Morning has broken.. 07/10/2012 03:41 PM CDT
>>A young lady sits quietly in the Morning Room of Catherine’s Court, surrounded by books and parchment documents. A middle aged man approaches her with a tray of scones and a hot pot of coffee. Placing the pot and tray next to her, he takes one step back.

“M’lady, your coffee and breakfast as you have ordered. I hope the night found you with rest.”

“…Are all my daughter’s bills and finances taken care of this month?”

“Yes M’lady.”

“..And my husband’s summer home in the Court properly cleaned?”

“Yes M’lady.”

“There is no rest for me now my dear, just make sure that all affairs of mine are handled and dealt with properly. I have no time for such things.”

“Did you see the parchment this morning about the Khalo and her visit. I believe it was something of interest to you?”

“Yes I did, and just as I had suspected has come to light. It seems that the Guild is also quite worried about this, as I believe anyone would be…”

>>Pushing her spectacles up the bridge of her nose, she gazes about the books around her.

“… I wasn’t worried about it till I saw Provincial diplomats taking notice. Outsiders to the guild, people who want a quick fix, but don’t care about what it will cost. It is one thing to see the ramblings of a propaganda, it is another when it starts to be taken seriously.”

>>Noding slightly, the man coughs for a moment.

“But maybe it won’t cost that much?...”

“Maybe it will cost us everything…You are dismissed.”

>>Bowing the man quickly makes exit while the young lady sits back in her chair, gazing into her coffee cup.
the Coven 08/25/2012 11:42 AM CDT
[Empaths' Guild, Infirmary]

The old crone looks around, young faces and pristine bodies are all she sees. She scowls.

"I blame Asrea..." she says to herself. "This whole transparency movement has put a fear into those who never knew it before. Only children remain now."

The mention of the name causes some of the bystanders to look at her with curious eyes. She meets them with a cold glare and they turn away. A crack of a smile spreads across her face.

How long must she wait here? It seems like it has been an eternity already. Where does all the time go?

She sighs heavily, as she picks at an errant thread from her decrepit cloak.

Her mind races back to when she was a child, and first met the woman who would lead her on her current path. How young and naive she was then, how naive she must still be. The old Witch came to see her father, and it was shortly after her visit that they were run out of that wretched little town. They had called him a heretic, and his daughter a spawn of demonic-pact. Those townspeople had stripped them of their name, branding them foul beasts and chasing them from the territory.

"Join the Empaths." the Witch said.

"Learn what real change is and how to guide it. When you have mastered that, you might be ready."

"Ready for what?"

"To know what it is that they don't want you to know."

"Will you teach me?"

"I can teach you, yes. But dearie, there are even things I do not know yet. Perhaps when you are old enough, and skilled enough, we can search for the answers together.

"But, why? Why must we do this?"

"Very soon life is going to be hard for you here, little one. I tell you these things now so you can take the proper steps to prepare your future. I cannot afford for you to stray from this path I have set you on..."

The Witch touched her, ever so slightly. Her nerves exploded with a burning sensation as if they were on fire. The feeling of something digging into her, just beneath the skin, consumes her. A trickle of blood drips from her nose. She collapses in a heap.

"Now, dearie. For the hard work. Sleep, and when you wake you will feel as if nothing had changed. However, the truth is, nothing will ever be the same."


The Shard Sentinel nods to Alexii and says, "Yes, you may pass."
Alexii says, "Sucker!"
Re: the Coven 09/17/2012 11:53 PM CDT
[Empaths' Guild, Sorrow Garden]

The old crone watches the new Khalo rae Wen carefully. It was only days ago she met the odd little man as he was giving a lecture about the Vela'Tohr plants and his research with them. He was a fascinating character, his prominent white streak of hair lending him an understated sense of nobility. Nobility, obviously lacking in the simple garments he chose to adorn himself with.

He keeps the office tidy, the simple garden having some noticeably exotic plants added to walkway and to the garden itself. Eyeing a small piece of torn cloth, the elderly woman brandishes her broom and sweeps the article back into the guild proper.

>>The Guildleader Salvur isn't amused.

She shrinks back into the shadows, waiting for a time until she is sure he is no longer watching. Finally settling into a comfortable position, leaning on her broom to support her broken frame, she continues to watch the handsome man. She has never really felt love before, but there is something about him that she enjoys. She hopes his stay is a long one.


>>"Watch him, dearie. Watch him well."
>>"The Khalo hide much, all of them. Weather they be Wen, or Aev, or even Modien. They all have secrets. They all hide things."
>>"Most importantly, dearie, they all hide it from each other."


Bah. She's nodded off again.

It's growing harder and harder to keep her energy up lately. Age is clearly taking its toll on this Empath, although in her defense the garden is a very calming place. Ripe for napping in. She slowly sneaks outside, making sure not to catch the Guildleader's eye as she retreats from his new "office" here in Zoluren.

[Empaths' Guild, Main Room]

Already the sounds of protest outside assail her ears causing her to wince. She contemplates going back into the garden for a moment to escape it, but decides she has wasted enough of her time playing statue. Pulling down her hat, she grips her broom tightly and exits though the doors.

The Shard Sentinel nods to Alexii and says, "Yes, you may pass."
Alexii says, "Sucker!"
Re: the Coven 10/04/2012 12:32 AM CDT

Ugh. She awakens with a bolt.

"What a wretched dream." she says to nobody in particular.

She's fallen asleep at the guild again. That makes the fourth time this week and she's not too proud of that fact. She tries to think back on younger years and simpler times, but finds she cannot remember any. Ever since her and her father were chased out of their hometown she has known nothing but hardship.

She says to herself with a sigh, "The Witch said it would be like this, dearie."

She did indeed. Thinking on it now she recalls that everything went belly-up right after that chance meeting. She remembers being touched, following that is nothing but blackness until her father was waking her up. He was screaming at her. Not the same kind of screaming he would do at the end, but this was more purposeful and with intent.

She likes to remember him like this.


The Shard Sentinel nods to Alexii and says, "Yes, you may pass."
Alexii says, "Sucker!"
Re: the Coven 12/03/2012 11:23 AM CST
She stands with them. Well, not WITH them, but in their presence. The movement has failed, they stand there simply because they know nothing else to do. She is there to watch and learn.

They flock to the injured body, mending and fixing what was once broken. A happy go lucky Trader strolls by, his caravan demolishing the hard work. Fools.

A younger Empath looks to her for guidance, she looks back, her eyes lacking in any sort of emotion.

She says, "This is the way they would have things for us, dearie. The blood of the innocent filling the cracks in the cobblestones."

She looks down with a sneer.

As she walks through the double doors she mutters to herself, "Zoluren's colors may be blue and white, but the Crossing has always been red."

You're going to get a bad reputation if you go around pinching every spectral reaper you see.