1. Can raise power be made into a pulsing spell centered on the empath rather than the room, and rather than tanking fatigue, each pulse drains a smaller amount (higher casts = less fatigue drained). The idea being that the empath can move around and have the enhanced mana follow them.
2. Can taunt be a command that makes Guardian Spirit auto taunt if something reaches melee, pole, targets, or aims at you?
3. Can innocence be given a longer duration? Maybe make it a medium duration spell? I'd be happy if it were even a ritual spell that lasted a lot longer than it does now.
4. Can we get sprout back? Ideally as a means of foraging for something that's not foragable in an area? It can be an area or self buff.
5. Can we cast GoL on others for the stamina boost?
6. Can we let hunt train/use empathy similar to how it works with scouting?
Re: A few random QoL suggestions
07/18/2016 07:32 AM CDT
Just some thoughts -
2. GS will often have 4 critters engaged on them, so, having them taunt stuff off you can sometimes be tricky.
4. Sprout sounds like it should be an Analogous Pattern spell given that Alchemy is available to everyone. If Sprout was an Alchemy buff, for some reason, that might be a little more fitting as being Empath specific.
5. I'd like to see some spells interface with a special kind of Empathic link, namely some kind of buff sharing. GoL would be a good one for this.
6. Can you clarify what you mean by this? Empathy is currently super duper trainable, and powerwalking is a way of currently training it, perhaps akin to Scouting.
Re: A few random QoL suggestions
07/18/2016 12:47 PM CDT
> 2. GS will often have 4 critters engaged on them, so, having them taunt stuff off you can sometimes be tricky.
Have the GS share the caster's engagement cap?
> 4. Sprout sounds like it should be an Analogous Pattern spell given that Alchemy is available to everyone. If Sprout was an Alchemy buff, for some reason, that might be a little more fitting as being Empath specific.
I'm thinking about something beyond just flat skill buffs. I think this is fine as an AP spell, but it should be something that makes Alchemy available to everyone.
> 5. I'd like to see some spells interface with a special kind of Empathic link, namely some kind of buff sharing. GoL would be a good one for this.
That's a really cool idea. All buffs you have, your target has. All buffs they have, you have. Maybe too powerful, but I like it.
> 6. Can you clarify what you mean by this? Empathy is currently super duper trainable, and powerwalking is a way of currently training it, perhaps akin to Scouting.
Wishful thinking that hunt would train perception + empathy. However, per your point, perceive Health is effectively the empath equivalent to hunt. It would be nice it were updated to teach as well as hunt trains scouting with a greatly reduced timer.
Re: A few random QoL suggestions
07/18/2016 01:36 PM CDT
>Have the GS share the caster's engagement cap?
Then when the caster has four critters on them, a GS can't do anything. Honestly, I think taunt for GS works more or less fine as is, though it'd be nice if it could get some PvP functionality. Maybe against PCs, Taunt does that thing you find in a lot of other MMOs, wherein the taunted (PC) experiences reduced OF against all targets but the tauntee (GS), whom it experiences increased OF against. That said, due to DRs engagement system and the way pets work, we may need to see a more fundamental combat update first. Part of me wishes GS were completely overhauled to be somewhat more akin to SLS, insofar as not being a combat pet in favor of being 'some entity that passively outputs damage'.
>Wishful thinking that hunt would train perception + empathy. However, per your point, perceive Health is effectively the empath equivalent to hunt. It would be nice it were updated to teach as well as hunt trains scouting with a greatly reduced timer.
Oh you meant that HUNT trains Empathy too? Training Empathy isn't really an issue for Empaths, I'd say.
Re: A few random QoL suggestions
07/18/2016 01:52 PM CDT
Based on the earlier comments, I don't see any major overhauls to GS, so I figured it would be easier to just ask for the taunt to keep the empath safe. I also like the engagement limit, but that's moot if we could just make innocence more reliable.
Speaking of which, is there a bug where playing an instrument causes innocence to fail? I can't tell if this is my own paranoia or if it's actually happening, but it seems like things engage me when I'm playing an instrument where they wouldn't be able to because of innocence. If I retreat twice then they lose sight of me and engage my spirit.