It may have been the same person multiple times, but I seem to recall seeing a few people say that they liked some of the options of things like removing overhealing or wound reduction simply because there should be SOME reason to keep training empathy and SOME benefit to having high levels of it. So I thought maybe we could use a topic where we can brainstorm some ideas for what could be done with high level empathy that currently isn't available in our system. I figure if one idea or another generates a ton of discussion, we can pop it into it's own thread and boom, have some good discussion on the issue.
Some of the things I'd like to be able to do with lots of Empathy:
1) Link to someone in an adjacent room
2) Be able to tell when my spouse is in danger (before he's near death)
3) See more of those random "so and so has dark tinges around their aura" messages
4) Shift age by decades instead of just by year
I'm sure there are more, but those are the ones that immediately jump into my mind. I bet other folks will have better ideas.
~Player of ChelmorAes
Re: Things to do with High Level Empathy
09/16/2011 11:59 AM CDT
Things to do with Empathy, eh? They're not all necessarily high level material, but that's okay. I'd like to:
-Contest my Empathy skill directly against an attack made against someone else, reducing the damage they take based on how successful I am.
-Temporarily project emotional states onto objects, mostly weapons, armor, shields, and crafting tools. These states should have actual literal effects on how those objects perform their respective functions. That guy's weapon is actually angry and looking to hurt something. There should be both beneficial and detrimental effects.
-Use LINK in reverse to help someone else be able to do something better. A way to unite several minds to the benefit of all of them would be cool, too. I'd like to be able to do such a thing even in combat.
-Do something horribly detrimental to undead beings. I still want to be able to unmake them, but I'd settle for negatively affecting them somehow at this point. Failure to develop this has been one of the greatest disservices to the guild to date.
-See post #903 in the Suggestions folder.
That's all I've got at the moment.
-Life Sustainer Karthor
-Contest my Empathy skill directly against an attack made against someone else, reducing the damage they take based on how successful I am.
-Temporarily project emotional states onto objects, mostly weapons, armor, shields, and crafting tools. These states should have actual literal effects on how those objects perform their respective functions. That guy's weapon is actually angry and looking to hurt something. There should be both beneficial and detrimental effects.
-Use LINK in reverse to help someone else be able to do something better. A way to unite several minds to the benefit of all of them would be cool, too. I'd like to be able to do such a thing even in combat.
-Do something horribly detrimental to undead beings. I still want to be able to unmake them, but I'd settle for negatively affecting them somehow at this point. Failure to develop this has been one of the greatest disservices to the guild to date.
-See post #903 in the Suggestions folder.
That's all I've got at the moment.
-Life Sustainer Karthor
Re: Things to do with High Level Empathy
09/16/2011 02:50 PM CDT
>> -Use LINK in reverse to help someone else be able to do something better.
This is something I've felt for a long time. Link shouldn't require an "accept" button. It should be a contest, much like the new seer's sense is going to be. Empathy skill / x + charisma vs target's charisma + disc + stamina.
Re: Things to do with High Level Empathy
09/16/2011 07:29 PM CDT
These are some fantastic ideas.
>>-Contest my Empathy skill directly against an attack made against someone else...
Yes. But you have to be linked with the person at the time. And part of the wounds appear on you (a sort of instant transfer, but can protect them from insta-death from complete destruction of a part).
>>-Temporarily project emotional states onto objects
I like it, but more along the lines of aligning the dimensions or the "flow" of the item in an "angry" manner, rather than making the item actually angry. I could see this being very useful for enchanting, and possibly have a very slight effect on everyday items -- say, increasing the balance of a weapon by 1 point.
>>-Use LINK in reverse to help someone else be able to do something better...unite several combat.
++ to all three.
>>-Do something horribly detrimental to undead beings.
Yes. Maybe if it required the Empath to be very still and took a longish time?
