Re: Brawling 500!!! 05/14/2010 10:33 PM CDT

Congrats on the couple of people hitting 500 that is a great accomplishment!
Re: Brawling 500!!! 05/15/2010 12:45 AM CDT
Damn Karthor... You a bad motha.

~ Purehand

>collect coin
You manage to collect a pile of coin.
Roundtime: 30 sec.

... Jackpot.
Re: Brawling 500!!! 05/15/2010 01:58 AM CDT
Re: Brawling 500!!! 05/24/2010 02:45 PM CDT
242 here.

Also, I'd like to ask how many empaths use the "support" verb. According to "support help" I should be able to support a creature as well. Why can't I support my avenger. Is that intended?

Player of Sajuta, Rakash Battle Empath
...and a whole lot of others.
Re: Brawling 500!!! 05/24/2010 03:02 PM CDT
311. I don't use support but I'd love to be able to use it with my avenger.

Re: Brawling 500!!! 05/29/2010 01:29 PM CDT
> Also, I'd like to ask how many empaths use the "support" verb. According to "support help" I should be able to support a creature as well. Why can't I support my avenger. Is that intended?

Never even knew about this. Although I have to say, wouldn't you automatically "support" your avenger? Since in actuality, they only engage what is engaged with you. Which means you are flanking or behind whatever your avenger is facing (aka: supporting).

- Teh Raud
Re: Brawling 500!!! 05/29/2010 05:20 PM CDT
>> Also, I'd like to ask how many empaths use the "support" verb. According to "support help" I should be able to support a creature as well. Why can't I support my avenger. Is that intended?

I never even knew about this verb either! So many years playing yet so many years just skimming over the white noise that was combat-related posts...:P

I would also second the request to have us be able to do a SUPPORT AVENGER. When I am only using the empath-friendly brawling manuvers or attacking with weapons that are at-level for the critter, it doesn't matter. But, I've been playing around (finally!) with constructs and when I am working up a weapon that is lower than the creature, I'm finding myself always wanting to face and attack the one my avenger is on so I can actually get some hits in. That is a painful series of assesses and attack <number> critter, which of course changes when new ones enter the area.

Re:Brawling 05/30/2010 12:16 PM CDT
80 now.
I'm averaging one rank a year!

- Illcram The Evil Empath
Re:Brawling 05/30/2010 12:24 PM CDT
<<I'm averaging one rank a year!

You have been playing for 80 years? Impressive!!

I'm on a Motor-boat!!
Re:Brawling 05/30/2010 12:26 PM CDT
>>You have been playing for 80 years? Impressive!!

Unless he's talking Elanthian time, in which case it's only 20 years which isn't nearly as impressive.
Re:Brawling 05/30/2010 07:14 PM CDT
I was just saying I went from 78 to 80 in two years!
I promise to do better. :)

- Illcram The Evil Empath
Re:Brawling 05/31/2010 01:24 PM CDT
81 :)

- Illcram The Evil Empath
Re:Brawling 05/31/2010 02:31 PM CDT
>>81 :)

You're not going to post every time you rank are you?
Re:Brawling 05/31/2010 03:04 PM CDT
<<You're not going to post every time you rank are you?

Next post in a year?

I'm on a Motor-boat!!
Re:Brawling 05/31/2010 04:13 PM CDT
You know, I would rather see his posts when he ranks than the snide comments people post to discourage him. Neither are particularly useful, but at least his posts aren't rude.
Re:Brawling 05/31/2010 10:07 PM CDT
<<Neither are particularly useful, but at least his posts aren't rude.

Wasn't meant to be rude. Just trying to add a little humor.

But to be honest 1 rank is 30 minutes of training when your at 80 ranks. So i would hope it would be a few more ranks before an update.

I'm on a Motor-boat!!
Re:Brawling 05/31/2010 11:00 PM CDT
The update was a come back for giving me grief on the 2 ranks a year.

