'You are not expected to understand this.'
-- the Linux source code.
I'm sure those of you who remember the old Me are wondering, in brief, precisely what the Hell happened.
A couple of biographical details will make clear what has transpired.
On the evening of 8 January 2005 C.E., I was initiated into the Minerval degree of Ordo Templi Orientis. On Saturday, 19 Nov 2005 I was born: I took the First Degree and became a Man and Brother: this means that those poor schlubs are stuck with Me for life.<g>
It has become apparent that despite Herculean, truly Herculean efforts (don't even ask: you don't want to know, gang) to rid Myself of all such matters and live the life of a good Lutheran architect (inside joke you're not expected to get), other things are in store for Me. sigh
I'm not certain when this will take place, but I'm going far, far away to perform the Abramelin Operation. So if you don't hear from Me on the boards, know that I am in the embrace of our lady of the stars: Nuit.
BTW, brandy and ether cure asthma. Also, cigars cure women... but you have to kill them just right or they won't be kosher.
I get no respect...
Father Ainandil, Cleric of Saemaus
>Ainandil does the shtick schlapping dance.
No, I don't know how the Hell it works. You could tell.