Other ideas:
- Empathy alignment. Make it so you can align to a certain race, animal, or even plants. Aligning to a race would make it easier to heal that race, also to tend, LINK, shift, cast spells on, and track them via HUNT. Aligning to a certain animal would make it easier to track, dodge, and skin. (Though this would not work on constructs/undead.) Aligning to plants would give a foraging bonus. Any alignment also comes with a penalty -- e.g., if you align to Gnomes you are automatically less-aligned vs. Gor'Togs.
- MYCHAR interaction. I'm pretty sure the MYCHAR verb sees almost no use. But it would be a neat RP perk if Empaths could sense when someone they are linked with uses this verb to express a feeling. E.g. "MYCHAR feels overwhelmed with fear at the sight of the dragon." This would send a message directly to any linked Empaths, possibly to non-linked Empaths if skilled enough.
- Special Empath-Moon Mage interaction via Seer's Sense. Allows the Empath to detect and strengthen the Seer's link by LINKing to the Moon Mage. Gives the Empath the ability to receive info about the mage, and the mage ability to see more health info about the Empath. Could be other benefits.
-- Player of Eyuve
>>-Contest my Empathy skill directly against an attack made against someone else...
Yes. But you have to be linked with the person at the time. And part of the wounds appear on you (a sort of instant transfer, but can protect them from insta-death from complete destruction of a part).
>>-Temporarily project emotional states onto objects
I like it, but more along the lines of aligning the dimensions or the "flow" of the item in an "angry" manner, rather than making the item actually angry. I could see this being very useful for enchanting, and possibly have a very slight effect on everyday items -- say, increasing the balance of a weapon by 1 point.
>>-Use LINK in reverse to help someone else be able to do something better...unite several combat.
++ to all three.
>>-Do something horribly detrimental to undead beings.
Yes. Maybe if it required the Empath to be very still and took a longish time?
Other ideas:
- Empathy alignment. Make it so you can align to a certain race, animal, or even plants. Aligning to a race would make it easier to heal that race, also to tend, LINK, shift, cast spells on, and track them via HUNT. Aligning to a certain animal would make it easier to track, dodge, and skin. (Though this would not work on constructs/undead.) Aligning to plants would give a foraging bonus. Any alignment also comes with a penalty -- e.g., if you align to Gnomes you are automatically less-aligned vs. Gor'Togs.
- MYCHAR interaction. I'm pretty sure the MYCHAR verb sees almost no use. But it would be a neat RP perk if Empaths could sense when someone they are linked with uses this verb to express a feeling. E.g. "MYCHAR feels overwhelmed with fear at the sight of the dragon." This would send a message directly to any linked Empaths, possibly to non-linked Empaths if skilled enough.
- Special Empath-Moon Mage interaction via Seer's Sense. Allows the Empath to detect and strengthen the Seer's link by LINKing to the Moon Mage. Gives the Empath the ability to receive info about the mage, and the mage ability to see more health info about the Empath. Could be other benefits.
-- Player of Eyuve
Re: Things to do with High Level Empathy
09/16/2011 10:19 PM CDT
I've been reading this and other threads avidly. If anyone has any other high level empathy ideas, please post them! I have a few ideas of my own, but empathy needs a lot of help, so the more, the better.
[Turmis] I'm about to shoot beards in the face
[Turmis] I'm about to shoot beards in the face
Re: Things to do with High Level Empathy
09/17/2011 01:46 AM CDT
I thought I mentioned a spell/ability that would allow an empath to heal multiple patients at once. This would be different than creating several links at the same time and trying to heal everyone. I'm thinking more along the lines of the cleric room rejuv, or an advanced Regeneration spell that pulses healing to all members of the empath's group, provided the empath focus/concentrates on it. I'd love to see uber high perceive health/empathy be used for more than healing just one person at a time.
We've decided that instead of spells Paladins will be a new arm of the Bard guild utilizing interpretive dance moves.
~GM Zeyurn
We've decided that instead of spells Paladins will be a new arm of the Bard guild utilizing interpretive dance moves.
~GM Zeyurn
Re: Things to do with High Level Empathy
09/17/2011 01:48 AM CDT
I didn't see any feedback on that idea, which surprised me that nobody commented. That's why I posted again. If everyone saw it, then I apologize for the double post.
