Verbal's away 05/25/2006 10:10 PM CDT
do nag him to come back here if you will.
Re: Verbal's away 05/26/2006 12:32 AM CDT
Verballl!! Watcha doing?.. You cant go away now. Theres so much more fightin to be had. And savin my butt to be done.
Feels like ya just come back and now your gone again.. You know your'll going to miss this place,as im goin to miss seeing you and hearing stories about yer pa and ma when you were a ikkle elf. Yer make me chuckle when its story time. Yer friends and families here and we will be waiting for your return. Dont be too long about it,though i suppose your hands will be full in a couple o be quick about it!!! We cant have the Haven trio out of action for too long. See you soon bud.


Re: Verbal's away 05/26/2006 12:14 PM CDT
You just got back. Hope to see you back soon! It's always a pleasure to see you around the realms and to read your posts.
