen.
Obvious exits: north, west.
Mapped exits: go door
> say People everywhere
You say, "People everywhere."
> prep tf 35
That will disrupt less than a quarter of your current attunement.
Turning your focus solemnly inward, you allow the configuration of the Tangled Fate spell to spread across your skin as a shadowy design of fractals and geometric abstractions. Casting rationality aside, you prepare to yoke unseen mana streams to fuel your sorcery.
> discer tf
The Holy infusion of the Pattern of Luck, Tangled Fate generates a steady flow of luck around its target. The luck that teleologic sorcerers deal with is not the 'good' or even 'bad' luck of folklore, but a force of improbability, which they believe twists fate and slackens iron-clad destiny into shades of probability. Tangled Fate uses this force to artificially modify the shape of the subject's destiny. While this sorcery can theoretically have subtle long-term effect, most sorcerers only have the skill and patience to use it to undermine the immediate, vivid prophecies that seers use to augment or curse skills.
In order to use Tangled Fate, the sorcerer must first align himself to his desired result. This sorcery can only safely be used when the subject has just a single prophecy influencing his immediate future: meddling with more complex destinies invites Tenuis' fate.
This is a non-battle spell that can be cast on a single target. Non-battle spells have significantly longer preparation times than battle spells. It can be cast without a target, at other adventurers, and at hostile creatures. It requires a minimum of ten mana streams, and can expand to a maximum of ninety-four mana streams woven into it. To begin to be able to cast this spell, you will need to reach the rank of a trained novice. By the time you have mastered this spell, you will be ranked as a renowned professional in your abilities as a caster. It requires the Utility and Debilitation skills to cast effectively. Before you can learn this spell, you must be circle 15. It will also cost two spell slots.
The spell requires at minimum 10 mana streams and you think you can reinforce it with 84 more, for a total of 94 streams.
Roundtime: 10 sec.
Skaen says, "Yeah, I was teaching a class."
Skaen chuckles.
R> harn 35
...wait 7 seconds.
R> say You still are
You say, "You still are."
Your tenebrous sense picks up a sudden and sharp increase in mass within a nearby shadow. However, your eyes reveal nothing out of the ordinary.
R> chuc
You chuckle.
R> harn 35
You tap into the mana from thirty-five of the surrounding streams and attempt to keep it channeling in a stream around you.
Roundtime: 2 sec.
R> harn 15
You tap into the mana from fifteen of the surrounding streams and add it to the huge amount already streaming around you.
Roundtime: 2 sec.
You feel fully prepared to cast your spell.
Pulsed: Light Thrown, Heavy Thrown, Brawling, Offhand Weapon, Melee Mastery
> align stealth
You focus internally and align yourself for a prediction on Stealth.
Roundtime: 2 seconds.
R> align stealth curse
You focus internally and align yourself for a curse on Stealth.
Roundtime: 2 seconds.
R> cast skaen
You gesture at Skaen.
You contribute your harnessed streams to increase the pattern's potential.
All the sounds around you seem to retreat down a distant tunnel, leaving the area quiet except for a single, ear-splitting tone that is centered around Skaen.
Emotional pain and exhaustion lingers in your mind, even after you regain rational control.
Roundtime: 1 sec.
Learned: Utility, Astrology, Sorcery, Attunement
You feel fully rested.
With a jarring spike in volume, the sound of the area returns to normal.
> pred anal skaen
Your masterful awareness brings the webs of fate to life as a dynamic overlay on reality. You focus your thoughts on Skaen. A few images materialize before your mind's eye and you pick out the following:
A vivid scarlet moonblade. It seems to vanish almost immediately.
Roundtime: 10 sec.
Learned: Attunement, Astrology
Pulsed: Missile Mastery, Lunar Magic, Attunement, Arcana, Targeted Magic
Skaen smiles at you as he patiently enlightens you further on the practice of Forging.
Learned: Forging, Scholarship
R> say Can't tell what it is now
You say, "Can't tell what it is now."
> pred anal skaen
Your masterful awareness brings the webs of fate to life as a dynamic overlay on reality. You focus your thoughts on Skaen. A few images materialize before your mind's eye and you pick out the following:
A flickering fiery moonblade. It seems to vanish almost immediately.