82 now. :)

[insert ROFL here]

- Illcram The Evil Empath
Re:Brawling 06/02/2010 04:07 PM CDT
ohh fun. didnt know we had a brawling list going. Ill get in on it soon ;-). Dont want to reveal it just yet!

Legendary Healzz
Re:Brawling 06/12/2010 03:55 AM CDT
Brawling 530

Player of Frediwyn
Re:Brawling 06/12/2010 06:09 AM CDT
Hah, clearly I have no hope of staying ahead of someone who obviously plays a lot more than I do, but for now...


-Death's Nemesis Karthor
Re:Brawling 06/12/2010 07:42 AM CDT
Wow i haven't been playing Winter in a few months and I am getting way passed. Time to get my butt in gear

I'm on a Motor-boat!!
Re:Brawling 06/12/2010 08:05 AM CDT

Re:Brawling 06/12/2010 09:41 AM CDT
I'll do an update either sunday or monday. Lets get your highest weapon rank out there, brawling or otherwise. Make a note if it's not brawling, if it's just a number I will assume brawling. Just choose one weapon please. The forum format is a pain, so doing multiple weapons would be pretty unwieldy.

~ Purehand

>collect coin
You manage to collect a pile of coin.
Roundtime: 30 sec.

... Jackpot.
Re:Brawling 06/12/2010 11:27 AM CDT
I'll reveal mine sometime next week. All this time spent gone is giving me an inferiority complex. Wanna get those numbers up!

~ Yazegi

Grixlek says, "Courage is dangerous, it leads to attempts at heroics..."
Vegas asks, "What like dating?"
Grixlek says, "Nothing that dangerous I believe, but still crazy stuff."
Re:Brawling 06/12/2010 01:22 PM CDT
Re:Brawling 06/12/2010 01:26 PM CDT
292 , brawling
Re:Brawling 06/14/2010 12:10 PM CDT
Brawling: 182 63.62%
Re:Brawling 06/15/2010 06:45 AM CDT
232 brawling

Grixlek says, "Courage is dangerous, it leads to attempts at heroics..."
Vegas asks, "What like dating?"
Grixlek says, "Nothing that dangerous I believe, but still crazy stuff."
Re:Brawling 06/15/2010 08:08 AM CDT
95 brawling.

I shall triumph!

~ Trem

I'm sharpening my halo into forest thorns // I'm sanctifying pages in the protocols of war.
Re:Brawling 06/15/2010 09:30 AM CDT
Okay guys, let me know if I missed anyone's/misspelled a name or whatever. LOTS of movement this update. Plenty of people taking swings at constructs (hopefully those folks up top will get some 500-700/flex construct for themselves). Added a new weapon category for when someone had more staff sling than brawling or whatever.

Rank Empath Weapon Skill
1 Karthor Brawling 532
2 Frediwyn Brawling 530
3 Quazzarz Brawling 499
4 Winterangel Brawling 495
5 Ilthea Brawling 344
6 Mordibar Brawling 322
7 Gorynel Brawling 316
8 Szrael Brawling 314
9 Asrea Brawling 292
10 Squiff Brawling 283
11 Sajuta Brawling 242
12 Yazegi Brawling 232
13 Mingold Brawling 231
14 Purehand Brawling 224
15 Lyathe Brawling 218
16 Meadbh Brawling 214
17 Barola Brawling 213
18 Acerbity Brawling 206
19 Gorynel Brawling 197
20 Koryu Brawling 185
21 Raudhan Brawling 182
22 Leianni Brawling 169
23 Seteria Brawling 162
24 Rapidonia Brawling 155
25 Sarkranis Brawling 153
26 Kindelwyn Brawling 144
27 Asbhuan Brawling 143
28 Allye Brawling 133
29 Gwynfydedig Brawling 123
30 Ohana Brawling 122
31 Sypria Brawling 112
32 Challeirra Brawling 111
33 Holdenn Brawling 103
34 Tremulous Brawling 95
35 Inauri Brawling 93
36 Amealia Brawling 85
37 Nesra Brawling 82
38 Illcram Brawling 82
39 Harik Brawling 60
40 Fizzickle Brawling 59
41 Farman Brawling 55
42 Rynedel Brawling 54
43 Akodam Brawling 53
44 Naeya Brawling 46
45 Sindea Brawling 43
46 Gortday Brawling 42
47 Quinlamor Brawling 42
48 Villya Brawling 42

~ Purehand

>collect coin
You manage to collect a pile of coin.
Roundtime: 30 sec.

