Anyone out there able to help a cleric through the under swamp in the next couple of days, please? Thanks.
Re: Escort Request
01/28/2008 10:44 PM CST
Winterlily, since SKPATEL83 got an escort, do you still need a guide to the resurrection altar? I should have time tomorrow. I'll have aim REDARCHDR up when I arrive, so look for me. I'm trying to show a few other skilled paladins the pathway and process to take folks on the Resurrection quest so there will be additional folks to play guide.
Dwarf with an Axe.. Watch your toes!
Dwarf with an Axe.. Watch your toes!
Re: Escort Request
01/29/2008 06:37 PM CST
>>I'm trying to show a few other skilled paladins the pathway and process to take folks on the Resurrection quest so there will be additional folks to play guide.
Does this mean you're retiring before you hit the 200 mark?
(have you hit 200?)
-Player of "One of the Caels" and a Bard
Bromus says "if you two start an ongoing killing-feud, that will be amazing
Bromus says "a paladin getting pulped by a cleric regularly
Bromus says "that's the stuff of comedy
Does this mean you're retiring before you hit the 200 mark?
(have you hit 200?)
-Player of "One of the Caels" and a Bard
Bromus says "if you two start an ongoing killing-feud, that will be amazing
Bromus says "a paladin getting pulped by a cleric regularly
Bromus says "that's the stuff of comedy
Re: Escort Request
02/01/2008 08:14 PM CST
Not retiring as "tour guide" and close but not at 200 yet.
Just trying to expand the number of tour guides so clerics don't have to wait for me to show up specifically :)
Dwarf with an Axe.. Watch your toes!
Just trying to expand the number of tour guides so clerics don't have to wait for me to show up specifically :)
Dwarf with an Axe.. Watch your toes!
Re: Escort Request
02/01/2008 09:09 PM CST
For what it's worth, I made it through without any CJ, at 50 climbing, 30 swimming (capped Caiman swim though), using the dr secrets wiki. I'm not linking to it incase someone gets irritated that I 'revealed secrets'. (google?)
Re: Escort Request
02/02/2008 05:38 AM CST
>>I'm not linking to it incase someone gets irritated that I 'revealed secrets'.
I have no shame...
I have no shame...
Re: Escort Request
02/09/2008 08:47 AM CST
>>For what it's worth, I made it through without any CJ, at 50 climbing,
Good to know. I'd been using 80 as a rule of thumb. Just remember, making it across that rope bridge still has a "pure luck" component. There was a ranger with almost 800 climbing that fell off it at least once. So, at least 50 and no wounds to make the attempt.. I'll adjust the recommendations to any young clerics seeking a guide :)
Dwarf with an Axe.. Watch your toes!
Good to know. I'd been using 80 as a rule of thumb. Just remember, making it across that rope bridge still has a "pure luck" component. There was a ranger with almost 800 climbing that fell off it at least once. So, at least 50 and no wounds to make the attempt.. I'll adjust the recommendations to any young clerics seeking a guide :)
Dwarf with an Axe.. Watch your toes!