squarsh 06/29/2006 06:31 AM CDT
I can't take seeing the one I can't see, cause I don't know why. sorry and stuff.

The bopper
Re: squarsh 06/29/2006 06:58 AM CDT
Awww! You will be missed.


<<Good grief, Tish. I like survivals, but that is insane.

Thrall of Dergati,
Heroiklim Zortal >>
Re: squarsh 06/29/2006 07:28 AM CDT
Hope you enjoy your time away and come back soon.

>I've always found it irritatingly interesting that so many (of every single race) claim to be orphans in Elanthia. ~ Bambina
Re: squarsh 06/29/2006 09:51 AM CDT
Erp.... umm.. no, no no no no

I kept seeing that last post but couldn't figure out how to mark it as read. It was driving me nuts, so I posted to get rid of it.

Sorry and stuff. Yea, I am blushing too.

the Bopper
Re: squarsh 06/29/2006 01:29 PM CDT
At the top and bottom of the page, in between the previos topic/next topic buttons, is a 'mark as read' button..