I have a question about making money. why do shifts (which cost an empath what, 5 minutes work and a little time you can't do another shift) cost so much coinage? 75 plats for a body shift is ludicrous. I say do it for FREE like I do and then let the person pay whatever they think it's worth.
No good deed goes un-punished!
Re: Shifting to make money
01/02/2004 05:00 PM CST
<<I say do it for FREE like I do and then let the person pay whatever they think it's worth.>>
Yeah, 'cause that strategy has been soooo effective in healing. I don't know about you but I've never yet gotten a 100 plat tip for healing anyone but they'll pay it to have a brawny build.
You're more than welcome to shift for free as much as you like. Personally, I value my time and skills and thank the GMs for providing empaths with a means of earning a living rather than depending on charity.
Yeah, 'cause that strategy has been soooo effective in healing. I don't know about you but I've never yet gotten a 100 plat tip for healing anyone but they'll pay it to have a brawny build.
You're more than welcome to shift for free as much as you like. Personally, I value my time and skills and thank the GMs for providing empaths with a means of earning a living rather than depending on charity.
Re: Shifting to make money
01/02/2004 05:36 PM CST
god I wish there was some effective price setting scheme.
I have a heck of a time getting shift business now adays because folk complain about paying 5 plat to get a new eye color because someone else will do it for free, or any shift for two plat. It's not like this is a legal activity. Shift is supposed to be black market.
And yeah, it should be free because origami is so friggen cheap, and so is the only effective means I have of keeping my account open. <---thanks rapi.
Thanks alot. Really. I don't need to play DR anyways...
~Mckeone, player thereof
Mea mihi conscientia pluris est quam omnium sermo. Circero, Letters to Atticus XII.28.2
The Order of Medica-
I have a heck of a time getting shift business now adays because folk complain about paying 5 plat to get a new eye color because someone else will do it for free, or any shift for two plat. It's not like this is a legal activity. Shift is supposed to be black market.
And yeah, it should be free because origami is so friggen cheap, and so is the only effective means I have of keeping my account open. <---thanks rapi.
Thanks alot. Really. I don't need to play DR anyways...
~Mckeone, player thereof
Mea mihi conscientia pluris est quam omnium sermo. Circero, Letters to Atticus XII.28.2
The Order of Medica-
Re: Shifting to make money
01/02/2004 07:24 PM CST
While I personally could care less whether people charge, what they charge, or anything else about charging IG currency (the only thing that comes out of my pocket is the money to play this game), Xoine gets really perturbed when someone even mentions they (non-Empath) want a free shift, or they (Empath) shift for free. She also finds it obnoxious when they ask her for a shift, and then either tell her her prices are too high (who are they to set a price on her skills?) or try to talk her down.
In other words, player of Wheller or any other Empath players, don't have your character inform her of that...or expect a nice long verbal flogging. ;-)
However, she will shift for free Empath characters that seek her out IG, and RP requesting a shift. For my sake it has to be RPd, and she will only do ones she doesn't have to use a CJ (they cost her money!) or links (they cost time of others!) for. Meaning the other Empath's options of what they can get are limited.
She will limit those few free shifts to those Empaths who are titled and showing profession...she won't have it be someone mimicking an Empath or a novice who joins another guild after getting shifted.
Shift is her way of making money, and shifting other empaths is one of her ways of helping out her guildmates.
~S.T., player of Xoine
"...someone will find offense in the smallest of words and the most innocent of sentences if it suits their purpose." --- GM Jzara
In other words, player of Wheller or any other Empath players, don't have your character inform her of that...or expect a nice long verbal flogging. ;-)
However, she will shift for free Empath characters that seek her out IG, and RP requesting a shift. For my sake it has to be RPd, and she will only do ones she doesn't have to use a CJ (they cost her money!) or links (they cost time of others!) for. Meaning the other Empath's options of what they can get are limited.
She will limit those few free shifts to those Empaths who are titled and showing profession...she won't have it be someone mimicking an Empath or a novice who joins another guild after getting shifted.
Shift is her way of making money, and shifting other empaths is one of her ways of helping out her guildmates.
~S.T., player of Xoine
"...someone will find offense in the smallest of words and the most innocent of sentences if it suits their purpose." --- GM Jzara
Re: Shifting to make money
01/02/2004 11:39 PM CST
I wish people wouldn't give it away for free. I can't stop them, so all I can do is hope they at least realize what a gift they are wasting. We were finally given a way to earn money based on our skill level the same as any other guild. We deserve this. I can't publically disdain those that do it (since shift is supposed to be SECRET), but I sure will privately disdain anyone who I found out is giving it away (find out in game of course).
