Ricinus, I was informed to post here for your perusal. Although this might be a more selfish suggestion more than a community serving one, I think it would be worthy for any Prydaen Cleric who wanted to honor their culture and gods and be less handcuffed to the Thirteen.
1. Recite ritual.
- Is there any way we can get the Triquetra added to the recitation list? I'm still unclear on exactly what is required to gain devotion with this ritual, as in if the 3 gods, Eu-Demrris-Tenemlor are enough and if the mechanic would have to be changed to accommodate for it. Alternately, I'd be happy with reciting/singing the Wheel song for instance and gaining devotion for it in accordance to the same mechanic.
2. Prayer parchments.
- There are currently no prayer parchments tailored to Prydaen faith. I'd be happy to write a couple if they could be added.
3. Favors.
- A variation of the Truffenyi commune to grant Prydaen favors to Prydaens based on the same sacrifices the boulder accepts? It would serve multiple requests and promote player association at the same time. Although I wouldn't begrudge having more altars/places of faith for the Three, at least in this sense and on the islands, Prydaens could seek out a Prydaen Cleric for favors rather than having to travel back to Crossing. (Or you know for that RP thing.)
If you act like prey, do not blame me for acting like the predator I am.
DR_Shaidval @ AIM