We've decided that instead of spells Paladins will be a new arm of the Bard guild utilizing interpretive dance moves.
~GM Zeyurn
We've decided that instead of spells Paladins will be a new arm of the Bard guild utilizing interpretive dance moves.
~GM Zeyurn
Re: Things to do with High Level Empathy
09/17/2011 03:49 AM CDT
>>I thought I mentioned a spell/ability that would allow an empath to heal multiple patients at once. This would be different than creating several links at the same time and trying to heal everyone. I'm thinking more along the lines of the cleric room rejuv, or an advanced Regeneration spell that pulses healing to all members of the empath's group, provided the empath focus/concentrates on it. I'd love to see uber high perceive health/empathy be used for more than healing just one person at a time.
I like this idea and have mentioned something similar to this as a possibility before, but I haven't run it past the Powers That Be as yet.
[Turmis] I'm about to shoot beards in the face
I like this idea and have mentioned something similar to this as a possibility before, but I haven't run it past the Powers That Be as yet.
[Turmis] I'm about to shoot beards in the face
Re: Things to do with High Level Empathy
09/17/2011 07:25 AM CDT
Here's a few more ideas that I haven't seen around:
+ New manipulate that acts like a limited hypnotize - eg: manipulate [person|creature] [retreat|sit|fall|stupor (lose spell)] all would give a small roundtime and prevent an opposite action for a few seconds. So someone who retreated couldn't advance, someone who had stupor couldn't prepare, etc..
+ borrowing from the skill enhancement, a new shift/link that temporarily enhances another's stats. Phsyical stats would be easier, mental stats harder. Duration (roughly in line with CJ for skills) would be based primarily off empathy
+ Manipulate [person] understand - uses your empathy skill to force someone to feel the pains of empathic restraints. It's a save vs will "attack". They would get the touch ability and suffer shock for taking any offensive action. Shock (in practice a stun/nerve damage) is only present while the link is active and all consequences fade when the link breaks
+ heal people in neighboring rooms, anyone you can see with perceive health
+ detect when people are aiming a weapon or spell, turning to face someone while hiding, advancing from hiding or otherwise sensing their hostile intent, higher levels can perceive combat in near by rooms, sense prepping a hostile spell
+ discounts in stores, static charisma buff
+ sense the health of trader caravans from rooms away
+ Hear the deathcries of nearby people and get a general sense as to their direction
+ Perceive the owner of ranger companions
+ Defensive combat boost for anyone you link with
Re: Things to do with High Level Empathy
09/17/2011 07:49 AM CDT
>>+ Manipulate [person] understand - uses your empathy skill to force someone to feel the pains of empathic restraints. It's a save vs will "attack". They would get the touch ability and >>suffer shock for taking any offensive action. Shock (in practice a stun/nerve damage) is only present while the link is active and all consequences fade when the link breaks
I haven't figured out exactly why yet, but I LOVE this idea. Do you imagine the link is only present while you're in the room with a person, the same as a healing link?
I would also think this would be particularly effective against necromancers or constructs, forcing them to feel what they have forsaken/cannot because they are risen.
~Player of ChelmorAes
I haven't figured out exactly why yet, but I LOVE this idea. Do you imagine the link is only present while you're in the room with a person, the same as a healing link?
I would also think this would be particularly effective against necromancers or constructs, forcing them to feel what they have forsaken/cannot because they are risen.
~Player of ChelmorAes
Re: Things to do with High Level Empathy
09/18/2011 12:50 PM CDT
>>+ Manipulate [person] understand - uses your empathy skill to force someone to feel the pains of empathic restraints. It's a save vs will "attack". They would get the touch ability and >>suffer shock for taking any offensive action. Shock (in practice a stun/nerve damage) is only present while the link is active and all consequences fade when the link breaks
>>I haven't figured out exactly why yet, but I LOVE this idea. Do you imagine the link is only present while you're in the room with a person, the same as a healing link?