As far as dealing with the "freebie seekers", I look at it this way. If they want me to shift them, it's going to cost my price. Period. If so-and-so will do it for free or cheap or whatever, I say fine, go ask so-and-so then and quit wasting my time. For my time, effort, and skills, it will cost you. Shifting doesn't teach empathy worth a flip, and choosing not to make someone look better doesn't endanger their health in any way. There is only one reason for me to take the time (and downtime) to shift someone and that is cash (or interesting trade, etc.). That being said, I have done shifts for plats, interesting items, a horse, and once restored the proper sex of a Jomay-altered individual for free. I'm not a total hardcase, but I am very serious about being paid for "fashion" changes.
Okay, I've babbled on long enough. Guess this thread hit a nerve. <g>
Ambition is a poor excuse for not having enough sense to be lazy.
As far as dealing with the "freebie seekers", I look at it this way. If they want me to shift them, it's going to cost my price. Period. If so-and-so will do it for free or cheap or whatever, I say fine, go ask so-and-so then and quit wasting my time. For my time, effort, and skills, it will cost you. Shifting doesn't teach empathy worth a flip, and choosing not to make someone look better doesn't endanger their health in any way. There is only one reason for me to take the time (and downtime) to shift someone and that is cash (or interesting trade, etc.). That being said, I have done shifts for plats, interesting items, a horse, and once restored the proper sex of a Jomay-altered individual for free. I'm not a total hardcase, but I am very serious about being paid for "fashion" changes.
Okay, I've babbled on long enough. Guess this thread hit a nerve. <g>
Ambition is a poor excuse for not having enough sense to be lazy.
Re: Shifting to make money
01/03/2004 12:09 AM CST
personally, while I can see the reasoning for charging just to make a living, I don't see the reason why people want to charge so HIGH for some of them. I've heard the reasoning of skills. You're paying for the skills to make the shifts. Um no, the empath got those skills for themselves, not for others. Why should others pay for something the empath did for themselves? Doesn't make sense. I've heard this arguement for all creation systems. I wouldn't object to paying for a shift if I thought the price was reasonable. The amount of plats that some people want for it just isn't reasonable to me. So I don't get them. When my empath gets past 30 and can shift. I don't plan on charging a fixed rate for it. Just asking them to pay what its worth for them. Maybe not even charging at all.
PS, just my opinions and isn't meant as an attack on anyone.
In the end all things return to Chaos
PS, just my opinions and isn't meant as an attack on anyone.
In the end all things return to Chaos
Re: Shifting to make money
01/03/2004 12:39 AM CST
<<I can see the reasoning for charging just to make a living, I don't see the reason why people want to charge so HIGH for some of them. >>
You were gone a very long time, I think perhaps you're not understanding the current Elanthian economy. If you want to buy a spellbook plan to cough up 400 or so plats ... even if the merchant ever returns and you can buy one retail it'll cost an average of 150-200 plats. There's a snake charm in a merchant stall right now for 1000 plats. Forged armor (normal armor, not glaes or kertig) is 60-70 plats for the body armor. Good tanned leathers cost up to 300 plats. There are player owned ships with the minimum bid starting at 10k -- and there's a list of people waiting for them to be auctioned again. A plain wooden stick sold for 80 plats at the last auction, a piece of 32 mana cambrinth for over 1100 plats.
Point is, the money's out there. Lots and lots of it. Maybe 100 plats was an unimaginable fortune three years ago but today it's not. Why should the skills of a circle 80 empath go for less than the skills of a circle 80 barbarian or ranger? With me it really is a question of pride that my time and abilities are worth as much as a hunter of equal circle.
You were gone a very long time, I think perhaps you're not understanding the current Elanthian economy. If you want to buy a spellbook plan to cough up 400 or so plats ... even if the merchant ever returns and you can buy one retail it'll cost an average of 150-200 plats. There's a snake charm in a merchant stall right now for 1000 plats. Forged armor (normal armor, not glaes or kertig) is 60-70 plats for the body armor. Good tanned leathers cost up to 300 plats. There are player owned ships with the minimum bid starting at 10k -- and there's a list of people waiting for them to be auctioned again. A plain wooden stick sold for 80 plats at the last auction, a piece of 32 mana cambrinth for over 1100 plats.
