New Empath Ability: Perceive Health Self 08/27/2010 10:29 PM CDT
Good evening!

I have just released a new ability for Empaths of all skill levels, perceive health self. The command to use this ability is PERCEIVE HEALTH SELF. Note that the word is self, and not your character's name. You can see the documentation by inputting PERCEIVE HEALTH SELF HELP.

Perceive health self is a utility that is meant to allow Empaths to sense the entirety of their own wounds. It takes the data an Empath would get if they could use the diagnostic touch utility on themselves, and displays it for them. It will display the health information in the familiar window if you have one, in the main window highlighted, if not, just like TOUCH does currently.

This ability doesn't teach anything -- it's meant purely as a quality of life sort of thing. It's mainly geared toward lower level Empaths, but I hope it shall be somewhat useful to all of you.

Please post here if you notice any oddities. And of course, as always, the BUG command is great.

I'll be sure to roll this into TF in the next few days, if nothing catches on fire or explodes.

Full fathom five thy father lies;
Of his bones are coral made;
Those are pearls that were his eyes:
Nothing of him that doth fade
But doth suffer a sea-change
Into something rich and strange.
Re: New Empath Ability: Perceive Health Self 08/27/2010 10:54 PM CDT
I love you, textually.

Grixlek says, "Courage is dangerous, it leads to attempts at heroics..."
Vegas asks, "What like dating?"
Grixlek says, "Nothing that dangerous I believe, but still crazy stuff."
Re: New Empath Ability: Perceive Health Self 08/27/2010 11:39 PM CDT
You are now my favorite GM!

OK, maybe I am overreacting, but I can't tell you how happy I am to see this release.

"PHA = Healer Union. They charge for healing based on your injuries. We will now pause while everyone gives their opinion on this." -- Teilan
Re: New Empath Ability: Perceive Health Self 08/28/2010 12:07 AM CDT
I humbly suggest anybody who isn't an empath using the PERCEIVE HEALTH SELF HELP command should receive the message, "You're good enough, you're smart enough, and doggone it, people like you."


P.S. Very nice release, glad empaths have finally gotten something like this.
Re: New Empath Ability: Perceive Health Self 08/28/2010 09:09 AM CDT
That might be useful once in a while, thanks. Maybe now people will stop asking for it :P

It doesn't show up in the PERCEIVE <INVALID OPTION> help menu though.

-Death's Nemesis Karthor
Re: New Empath Ability: Perceive Health Self 08/28/2010 12:12 PM CDT
This has been requested for a while and your spot on in knowing it will help young empaths. Great release!
Re: New Empath Ability: Perceive Health Self 09/06/2010 11:39 AM CDT
I humbly suggest anybody who isn't an empath using the PERCEIVE HEALTH SELF HELP command should receive the message, "You're good enough, you're smart enough, and doggone it, people like you."

While is was humbly suggested, I am going to awesomely second this, and dynamically pushing for it to be made so.

Made me laugh.
Victory Over Lyras, on the 397th year and 156 days since the Victory of Lanival the Redeemer.