For years I have secretly imagined empaths can do this. If this was made a game mechanic reality I might make strange SQUEE noises in real life for days. Even if it was fairly limited and only worked on say, one attack, I would use the heck out of it. I can see doing funny things to creatures while hunting with that ability.
Love seeing all the other ideas posted as well, but, forcing people to FEEL empathy just resonates with me. What better battle tool could you ever have as an empath?
>>I haven't figured out exactly why yet, but I LOVE this idea. Do you imagine the link is only present while you're in the room with a person, the same as a healing link?
For years I have secretly imagined empaths can do this. If this was made a game mechanic reality I might make strange SQUEE noises in real life for days. Even if it was fairly limited and only worked on say, one attack, I would use the heck out of it. I can see doing funny things to creatures while hunting with that ability.
Love seeing all the other ideas posted as well, but, forcing people to FEEL empathy just resonates with me. What better battle tool could you ever have as an empath?
Re: Things to do with High Level Empathy
09/18/2011 10:12 PM CDT
>> For years I have secretly imagined empaths can do this. If this was made a game mechanic reality I might make strange SQUEE noises in real life for days. Even if it was fairly limited and only worked on say, one attack, I would use the heck out of it. I can see doing funny things to creatures while hunting with that ability.
I had seen it as a way of protection, so same room only. Basically a "sure, you can kill me; but you'll be wounded by your own sword/eye for an eye move." The idea of casting/manipulating it on a creature gave me a real life chuckle. I imagined a goblin falling to the ground writhing in pain on each swing.
As for the constraint, I thought it would be the same as a healing link. In the same room - kept active for a short amount of time unless refreshed, and would break if the empath fell or left the room. Higher levels of empathy could probably resolve the empath falling bit, but it would be nice if you could keep the link open if the target left the room (prevents them going east, hiding, stalking west, sniping). Maybe a disc drain that pulsed irregularly. It increased substantially as the target went further and further away, but would refresh if you saw (or could sense) someone with perceive health?
Re: Things to do with High Level Empathy
09/20/2011 12:26 PM CDT
One of the questions which should be at the core of this discussion in my opinion is, "What is Empathy?"
What is Empathy? What does it allow an Empath to do? Certainly at its most basic function it allows an Empath to create a metabolic link with another living being which allows for the transference of matter and cellular composition. Can it do anything else?
Since Empathy allows you to create a link with another living being in order to transfer and exchange matter, it could be argued that Empathy should also allow you to transfer and exchange other chemical sensations such as hearing, taste, touch, smell, etc. If this Empathic link could also be maintained without physical contact I think that opens up a lot of doors as to what all might be possible.
I know Empaths have a strong dislike against causing additional wounds to living beings; however, if no new wounds are formed and instead the Empath merely gives their own wounds to another individual, would that hold the same implications which cause shock?
Basically I am imagining an Empath establishing an Empath link with a raging Barbarian as the Barbarian closes to melee range. The Barbarian slices a deep gash in the Empath's right leg and almost immediately the Empath transfers that wound back to the Barbarian. The Empath doesn't inflict any additional wounds which weren't already there in this scenario and is merely "sharing the pain".
~Leilond Learn How to PvP!
What is Empathy? What does it allow an Empath to do? Certainly at its most basic function it allows an Empath to create a metabolic link with another living being which allows for the transference of matter and cellular composition. Can it do anything else?
Since Empathy allows you to create a link with another living being in order to transfer and exchange matter, it could be argued that Empathy should also allow you to transfer and exchange other chemical sensations such as hearing, taste, touch, smell, etc. If this Empathic link could also be maintained without physical contact I think that opens up a lot of doors as to what all might be possible.
I know Empaths have a strong dislike against causing additional wounds to living beings; however, if no new wounds are formed and instead the Empath merely gives their own wounds to another individual, would that hold the same implications which cause shock?
Basically I am imagining an Empath establishing an Empath link with a raging Barbarian as the Barbarian closes to melee range. The Barbarian slices a deep gash in the Empath's right leg and almost immediately the Empath transfers that wound back to the Barbarian. The Empath doesn't inflict any additional wounds which weren't already there in this scenario and is merely "sharing the pain".