Point is, the money's out there. Lots and lots of it. Maybe 100 plats was an unimaginable fortune three years ago but today it's not. Why should the skills of a circle 80 empath go for less than the skills of a circle 80 barbarian or ranger? With me it really is a question of pride that my time and abilities are worth as much as a hunter of equal circle.
Re: Shifting to make money
01/03/2004 01:19 AM CST
>personally, while I can see the reasoning for charging just to make a living, I don't see the reason why people want to charge so HIGH for some of them
Well, let's put it in perspective here.
Let's say you are an avid box-popper. You would probably use master lockpicks, like most people, and over the course of say...70 circles you would gain several hundred ranks of locks and disarm, let's say 250 just to have a set figure. For every rank or so on average, you break a pick. Lockpicks cost an average of 3.5 gold (sometimes 4, sometimes 3). At the end of that time you have spent a grand total of 87 plats, 5 gold.
Let's say you are a J and K gweth user. Most people die or otherwise lose charges on a fairly frequent basis, but let's just say that by the time you are 70th circle you have had 150 deaths (this is less than most people die). That is a grand total of 225 plats you would have spent on gweths....and at the end, you don't even have something permanent to show for it!
I could go on, but I sincerely hope anyone reading this is beginning to get a glimpse of the bigger picture instead of my needing to make a longer post expounding all the various reasons charging so much makes sense, comparatively.
"...someone will find offense in the smallest of words and the most innocent of sentences if it suits their purpose." --- GM Jzara
Well, let's put it in perspective here.
Let's say you are an avid box-popper. You would probably use master lockpicks, like most people, and over the course of say...70 circles you would gain several hundred ranks of locks and disarm, let's say 250 just to have a set figure. For every rank or so on average, you break a pick. Lockpicks cost an average of 3.5 gold (sometimes 4, sometimes 3). At the end of that time you have spent a grand total of 87 plats, 5 gold.
Let's say you are a J and K gweth user. Most people die or otherwise lose charges on a fairly frequent basis, but let's just say that by the time you are 70th circle you have had 150 deaths (this is less than most people die). That is a grand total of 225 plats you would have spent on gweths....and at the end, you don't even have something permanent to show for it!
I could go on, but I sincerely hope anyone reading this is beginning to get a glimpse of the bigger picture instead of my needing to make a longer post expounding all the various reasons charging so much makes sense, comparatively.
"...someone will find offense in the smallest of words and the most innocent of sentences if it suits their purpose." --- GM Jzara
Re: Shifting to make money
01/03/2004 08:59 AM CST
> You're paying for the skills to make the shifts. Um no, the empath got those skills for themselves, not for others. Why should others pay for something the empath did for themselves? Doesn't make sense.
Following this reasoning, Adan'f shouldn't drop any more treasure than goblins. See you're basically being paid for your higher combat skills, but since you got those skills for yourself not for others they don't count.
See it's funny and absurd when you apply the logic people try to stick on empaths to anything else in the game.
Pay what you can? Oh yes, I'm sure traders will start to say 'What? You can't afford the neat stuff I'm selling? Well that's no big deal, just pay what you can.' It's a stupid philosophy.
You don't see rangers or barbarians selling tanned/forged items for cost, much less for giving them away for free. And much as everyone likes to pretend shifting doesn't have a cost, it does. Learning mechanical lore is hardly free these days, not to the levels you need it for shift anyway.
And as it's been pointed out many times, shifting is permanent. Nothing else that people pay for is. Not weapons, not armor, not gweths, not altered items, nothing. Yeah you'll probably hold onto those things, but simply put there is no way to lose a shift unless you really want to. (Well one way, but she hasn't been force shifting people much lately.)
People were/are willing to pay for shifts. People can afford to, if they can't they can aspire to make enough money to get a shift the same way they save up to buy anything else. Honestly it's just stupid to give them away for free. I'm sorry, but empaths as a group like to shoot themselves in the foot more than any other group in the game (or anywhere else that I can think of for that matter).
Following this reasoning, Adan'f shouldn't drop any more treasure than goblins. See you're basically being paid for your higher combat skills, but since you got those skills for yourself not for others they don't count.
See it's funny and absurd when you apply the logic people try to stick on empaths to anything else in the game.
