Everyone 04/22/2005 06:41 PM CDT
Think good thoughts for the outspoken Floridian as he takes a several month hiatus for fun, drugs and fusion. Also save up your ale for his inevitable return, he'll need it.
Good luck and feel better Cadderrly.
Re: Everyone 04/22/2005 09:09 PM CDT
A quick recovery to you Cadderrly. You will be missed by many. I am sorry I didn't see you before you left.

Daxlynn's Energizer Bunny
Re: Everyone 04/22/2005 09:45 PM CDT
no clue what's goin, but have fun! or try to! heh

think Can you hear me now?
think good!

Ravanos "I hate water" Covet Battlepriest of Everild
Re: Everyone 04/25/2005 10:16 AM CDT
>Good luck and feel better Cadderrly.

Ditto that; but will someone tell us what's going on?

Ebil Cleric Bambina
Re: Everyone 04/25/2005 10:21 AM CDT
I hope I am not overstepping myself but Cadderrly's player was having some back corrective surgery. We should see a new improved Cadderrly when he comes back!

Daxlynn's Energizer Bunny
Re: Everyone 04/25/2005 12:40 PM CDT
Bummer dude- pass on the best wishes from Flavius also. Riverhaven is always a bit quiet with Cadd is out of action. Thanks for passing on the info Shalade.

Re: Everyone 04/26/2005 03:50 AM CDT
Aye Cadd old boy,You take it easy and hope to see you sometime soon.
Best wishes.

Re: Everyone 04/26/2005 08:30 AM CDT
good luck and speedy recovery. werd.

Re: Everyone 05/14/2005 08:40 PM CDT
Healing thoughts to you and many prayers Cadderrly!


Arf glew yn ei galon -- "A brave man's weapon is his heart"