Spell 1 - AOE Damage Resistance
Name: Hodierna's Embrace (HDE)
Details: Room cast spell, pulses, may be cyclic.
Pre-req: PoP, VH.
description: Every living creature and player in the room or around the empath take 10-50% less vitality damage per hit. Think of it as a mix between Glythtide's joy and
Exceptions: Does not affect constructs or
Use: Two uses. 1. Give an excuse to use those really hard hitting weapons in PvE, and 2. Bring empaths deeper into the support tree by giving them mitigation abilies in addition to healing abilities.
Spell 2 - + attunement spell
Name: Consume power. (CP)
Details: Self buff that gives you access to the consume verb. You can "consume" certain spells for an immediate surge or separate buff.
- Refresh = strong fatigue heal.
- Raise Power = self - moderate Attunement buff.
- PoP = Strong vitality heal. The power of the buff is a mix of the duration and potency of the spell you're consuming.
- GoL = Heals a small amount of shock on yourself.
- MEF = strong concentration heal.
- Guardian Spirit = Merge with the GS for a +OF spell
- Absolution = AOE stun for all undead/cursed at melee with you.
Special features: Maybe let this affect you and your HL targets (power divided by the number received). Recasting the original ability will cause you to lose your buff.
Spell 3 - Creature control spell
Name: Aura of Authority (AoA)
Details: Reduces your engagement cap to 1-3. cast # = numbeer of creatures that can attack you. 3 is easier than 1. Gives you access to the point verb. If you point at something, all of your manipulated creatures + Guardian spirit engage that thing.
Exceptions: only works on creatures you can manipulate. Point works on everything.
Spell 4 - Creature empowerment
Name: Adrenaline (ADR)
Details: Three cast options: Yourself, target, all creatures you have manipulated + gs. Strong OF and speed buff for your manipulated creatures. They take a moderate vitality hit each pulse of the spell, and the spell does not go away if you lose the manipulated link.
Exceptions: Manipulated link teaches better and takes more skill to control.
Re: Suggestion: New spells
12/07/2017 11:20 AM CST
Quick update to suggestion #2. GOF = heal shock. awaken = not stunned by shock. This will give you a decent way to manage shock on your empath and use it as a resource rather than a penalty (I know, I know, but i thought I'd ask anyway).
Re: Suggestion: New spells
12/07/2017 04:22 PM CST
Interesting ideas. I like the concept of support oriented spells, and you've inspired me to come up with a couple.
Spell 5 - Accuracy Booster
Name: Life Seek
Details: This is a simple self-cast spell that boosts the accuracy of melee and ranged attacks on the premise of being drawn toward the life essence of the target. As such, it only works against living and undead targets, not constructs. The effect also extends to anyone with whom the caster forms a Persistent Link, sort of in the same spirit as the "pulse to group" effect some spells have (which I guess would make it "pulse to linked" or something). That might be an interesting quality to consider adding to other spells as well.
Spell 6 - Maneuver Enabler
Name: Sympathetic Strike
Details: This is a battle spell that's cast on someone else, granting them access to a new charged combat maneuver. I'll call it MANEUVER SYMPATHY, and the usual cooldown applies. This maneuver allows the user to channel the spell into their melee attack, causing all other creatures of the same type in the room to suffer the same damage as the actual target of their maneuver. If that's a bit over the top, maybe it applies the damage to other creatures at melee with them instead. The maneuver can be performed with any melee weapon. The idea behind a battle spell here is that if they want to get much use out of it, they'll need the caster to remain on hand to re-cast frequently.
And this one's not a spell, but I'd like to be able to ANALYZE another player to directly give them output of a tactical combo to perform using the weapon they're holding, against the target they're facing. Sort of a "tactical Empathy" where you assess the fight from their perspective and automatically communicate that to them (as expressed by their directly getting the output of which attacks to perform). Bonus points if you get a chance to follow up with a non-damaging maneuver after they land the last strike in order to apply a second tactical advantage besides the one from their combo. I realize this isn't very different than how ANALYZE already works, it's just the "use their weapon and target the creature they're facing" bit that's unique, along with the "they automatically receive the output of which attacks to use".
-Life Weaver Karthor
Spell 5 - Accuracy Booster
Name: Life Seek
Details: This is a simple self-cast spell that boosts the accuracy of melee and ranged attacks on the premise of being drawn toward the life essence of the target. As such, it only works against living and undead targets, not constructs. The effect also extends to anyone with whom the caster forms a Persistent Link, sort of in the same spirit as the "pulse to group" effect some spells have (which I guess would make it "pulse to linked" or something). That might be an interesting quality to consider adding to other spells as well.