Pay what you can? Oh yes, I'm sure traders will start to say 'What? You can't afford the neat stuff I'm selling? Well that's no big deal, just pay what you can.' It's a stupid philosophy.
You don't see rangers or barbarians selling tanned/forged items for cost, much less for giving them away for free. And much as everyone likes to pretend shifting doesn't have a cost, it does. Learning mechanical lore is hardly free these days, not to the levels you need it for shift anyway.
And as it's been pointed out many times, shifting is permanent. Nothing else that people pay for is. Not weapons, not armor, not gweths, not altered items, nothing. Yeah you'll probably hold onto those things, but simply put there is no way to lose a shift unless you really want to. (Well one way, but she hasn't been force shifting people much lately.)
People were/are willing to pay for shifts. People can afford to, if they can't they can aspire to make enough money to get a shift the same way they save up to buy anything else. Honestly it's just stupid to give them away for free. I'm sorry, but empaths as a group like to shoot themselves in the foot more than any other group in the game (or anywhere else that I can think of for that matter).
Re: Shifting to make money
01/03/2004 11:11 AM CST
Ythik for president!
~Mckeone, player thereof
Mea mihi conscientia pluris est quam omnium sermo. Circero, Letters to Atticus XII.28.2
The Order of Medica-
~Mckeone, player thereof
Mea mihi conscientia pluris est quam omnium sermo. Circero, Letters to Atticus XII.28.2
The Order of Medica-
Re: Shifting to make money
01/03/2004 01:30 PM CST
<<Um no, the empath got those skills for themselves, not for others. Why should others pay for something the empath did for themselves? Doesn't make sense.>>
Not true. Only reason I've been working mech lore, appraisal and scholarship is to shift. Only reason I've trained charisma is to shift.
Why do I charge so much? Here is my, as a player, frank and honest response--because I know 40 or less circles below me are those who will do it for free. When they can do what I can do, I won't be able to make anything. So I'm hording it up now.
Unfortunately, as Ythik alluded, our guild is rather disfunctional. Disfunctional in that we do not act as a guild: unified and supportive of one another. I'd charge less if I didn't think I'd be undercharged even more. So, instead, I work my lore skills and charisma as hard as possible so I can do more shifting options than those who don't charge. They're silly to not charge, because they could. I'd gladly team with them, doing only the shifts they can't and having them do the ones they can...we all make coin that way.
As for people being able to afford it, they can. Any hunter character 20th or over can make 5-10 plat within a reasonable amount of time. Anyone lower than that can train their character to 20th in a reasonable amount of time. A lot faster than it took me to train Amorisse to be a good shifter.
Amorisse (her player)
_____________________________________________ "It's not easy being green." ~Kermit
Want change your colors? Contact me via AIM: Amorisse1
Send email to littlegoldhalo@yahoo.com for shifting/price list.
Not true. Only reason I've been working mech lore, appraisal and scholarship is to shift. Only reason I've trained charisma is to shift.
Why do I charge so much? Here is my, as a player, frank and honest response--because I know 40 or less circles below me are those who will do it for free. When they can do what I can do, I won't be able to make anything. So I'm hording it up now.
Unfortunately, as Ythik alluded, our guild is rather disfunctional. Disfunctional in that we do not act as a guild: unified and supportive of one another. I'd charge less if I didn't think I'd be undercharged even more. So, instead, I work my lore skills and charisma as hard as possible so I can do more shifting options than those who don't charge. They're silly to not charge, because they could. I'd gladly team with them, doing only the shifts they can't and having them do the ones they can...we all make coin that way.
As for people being able to afford it, they can. Any hunter character 20th or over can make 5-10 plat within a reasonable amount of time. Anyone lower than that can train their character to 20th in a reasonable amount of time. A lot faster than it took me to train Amorisse to be a good shifter.
Amorisse (her player)
_____________________________________________ "It's not easy being green." ~Kermit
Want change your colors? Contact me via AIM: Amorisse1
Send email to littlegoldhalo@yahoo.com for shifting/price list.
Re: Shifting to make money
01/03/2004 02:24 PM CST
hehe, not on the topic really but this:
>...but let's just say that by the time you are 70th circle you have had 150 deaths (this is less than most people die).
I SO need to get busy dying!
Kythryn is over 50th now...
Time Development Points: 105 Favors: 8 Deaths: 15
I guess I only need...oh...135 more deaths...eep!
>...but let's just say that by the time you are 70th circle you have had 150 deaths (this is less than most people die).
