This suggestion is going to be a bit backwards for me. Usually when I make a spell suggestion I have a particular effect in mind, and then struggle to slap a passable name on it at the end. This time it's the other way around: I want there to be a high-end Body Purification spell called Incorruptible Purity, but I'm not sure what I want it to do. I have a few possible ideas, but would be interested to see what others think of them or if they have any other ideas.
1. A pulsing beneficial dispel that continually attempts to remove negative effects from the target (yourself or someone else) for the duration. Non-ablative.
2. A metaspell upgrade to Adaptive Curing that allows FP and CD to keep curing stuff over their entire duration without having to deplete their power each time they cure something. The potency of the original cast is what you get each pulse.
3. An AoE debilitation against undead that makes them more susceptible to physical damage. Basically it's an anti-barrier like Heighten Pain, but non-Shocking because it's just making the targets more squishy instead of amplifying the damage they receive. The idea is that your overwhelmingly pure Life Essence sweeps out and sort of rubs off on the corrupt essences of nearby undead, effectively weakening them. Or maybe it draws some of said corruption into you and destroys it rather than "pushing" out...that seems a bit more in line with the name.
That's about all I've got...I'm not even sure which one of those I like the best.
-Life Weaver Karthor
Re: Spell Idea: Incorruptible Purity
08/08/2016 07:33 PM CDT
* Warding / utility spell that acts as a PFE + self-bless (brawling only).
Re: Spell Idea: Incorruptible Purity
08/08/2016 08:11 PM CDT
1. Empaths could use a solid anti-magic, but I think this as described sounds too potent. Maybe as a cyclic?
2. This seems a bit gimmicky truthfully, unless the potency of disease/poison gets to be so ridiculous later on that something like this is necessary. My Empath so rarely deals with poison or disease, that 30-40 mana casts of FP or CD seemed more than sufficient to cure any.
3. I'd like something akin to this but not solely against the Undead. I think thematically it makes sense for Empaths to get more debils and to have something akin to a damage amplifier like DR or HP or MoA. I think single target works fine here.