~Leilond Learn How to PvP!
Re: Things to do with High Level Empathy
09/20/2011 12:44 PM CDT
I don't know if this was suggested yet, but I'd love to see higher level Empathy start emulating how the First Empaths functioned, only lower in scale and focused in a way that permits IC "functionality" (or maybe not?).
1) Being able to generate a "healing vacuum" of sorts, where simply BEING in a room and flipping a mental switch has the Empath start absorbing wounds. No touching everyone required.
2) Being able to "direct" wounds to new locations. You can absorb head wounds in your hand, leg wounds in your back, etc.
3) Empathic Links that hold for longer distances, which then expands into the next two points.
4) Being able to detect life at a "wider" (and more complex?) range, and express that knowledge to a target. Say Empath X is linked to Barbarian Y. Empath X uses his Empathy skill mixed with his perception skill to detect that Thief Z is two rooms away and hiding (Empathy controls the range and Perception controls the detection in this situation). Empath X is THEN able to send that knowledge via a that link to his Barbarian friend, who can then actually point out the Thief because of the Empath working by proxy through the Barbarian's eyes.
5) Being able to provide vitality at a distance, similar to how Clerics can provide spirit at a distance. This then can later become outright at a distance, too. So a Paladin could be in the thick of things while linked to an Empath a few miles away.
1) Being able to generate a "healing vacuum" of sorts, where simply BEING in a room and flipping a mental switch has the Empath start absorbing wounds. No touching everyone required.
2) Being able to "direct" wounds to new locations. You can absorb head wounds in your hand, leg wounds in your back, etc.
3) Empathic Links that hold for longer distances, which then expands into the next two points.
4) Being able to detect life at a "wider" (and more complex?) range, and express that knowledge to a target. Say Empath X is linked to Barbarian Y. Empath X uses his Empathy skill mixed with his perception skill to detect that Thief Z is two rooms away and hiding (Empathy controls the range and Perception controls the detection in this situation). Empath X is THEN able to send that knowledge via a that link to his Barbarian friend, who can then actually point out the Thief because of the Empath working by proxy through the Barbarian's eyes.
5) Being able to provide vitality at a distance, similar to how Clerics can provide spirit at a distance. This then can later become outright at a distance, too. So a Paladin could be in the thick of things while linked to an Empath a few miles away.
Re: Things to do with High Level Empathy
09/20/2011 01:53 PM CDT
>> 2) Being able to "direct" wounds to new locations. You can absorb head wounds in your hand, leg wounds in your back, etc.
This is a great concept. Absorbing wounds from head to arm, but a critical failure would mean all of the wounds absorbed + the arm wounds would end on your head.... or maybe I've been playing a moon mage too long ;)
Re: Things to do with High Level Empathy
09/23/2011 04:56 PM CDT
Just some thoughts on possible abilities for higher level empaths:
1. Group Combat Mechanic: The empath can link with everyone in the particular group and take wounds as they are received by the group members. Upside: Protects the group longer, Downside: The empath must concentrate fully on the task and can not heal during this time period and must break the link to heal up himself or others.
2. Combat Triage: The empath can place a patient in a self-induced coma while he/she works on other patients. Upside: While in the coma, the patient heals a bit over time and no further loss of vitality happens while in the coma, Downside: The patient is in a coma and can do nothing.
NOTE: Potential offensive use but hard to kill the target because of the self-healing component.
3. Anti-Weapon Abilities: Weapons cause harm and this is contra to the philosophy and life of an empath. Because of this adversity between healing and injury inducing weapons, the empath has the ability to cause a weapon to cease doing damage for a period of time.
4. Mental Aspects: To invoke empathy also leads to the ability to invoke greater emotions. The empath can focus her pain into the mind of another once a link is established. Basically, this is MB for an empath or a nerve-damaging ability|spell.