I SO need to get busy dying!
Kythryn is over 50th now...
Time Development Points: 105 Favors: 8 Deaths: 15
I guess I only need...oh...135 more deaths...eep!
Re: Shifting to make money
01/03/2004 05:48 PM CST
<I wish people wouldn't give it away for free. I can't stop them, so all I can do is hope they at least realize what a gift they are wasting. We were finally given a way to earn money based on our skill level the same as any other guild. We deserve this. I can't publically disdain those that do it (since shift is supposed to be SECRET), but I sure will privately disdain anyone who I found out is giving it away (find out in game of course).>
ok, i do things mainly in game, not out of game. I tried to go to that shifting place and put my name in it and get the suggested price list so i could obide by the "standard" prices but the site is inaccessable. I also noticed folks that offer shifting services have real nice websites with their .com address (which they PAY for in real money). since i can't get a fixed ip address on my cable modem (roadrunner doesn't offer fixed ip addresses to home users) and therefore i can't get any links to my webserver, i'll just have to do everything in game without a pricing schedule. no schedule then no price, therefore free. I get between 2 plats and 20 plats per shift as a tip however.
No good deed goes un-punished!
ok, i do things mainly in game, not out of game. I tried to go to that shifting place and put my name in it and get the suggested price list so i could obide by the "standard" prices but the site is inaccessable. I also noticed folks that offer shifting services have real nice websites with their .com address (which they PAY for in real money). since i can't get a fixed ip address on my cable modem (roadrunner doesn't offer fixed ip addresses to home users) and therefore i can't get any links to my webserver, i'll just have to do everything in game without a pricing schedule. no schedule then no price, therefore free. I get between 2 plats and 20 plats per shift as a tip however.
No good deed goes un-punished!
Re: Shifting to make money
01/03/2004 07:35 PM CST
<<< ok, i do things mainly in game, not out of game. I tried to go to that shifting place and put my name in it and get the suggested price list so i could obide by the "standard" prices but the site is inaccessable. I also noticed folks that offer shifting services have real nice websites with their .com address (which they PAY for in real money). since i can't get a fixed ip address on my cable modem (roadrunner doesn't offer fixed ip addresses to home users) and therefore i can't get any links to my webserver, i'll just have to do everything in game without a pricing schedule. no schedule then no price, therefore free. I get between 2 plats and 20 plats per shift as a tip however.
Look at something like no-ip.com.
Look at something like no-ip.com.
Re: Shifting to make money
01/03/2004 09:07 PM CST
Tell ya one thing, when I can shift, I sure as heck will charge for it. I know that it takes time and dedication to get an empath to 30th, let alone to get one who can shift worth a darn. On the flip side, It's nice to be an empath and know that someday, somewhere, when I get to someone who can shift I have a decent chance of getting what I want done for a low or free price. Of course, just as I would tip an empath if they saved me from death, I'd gladly tip a shifting empath what I could (or at the least cover their costs). (Hint hint)
"You keep nasty chips!"
"You keep nasty chips!"
Re: Shifting to make money
01/03/2004 09:15 PM CST
>Time Development Points: 105 Favors: 8 Deaths: 15
How about all those times you were raised? ;-)
"...someone will find offense in the smallest of words and the most innocent of sentences if it suits their purpose." --- GM Jzara
How about all those times you were raised? ;-)
"...someone will find offense in the smallest of words and the most innocent of sentences if it suits their purpose." --- GM Jzara
Re: Shifting to make money
01/03/2004 11:32 PM CST
>How about all those times you were raised? ;-)
Aye, that would have put me to about 20-25 deaths I imagine. I've never been a believer in getting raised unless it was necessary, but after helping clerics for so long, I was often treated to them...
Aye, that would have put me to about 20-25 deaths I imagine. I've never been a believer in getting raised unless it was necessary, but after helping clerics for so long, I was often treated to them...
Re: Shifting to make money
01/04/2004 03:07 AM CST
I look at it this way.
Shifting is the only player money-making/production system that is permanent.
Other systems- fletching, tanning, forging, lockpick making...Every single one involves something that can break, be lost, or get stolen.
You can't steal silver flecks or a curvaceous build.
You won't risk losing a button nose or those silver streaks if you go hunting.