Roundtime: 8 sec.
Pulsed: Debilitation, Utility, Warding, Sorcery, Evasion, Perception
say Although it looks like I hit a weapon
You say, "Although it looks like I hit a weapon."
> mutt
You mutter to yourself.
> [Trigger]: bark
Your shadow meows inquisitively.
You make a barking noise.
> pred anal skaen
Your masterful awareness brings the webs of fate to life as a dynamic overlay on reality. You focus your thoughts on Skaen. A few images materialize before your mind's eye and you pick out the following:
A flickering ruby moonblade. It seems to vanish almost immediately.
Roundtime: 7 sec.
Skaen says, "Still evasion, although that's not what analyze says."
Skaen whispers, "OOC: i think we found a bug"
> nod
You nod.
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Re: Tangled Fate
06/17/2016 01:45 AM CDT
Following up, TF wears off, evasion curse persists but I never had the small blunt curse:
Tangled Fate's sorcery decays away, leaving your connection to the Plane of Probability almost as healthy as it found it.
The world seems a little less foreboding than it did a moment ago.
You recognize these fading strands of Fate as those that influence your small blunt skill.
>pred anal
Your masterful awareness brings the webs of fate to life as a dynamic overlay on reality... but you detect no active predictions.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
>exp mods
The following skills are currently under the influence of a modifier:
- Evasion
Yavash is dominant, while Katamba and Xibar's influences are weak.
Perception and Enlightened Geometry spells are favored.
You sense the Piercing Gaze spell upon you, which will last for about eighty roisaen.
You sense the Distant Gaze spell upon you, which will last for about forty-four roisaen.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
Tangled Fate's sorcery decays away, leaving your connection to the Plane of Probability almost as healthy as it found it.
The world seems a little less foreboding than it did a moment ago.
You recognize these fading strands of Fate as those that influence your small blunt skill.
>pred anal
Your masterful awareness brings the webs of fate to life as a dynamic overlay on reality... but you detect no active predictions.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
>exp mods
The following skills are currently under the influence of a modifier:
- Evasion
Yavash is dominant, while Katamba and Xibar's influences are weak.
Perception and Enlightened Geometry spells are favored.
You sense the Piercing Gaze spell upon you, which will last for about eighty roisaen.
You sense the Distant Gaze spell upon you, which will last for about forty-four roisaen.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
Re: Tangled Fate
06/22/2016 07:18 AM CDT
>>Tangled Fate was cast upon me, I now see this with predict analyze:
>>Your masterful awareness brings the webs of fate to life as a dynamic overlay on reality. A few images materialize before your mind's eye and you pick out the following:
>>A solid ruby moonblade that resolves into a club. It quickly dissipates. For some reason, the display leaves a deep sense of unease lingering in the back of your mind.
>>but this with Exp mods:
>>exp mods
>>The following skills are currently under the influence of a modifier:
>>- Evasion
Has anyone else been having problems with this? I tried to follow up on it but I wasn't able to replicate it with the information here.
Ideally if you notice this going on could you:
a) Verify that the predict analyze output is constant.
b) Assist and have a staff member send me a list of everything effecting you.
"It was wise enough to know itself, and brave enough to BE itself, and wild enough to change itself while somehow staying altogether true." ― The Slow Regard of Silent Things
>>Your masterful awareness brings the webs of fate to life as a dynamic overlay on reality. A few images materialize before your mind's eye and you pick out the following:
>>A solid ruby moonblade that resolves into a club. It quickly dissipates. For some reason, the display leaves a deep sense of unease lingering in the back of your mind.
>>but this with Exp mods:
>>exp mods
>>The following skills are currently under the influence of a modifier:
>>- Evasion
Has anyone else been having problems with this? I tried to follow up on it but I wasn't able to replicate it with the information here.
Ideally if you notice this going on could you:
a) Verify that the predict analyze output is constant.
b) Assist and have a staff member send me a list of everything effecting you.
"It was wise enough to know itself, and brave enough to BE itself, and wild enough to change itself while somehow staying altogether true." ― The Slow Regard of Silent Things