Hi all, just got to 30 and wish to go on the rezz quest. I was wonderin if theres anyone that would mind escorting me on it up to the bridge. got a CJ and been training my climbing and swimming like crazy, know what to do on the quest. Just need some help getting to that point. Thanks. Will be around this weekend and next week.
Adeomur - servent to Hav'roth and his people.
Re: Rezz escort
11/24/2007 06:58 PM CST
I see you've not gotten a reply yet. I'll head up to Riverhaven and look for you. If you are around, I can take you to the Altar and back in about 25 minutes since you have been training and have a CJ.
Dwarf with an Axe.. Watch your toes!
Dwarf with an Axe.. Watch your toes!
Re: Rezz escort
11/25/2007 10:37 AM CST
I appreciate that alot. I dont have a gweth so if I see you are around I will try to hang outside of the Empaths guild in Haven as often as possible. Should be around most of the day today, or the afternoons for the rest of the week. Thanks!
Adeomur - Servant to Hav'roth and his people.
Adeomur - Servant to Hav'roth and his people.
Re: Rezz escort
11/29/2007 09:27 AM CST
If Redarch isn't around and I am awake, I can help as well. No one can escort like Redarch, but I am decent in a pinch ;)
True heroism is remarkably sober, very undramatic. It is not the urge to surpass all others at whatever cost, but the urge to serve others at whatever cost.
Arthur Ashe
True heroism is remarkably sober, very undramatic. It is not the urge to surpass all others at whatever cost, but the urge to serve others at whatever cost.
Arthur Ashe