That heart-shaped face or those dimples won't break if you use them too much. (though I wish the latter did)
So when I see people shell out upwards of 20-50 plats for a weapon they could lose, break, or have stolen, I do not feel bad in the least when it comes to turning around and charging them for 10 plat to make their eyes amber or their hair red. Those are permanent, unbreakable, and unloseable changes in a world in which very, very few things are any of those.
- Player of Miki & Cael
Westryl turns to face you.
Westryl appears to be aiming at you with his complicated spoon.
Shifting is the only player money-making/production system that is permanent.
Other systems- fletching, tanning, forging, lockpick making...Every single one involves something that can break, be lost, or get stolen.
You can't steal silver flecks or a curvaceous build.
You won't risk losing a button nose or those silver streaks if you go hunting.
That heart-shaped face or those dimples won't break if you use them too much. (though I wish the latter did)
So when I see people shell out upwards of 20-50 plats for a weapon they could lose, break, or have stolen, I do not feel bad in the least when it comes to turning around and charging them for 10 plat to make their eyes amber or their hair red. Those are permanent, unbreakable, and unloseable changes in a world in which very, very few things are any of those.
- Player of Miki & Cael
Westryl turns to face you.
Westryl appears to be aiming at you with his complicated spoon.
Re: Shifting to make money
01/04/2004 12:51 PM CST
I just wanted to add a amen and a Well Said! to the last few posts. Passionata, Xoine, Ythik and Miki all expressed very well the way things are. I tend to get fired up on the subject and emotional, I thank you guys for explaining the facts out that I get too worked up to mention. I totally agree with all you said.
Ambition is a poor excuse for not having enough sense to be lazy.
Ambition is a poor excuse for not having enough sense to be lazy.
Re: Shifting to make money
01/04/2004 04:31 PM CST
I have my opinion same as anyone elses, I don't plan on arguing it. Everyone has valid points and views. But I will say one thing. Passionata, you don't know me. Feel free to refrain from posting things about me such me being gone for a period of time and anything else about me at all. That is a baseless assumption and unfounded. Post about my ideas, not me.
In the end all things return to Chaos
In the end all things return to Chaos
Re: Shifting to make money
01/04/2004 05:01 PM CST
> Passionata, you don't know me. Feel free to refrain from posting things about me such me being gone for a period of time and anything else about me at all.
Hmm I can see where the confusion might have come from but I think (of course I could be wrong) that she was referring to Wheller.
Hmm I can see where the confusion might have come from but I think (of course I could be wrong) that she was referring to Wheller.
Re: Shifting to make money
01/04/2004 06:53 PM CST
<<Passionata, you don't know me. Feel free to refrain from posting things about me such me being gone for a period of time and anything else about me at all.>>
::blushes deeply:: Ythik's absolutely right, I thought your post was the thread originator's commentary my response to his original post. I apologize, you're correct of course I have no idea who you are.
::blushes deeply:: Ythik's absolutely right, I thought your post was the thread originator's commentary my response to his original post. I apologize, you're correct of course I have no idea who you are.
Re: Shifting to make money
01/04/2004 09:52 PM CST
Well...to be honest, Xoine (over 50th) has died far far less times than any of my other characters except my trader, she's always departed, and almost all her deaths can be attributed to quests or Grishnok.
Time Development Points: 57 Favors: 8 Deaths: 17
Speaking of...I need to get her back up to 10 favors...
Some of my other characters have in excess of 200 deaths...and I'm one of those 'play it safe' while hunting people. My characters typically do not hunt over their head, and they usually only go to new areas with other people.
"...someone will find offense in the smallest of words and the most innocent of sentences if it suits their purpose." --- GM Jzara
Time Development Points: 57 Favors: 8 Deaths: 17
Speaking of...I need to get her back up to 10 favors...
Some of my other characters have in excess of 200 deaths...and I'm one of those 'play it safe' while hunting people. My characters typically do not hunt over their head, and they usually only go to new areas with other people.
"...someone will find offense in the smallest of words and the most innocent of sentences if it suits their purpose." --- GM Jzara
Re: Shifting to make money
01/07/2004 09:36 PM CST
S'kay. Mistakes happen. No hard feelings.<hug>
In the end all things return to Chaos
In the end all things return to Chaos
Re: Shifting to make money
01/24/2004 10:52 AM CST
>I SO need to get busy dying!
>Kythryn is over 50th now...
>Time Development Points: 105 Favors: 8 Deaths: 15
Hmmm more than 15 circles behind, but there is one skill I have you beat in Kythryn! Hahaha!