Good luck in your abilities empaths! I hope some of these suggestions make sense.
1. Group Combat Mechanic: The empath can link with everyone in the particular group and take wounds as they are received by the group members. Upside: Protects the group longer, Downside: The empath must concentrate fully on the task and can not heal during this time period and must break the link to heal up himself or others.
2. Combat Triage: The empath can place a patient in a self-induced coma while he/she works on other patients. Upside: While in the coma, the patient heals a bit over time and no further loss of vitality happens while in the coma, Downside: The patient is in a coma and can do nothing.
NOTE: Potential offensive use but hard to kill the target because of the self-healing component.
3. Anti-Weapon Abilities: Weapons cause harm and this is contra to the philosophy and life of an empath. Because of this adversity between healing and injury inducing weapons, the empath has the ability to cause a weapon to cease doing damage for a period of time.
4. Mental Aspects: To invoke empathy also leads to the ability to invoke greater emotions. The empath can focus her pain into the mind of another once a link is established. Basically, this is MB for an empath or a nerve-damaging ability|spell.
Good luck in your abilities empaths! I hope some of these suggestions make sense.
Re: Things to do with High Level Empathy
09/23/2011 11:55 PM CDT
Excellent suggestions Madigan, thank you. I approve of them all. Too bad that my "say so" isn't the one that matters...
We've decided that instead of spells Paladins will be a new arm of the Bard guild utilizing interpretive dance moves.
~GM Zeyurn
We've decided that instead of spells Paladins will be a new arm of the Bard guild utilizing interpretive dance moves.
~GM Zeyurn
Re: Things to do with High Level Empathy
10/13/2011 04:40 PM CDT
I always liked the idea of an Empath being able to go into a state in which their Empathy allows them to perceive incoming threats, and avoid them accordingly. Since this would be a different paradigm of Empathy use than healing, they may be unable to cast healing spells while within this state, but would accordingly gain an evasion/armor/parry boost scaled to their Empathy skill.
Re: Things to do with High Level Empathy
08/10/2012 10:49 PM CDT
I'd like to see empaths get a weapon against necros, something drastic but need like 150th circle and doing it would cause instant complete insensitivity, the ritual eksharo performed on lyras maybe... maybe the ability to link through other empaths over a distance with sufficient empathy like how eksharo linked through asrea... taught by jomay, a new "out of the guild" guildleader, since the guild obviously doesn't want us to learn these skills... and maybe she's got other tricks up her sleeve hint hint wink wink
Re: Things to do with High Level Empathy
08/11/2012 08:35 AM CDT
Interesting general direction, but I really don't like the specifics you've suggested. Empathy should be able to do something immensely detrimental to undead beings and/or other applications of Necromancy without being crippling to the Empath. And we need abilities that we're actually supposed to use, not more of this forbidden nonsense that Shift introduced. The guild itself teaches exactly one ability (the Transference of injuries), and that's utterly ridiculous. So yay on ways to combat Necromancers in some manner, but boo on the idea of making it a rogue ability that also destroys ourselves in the process.
-Life Sustainer Karthor
-Life Sustainer Karthor
Re: Things to do with High Level Empathy
08/11/2012 08:30 PM CDT
You don't think manipulate is an ability taught by the guild?
Re: Things to do with High Level Empathy
08/11/2012 08:44 PM CDT
>>You don't think manipulate is an ability taught by the guild?
TG, TG, GL, et al.
"Disagreement with the fundamental plan at this point is akin to supporting Richard III vs the Tudors."
TG, TG, GL, et al.
"Disagreement with the fundamental plan at this point is akin to supporting Richard III vs the Tudors."
Re: Things to do with High Level Empathy
08/12/2012 03:19 PM CDT
>>The guild itself teaches exactly one ability (the Transference of injuries), and that's utterly ridiculous.
Not in the slightest. I think people forget just how scary Empaths are. I also think people forget just how political weak the Guild is. If the world at large discovered that Empaths in general had been taught one of the many freaky things they potentially can do...What the inquisition did to Necromancers would seem kind.