Some Shifting FREE During Hollow Eve 11/01/2015 11:35 PM CST
You come across a wyvern hide vellum adhered to a rock near the path to the mechanical spider. It reads:

Those who wish to have a more exotic appearance, but find themselves short on coins, should inquire about such services while at the mechanical spider. For the duration of Hollow Eve, particular Empaths are offering their more unusual artistry for FREE.

Offer not applicable to malignant vermin.

For the duration of Hollow Eve, Zamara and Sarkranis are willing to do many Empathic shifts for FREE. Anything that is a Platinum or Shifting only option in the character manager is FREE for the duration of Hollow Eve! This includes unusual features like bright orange, bright green, deep blue, deep purple hair colors and more. Want something for free that isn't included? Try Role-Playing to ask for it, and we may be able to work something out.
Yes, that means if you're free to play, feel free to take us up on this even if you can only get to the fest entrance. Yes, free to play characters can be shifted.

All other options and prices are available at:
(Note: If Zamara or Sarkranis strongly suspect you're a necromancer, this offer isn't valid for you.)

Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.