HYH + ???? / Cyclic Spells 11/06/2015 08:46 AM CST
Greetings, folks!

So, two questions here:

1) HYH + Malediction or HYH + CoZ? Which will be most effective for combat training?

2) I've recently returned and, while I have a general comprehension of cyclic spells, is there a thread or post that really explains how they're a) used, b) used effectively, and c) explains any pitfalls to avoid?
Re: HYH + ???? / Cyclic Spells 11/06/2015 09:46 AM CST

I personally prefer MALE, but I've heard that for geared critters, CoZ can work very well too. I'm honestly not sure which is better.

You should check out Elanthipedia.
Re: HYH + ???? / Cyclic Spells 11/06/2015 11:47 AM CST

against cinder beast which are geared with weapons and heavy plate I feel COZ might be slightly more effective but not a whole a lot. against everything else i use mal offense if i am working defenses and mal def if i am working weapons that low to hit them, mal def is great for back training weapons. Mal off basically is I am going to stand here and smack ye guys around and you can't hit me... COZ just says your gear turned to crap and i am going to own own you.... really is dependent on what your hunting and what your needs are. LOVE THE HYDRA

Just a feeble old swamp shaman
Re: HYH + ???? / Cyclic Spells 11/06/2015 01:09 PM CST

CoZ is an advanced spell and MALE is a basic spell. So there may be a case for younger clerics to weave one into HYH and leave the other as a straight cast.
Re: HYH + ???? / Cyclic Spells 11/06/2015 01:27 PM CST

That's a good point about their stacking. Though I have no idea what reducing gear quality does to the rolls compared to reducing OF/DF
Re: HYH + ???? / Cyclic Spells 11/06/2015 01:47 PM CST
Lots of great advice... I didn't even think about the malediction offense|defense aspect. I need to read up on that a bit more because my primary weapon is about 60 ranks ahead of my armor, which I'm always trying to back train.

Thanks a lot!
Re: HYH + ???? / Cyclic Spells 11/06/2015 02:17 PM CST

Clerics have a LOT of room to deal with that gap and be okay.

MALE OFF + COZ means you're giving a general offensive debuff to everything and a weapons debuff to a few things. You'll be killing quickly enough that Multi Opponents aren't a problem, but you have MAPP for the defending buff (+ evasion) if they are. Benediction will give you agility, reflex, and strength which are the primary defensive stats and almost double dip with SOL. Couple this with three stack-able damage absorption shields (MAF, MPP, and PFE [undead/cursed]). Add to this GHS for ranged, centering for balance, TM as a primary weapon, and lore secondary (tactics) for position. If things get rough, you can always sick/soul bond and kill one in peace.

So definitely look into stacking spells. It'll make your life much easier.