Spell 6 - Maneuver Enabler
Name: Sympathetic Strike
Details: This is a battle spell that's cast on someone else, granting them access to a new charged combat maneuver. I'll call it MANEUVER SYMPATHY, and the usual cooldown applies. This maneuver allows the user to channel the spell into their melee attack, causing all other creatures of the same type in the room to suffer the same damage as the actual target of their maneuver. If that's a bit over the top, maybe it applies the damage to other creatures at melee with them instead. The maneuver can be performed with any melee weapon. The idea behind a battle spell here is that if they want to get much use out of it, they'll need the caster to remain on hand to re-cast frequently.
And this one's not a spell, but I'd like to be able to ANALYZE another player to directly give them output of a tactical combo to perform using the weapon they're holding, against the target they're facing. Sort of a "tactical Empathy" where you assess the fight from their perspective and automatically communicate that to them (as expressed by their directly getting the output of which attacks to perform). Bonus points if you get a chance to follow up with a non-damaging maneuver after they land the last strike in order to apply a second tactical advantage besides the one from their combo. I realize this isn't very different than how ANALYZE already works, it's just the "use their weapon and target the creature they're facing" bit that's unique, along with the "they automatically receive the output of which attacks to use".
-Life Weaver Karthor
Re: Suggestion: New spells
12/07/2017 06:00 PM CST
Very nice. Let's keep this brainstorming going.
Spell 7-16 - *Body Purifications based skill buffs*
RP Description for this entire branch: With true mastery of body, you can push your hands beyond their normal limits through magical manipulation. You can have only one body purification up at any one time. You can cast these abilities while shocked, as if you were a non-empath. You can't cast these on others, but they're not signature. The magic is pure life magic to enhancce your abilities, but you won't get the most out of it unless you have a solid understanding of anatomy (first aid) and empathy.
Non RP description: Works like the bardic transformations; however, if you have enough empathy + first-aid would allow you to have multiple abilities on at once.
It would work as such:
- 856 Empathy + First Aid = 2 on at once.
- 1406 Empathy + First Aid = 3 on at once.
- 2656 Empathy + First Aid = 4 on at once.
Slot costs on these are very high. Going through the body purification route (pseudo-monk, basically) is an endeavor to use magic to purify your body. I could also see this an ability, choose one every few ranks, tied to your Anatomy knowledge (First Aid) and magic skills.
Name: Purify Hands
Details: +Outfitting, +Engineering, +lockpicking
Description: Reinforce and steady your hands veins of life energy.
Name: Purify Eyes
Details: +perception, +alchemy, +ranged weapons
Description: Use life energy to create new lenses from which to see the world.
Name: Purify Nerves
Details: -sorcery skill, +enchanting, +attunement buff, +mana regen.
Description reinforce your nerves with pure life magic.
Name: Purify Arms
Details: +forging +melee weapons, +Brawling (see notes on AGS), brawling moves and SB/LB only do fatigue damage/stuns and do not cause shock (maybe require that they do not have piercing damage)
Description: Reinforce your arms to lend you precise control over every action. (You have such fine control over your arms now, you can disable without causing injury)
Name: Purify Lungs
Details: +Performance, +Charisma, +1 manipulated creature
Description: You can remove all trace of impurities from your voice, improving your presence and pleasing the masses
Name: Purify Legs
Details: -80% flee time, +Athletics, +evasion (see notes on AGS)
Description: Reinforce your legs to lend you precise control over every action
Name: Purify Back
Details: -Burden, -Stealth Hinderance, -Hinderance, +stealth
Description: Reinforcing your core with magical energy, you find that you can move with snake-like precision and silence
Name: Purify Link (cast <target>)
Details: Creates a permanent link with a person. You can heal from great distances (depending on empathy skill, similar calculations as moon gate). You can't form another link while this is active. This works for positive and negative spells. Link <person> skill works without a check. Can cast HL on this target.
Description: Reinforcing the supernatural abilities with pure life mana, you can stretch the empathic link great distances without it breaking.
Name: Purify Life
Details: You cast the buff, and then you invoke it to consume it. For the next 2 minutes, you cannot die regardless of body part damage or vitality loss If you do not heal by the time this is over, you will die. You can only invoke this once every elanthian day. Signature, and requires knowledge of at least 5 body purification spells.
Description: The ultimate expression of body purification. When you have learned to purify enough of your body, you learn how to safeguard life itself.
AGS: With this, Aggressive Stance is now changed to a general OF and, or DF buff.