Duskruin Performance 03/20/2017 11:25 AM CDT
I thought it might be interesting to see how folks are doing with the Duskruin arena now that we get all construct versions of the creatures thrown at us. It's made a huge difference for me, and I'm finding it pretty fun to try and see how well I can do. In previous runs of the event I was lucky to make it to round 15, and now on average I'm running out of time in round 19-22 or so. I managed to reach round 24 a couple of times, so I have some hope that it might be possible to actually finish the thing.

Have any Empaths managed to complete it? Or does anyone have anything they'd like to discuss on the subject in general? I have a feeling the folks who are willing and able to use IZ might have a much easier time of it.

-Life Weaver Karthor