Get a life, your empath shoved somebody. He appeared quite willing to wait for a heal from someone else but you wanted to make it physical.
Re: A gentle empath
11/24/2008 01:53 AM CST
On another note, I generally tip empaths quite nicely and have alot of close empath friends. Many stated (during the encounter) to just ignore you because you were a snert. And when I asked out of game, noone had anything good to say about your empath toon. Continue being a bitter bully for younger toons than yourself
Re: A gentle empath
11/24/2008 02:03 AM CST
Stop calling them toons. Jesus Christ this isn't
Re: A gentle empath
11/24/2008 02:05 AM CST
Oh nay, the 40th Empath is bullying people. Who will save the town from her cruel and depraved depradations? What will she do next? Demand amethysts? Withold healing from people who are wearing pink? WHO KNOWS WHAT MADNESS TOMORROW MAY BRING!!
Please. Szrael wasn't the one threatening people, attacking them, and then bringing higher level alts into things. Higher level alts who then failed kill her. At which point you threatened her with more higher level alts.
Please. Szrael wasn't the one threatening people, attacking them, and then bringing higher level alts into things. Higher level alts who then failed kill her. At which point you threatened her with more higher level alts.
Re: A gentle empath
11/24/2008 03:06 AM CST
<<Get a life, your empath shoved somebody. He appeared quite willing to wait for a heal from someone else but you wanted to make it physical.
SHOVE (a brawling maneuver that must be done from melee) != PUSH (the fluff verb used in this case)
For the sake of argument lets say it was a (very minor) physical interaction that justified a reaction. The first choice of reaction was to threaten assassination, log on an alt and attempt the assassination, log back in on the first character when that failed, and threaten assassination again with another alt? All done in an OOC manner. What a maroon.
Crackling with unspent rage since 386AV.
SHOVE (a brawling maneuver that must be done from melee) != PUSH (the fluff verb used in this case)
For the sake of argument lets say it was a (very minor) physical interaction that justified a reaction. The first choice of reaction was to threaten assassination, log on an alt and attempt the assassination, log back in on the first character when that failed, and threaten assassination again with another alt? All done in an OOC manner. What a maroon.
Crackling with unspent rage since 386AV.