A large billboard nailed to an old tree outside the Crossing NE Gate 09/05/2012 09:59 PM CDT
Braiding a rope and preparing to go out to train you notice a thin Elothean man on a ladder nailing a large painted board firmly to an old tree on the northern path. You and a few others who can be bothered to stop what you're doing wander over to observe.

You ask, "Some new notice about Xala'Shar on the roads?".

You're unable to see as the Elothean's tall form obscures the center of the writing on the board. The Elothean turns while securing his grip on the ladder and says in a rather monotone reply, "Some young woman said she was from one of those civic organizations and paid me to post this up, I didn't ask any questions."

As the man packs up and leaves, you stroll over to the aging but sturdy tree.

You train your eyes on the message painted in a bold white and red:



An alarming trend of out of work Empaths has lead to requests by desperate healers that commoners brave the Xala'Shar mobs and return with mortal wounds. Do NOT take their bribes as bodies of unsuccessful commoners looking for a quick kronar have been found unattended to and left to rot. Annael should provide new and challenging work for her students instead of placing them in the position to put public safety at risk by creating injury and death where there is none!


Paid for by the Zoluren Coalition for Public Safety

Standing puzzled, your mind wanders... 'The Zoluren Coa... what?'. Your mind wanders to an incident you witnessed in the Crossing Infirmary for a moment. Shrugging it off, you go back to your rope braiding.