How does the damage of the various TM spells compare to each other? In other words, in which scenario would I choose one spell over the other.
I'm looking at Horn, AE, FF, HE, and HH. I'm looking at this from an undead hunter / puritan type of build, PVE only. Any to avoid? Any to get immediately?
Likewise with MALE and CoZ. If fighting primarily undead, is one better than the other or do they both have their niches?
Re: Help with clerical magic
08/10/2016 11:19 PM CDT
>>I'm looking at Horn, AE, FF, HE, and HH. I'm looking at this from an undead hunter / puritan type of build, PVE only. Any to avoid? Any to get immediately?
AE would be for PVP. Horn and FF are ok, but if you are talking undead HE and HH are king. HH can hurt necromancers with enough corruption though but that sounds like it would fit what you are going for.
Re: Help with clerical magic
08/10/2016 11:22 PM CDT
With regards to Male/Coz. Male is far more beneficial overall, coz is a bit more niche.
Re: Help with clerical magic
08/11/2016 07:21 AM CDT
FF is multi strike. Best used against targets you can easily hit. HORN is single strike. Best used against targets you're struggling to hit. HE is single strike + DFA (unless they removed that in 3.0/3.2, it's been a while), best used against targets with massive armor and shields who are hard to hit and damage.
Malediction is overall more powerful than COZ because it can offense, defense, or both, on everything in game. COZ applies a much, much, stronger effect, but only works on targets with armor and weapons (i.e. the spell itself is applied to their gear, not the target). COZ is probably better vs. Paladins to penetrate the armor. Otherwise I'd stick to Malediction exclusively, personally.
This is a lot more up to personal opinion, but I've always liked FF and HH more than HE, for undead. I've never, personally, seen a ton of great results from HE above and beyond something like FF in PvE.
Malediction is overall more powerful than COZ because it can offense, defense, or both, on everything in game. COZ applies a much, much, stronger effect, but only works on targets with armor and weapons (i.e. the spell itself is applied to their gear, not the target). COZ is probably better vs. Paladins to penetrate the armor. Otherwise I'd stick to Malediction exclusively, personally.
This is a lot more up to personal opinion, but I've always liked FF and HH more than HE, for undead. I've never, personally, seen a ton of great results from HE above and beyond something like FF in PvE.
Re: Help with clerical magic
08/11/2016 08:50 AM CDT
>>This is a lot more up to personal opinion, but I've always liked FF and HH more than HE, for undead. I've never, personally, seen a ton of great results from HE above and beyond something like FF in PvE.
With the recent changes, HE has become quite deadly.
With the recent changes, HE has become quite deadly.
Re: Help with clerical magic
08/11/2016 09:26 AM CDT
> This is a lot more up to personal opinion, but I've always liked FF and HH more than HE, for undead. I've never, personally, seen a ton of great results from HE above and beyond something like FF in PvE.
Thanks for this. I just picked up HH and the red spiral spell. I'm loving it, but I find it kills too quickly (heh). How should I train TM? Low cast HH's or something like FF?
Re: Help with clerical magic
08/11/2016 10:39 AM CDT
>>Thanks for this. I just picked up HH and the red spiral spell. I'm loving it, but I find it kills too quickly (heh). How should I train TM? Low cast HH's or something like FF?
FoU. AOE Multistrike, pulses twice. Its by far the best.
Re: Help with clerical magic
08/11/2016 10:44 AM CDT
I guess I have a quest in my future. This works in all terrains and against non-corporeal undead?
Re: Help with clerical magic
08/11/2016 10:14 PM CDT
Nothing escapes the Flames of Ushnish! (Unless it has more defense than you have TM...)
Re: Help with clerical magic
08/12/2016 07:27 AM CDT
>>Nothing escapes the Flames of Ushnish! (Unless it has more defense than you have TM...)
there are a few things resistant to FoU, usually things that have a high fire resistance.
there are a few things resistant to FoU, usually things that have a high fire resistance.
Re: Help with clerical magic
08/12/2016 11:58 AM CDT
Even they submit before the Fires evetually!
Re: Help with clerical magic
08/12/2016 01:42 PM CDT
>>Even they submit before the Fires evetually!
its true, it has a lightning component as well I think, so it works (albeit worse) against things like drakes.