... Jackpot.
Re:Brawling 06/15/2010 10:19 AM CDT
Higher in Brawling than that now but I'll leave Sete's name up there as the #1 in Plat until the next update. And to throw something out there:

Sling - 58
Staff sling - 47
Short staff - 58

You really grow to dislike boggles running all weapons through them. Why can they sing and hum in combat? IdonIdonIdon!

Blowing the legs off of Brocket Deer is very satisfying. Painful, but satisfying.

Re:Brawling 06/15/2010 11:18 AM CDT
Quarterstaff is my current top non brawling weapon. It's a garbage choice as far as weapon types, but the appeal of killing stuff with a broom is too great.

~ Purehand

>collect coin
You manage to collect a pile of coin.
Roundtime: 30 sec.

... Jackpot.
Re:Brawling 06/15/2010 12:48 PM CDT
Current non-brawling top is ME. It used to be quarter staff and MB. Love inflicting internals.

Re:Brawling 06/15/2010 02:41 PM CDT
My top non-brawling weapon is ME at 148 I think. heh.
Re:Brawling 06/15/2010 03:55 PM CDT
Heavy edge 183

~ Yaz

Grixlek says, "Courage is dangerous, it leads to attempts at heroics..."
Vegas asks, "What like dating?"
Grixlek says, "Nothing that dangerous I believe, but still crazy stuff."
Re:Brawling 06/15/2010 10:16 PM CDT

Light Edged: 275 71% clear (0/34)
Medium Edged: 256 20% clear (0/34)
Heavy Edged: 118 90% dabbling (1/34)
Twohanded Edged: 120 89% clear (0/34)
Brawling: 499 68% mind lock (34/34)

I'm on a Motor-boat!!
Brawling help 07/28/2010 12:46 AM CDT
Greetings all. I recently decided to make an Empath and so far I am having a lot of fun with it. I would like to see him as a combat healer so to that end I have been taking him into hogs and such for some defensive training. Now I hear that many Empaths are accomplished brawlers. Would anyone mind posting what maneuvers you use in combat to train? I have been using weave, circle, and bob for the most part, but have trouble moving above learning. I have tried grapple also, but I think I am doing it wrong. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
Re: Brawling help 07/28/2010 07:24 AM CDT
You'll have a lot of trouble moving brawling much above learning for awhile. Remember that skills under 50 ranks learn at a primary rate. I wouldn't mess with grapple since if there is more than thing attacking you it can get painful with the evasion penalty of grappling. Parrying with a parry stick helps you learn a bit more since you learn weapon skills by parrying. This may be painful for awhile since parry stinks at low level, but hey.. you're an empath!

I just circle, bob, and weave with my parry stick. You can circle, weave, and bob too. Haven't noticed much difference between the two orders. You can also add a SHOVE at the end. If you do add a dodge afterward to gain position.

Grixlek says, "Courage is dangerous, it leads to attempts at heroics..."
Vegas asks, "What like dating?"
Grixlek says, "Nothing that dangerous I believe, but still crazy stuff."
Brawling list update. 07/28/2010 07:26 AM CDT
Its been awhile Purehand. So umm.. hint hint.

Brawling: 268


Grixlek says, "Courage is dangerous, it leads to attempts at heroics..."
Vegas asks, "What like dating?"
Grixlek says, "Nothing that dangerous I believe, but still crazy stuff."
Re: Brawling help 07/28/2010 07:27 AM CDT
circle - wait - circle - wait - circle - wait - circle - wait - circle - drink whiskey - circle - wait

- Illcram The Evil Empath

Please rephrase that command.