Death: 22 25% mind locked
That's what I get for running into invasions and getting transfixed by big gems that I've never seen before. I bend down to pick up a large green sapphire, and then I let out a big ole death cry!
Whoa is me...Jourok needs to stop killing me...and don't bandits know that I am an empath!
Shadow Healer Raudhan S'il-Softuch, Urban Ranger at Large
WANTED DEAD: Wir Dinego. Said critter killed an empath.
You've gained a new rank in foraging.
>Kythryn is over 50th now...
>Time Development Points: 105 Favors: 8 Deaths: 15
Hmmm more than 15 circles behind, but there is one skill I have you beat in Kythryn! Hahaha!
Death: 22 25% mind locked
That's what I get for running into invasions and getting transfixed by big gems that I've never seen before. I bend down to pick up a large green sapphire, and then I let out a big ole death cry!
Whoa is me...Jourok needs to stop killing me...and don't bandits know that I am an empath!
Shadow Healer Raudhan S'il-Softuch, Urban Ranger at Large
WANTED DEAD: Wir Dinego. Said critter killed an empath.
You've gained a new rank in foraging.
Re: Shifting to make money
01/24/2004 01:06 PM CST
Next time you see Jomay around, ask her for a present.
She might fix you up for free!
Or leave you with a squid tentacle, which would be equally cool!
~Mckeone, player thereof
Mea mihi conscientia pluris est quam omnium sermo. Circero, Letters to Atticus XII.28.2
Reexa says, "ok cleaning up cat gack"
Next time you see Jomay around, ask her for a present.
She might fix you up for free!
Or leave you with a squid tentacle, which would be equally cool!
~Mckeone, player thereof
Mea mihi conscientia pluris est quam omnium sermo. Circero, Letters to Atticus XII.28.2
Reexa says, "ok cleaning up cat gack"
Re: Shifting to make money
02/19/2004 08:25 AM CST
Ok, so I've got a circle 22 character hunting sand sprites on Ratha, and he can pull in a good three or four FULL gem pouches (not including coins and other goodies) worth around *4-5 PLAT LIRUMS* total, all in about a week of hunting.
My circle 28 empath, trying to catch up to the proposed new requirements, sits around braiding vines and foraging. This requires her to be relatively wound-free, so she's hardly been healing anyone recently. Also, she's had to buy a full set of leathers to practice hiding and stalking in combat, which basically broke her bank. I'd say, in the past two months, she's accumulated a total of *2 GOLD KRONARS* in tips.
And then we should shift for free? Umm... how about... no.
Live by Honor. Kill by Stealth.
Ahboread says, "don't look at me, i'm just here "
My circle 28 empath, trying to catch up to the proposed new requirements, sits around braiding vines and foraging. This requires her to be relatively wound-free, so she's hardly been healing anyone recently. Also, she's had to buy a full set of leathers to practice hiding and stalking in combat, which basically broke her bank. I'd say, in the past two months, she's accumulated a total of *2 GOLD KRONARS* in tips.
And then we should shift for free? Umm... how about... no.
Live by Honor. Kill by Stealth.
Ahboread says, "don't look at me, i'm just here "
Re: Shifting to make money
02/19/2004 08:41 AM CST
Oh, and, one more thing...
I live in China and there's no such city as Tipping. HAH! Take THAT!
(Sorry, I know I'm a bit late chiming in on these things...)
Live by Honor. Kill by Stealth.
Ahboread says, "don't look at me, i'm just here "
I live in China and there's no such city as Tipping. HAH! Take THAT!
(Sorry, I know I'm a bit late chiming in on these things...)
Live by Honor. Kill by Stealth.
Ahboread says, "don't look at me, i'm just here "
Re: Shifting to make money
02/19/2004 11:59 AM CST
You're right, tipping isnt a city in china,
however, Taiping means"Great Peace" in Chinese.
So, to insure the great peace, you should tai-tip your empaths!
~Mckeone, player thereof
Mea mihi conscientia pluris est quam omnium sermo. Circero, Letters to Atticus XII.28.2
Reexa says, "ok cleaning up cat gack"
however, Taiping means"Great Peace" in Chinese.
So, to insure the great peace, you should tai-tip your empaths!
~Mckeone, player thereof
Mea mihi conscientia pluris est quam omnium sermo. Circero, Letters to Atticus XII.28.2
Reexa says, "ok cleaning up cat gack"