Help on the boat between haven and ratha? 02/15/2006 08:29 PM CST
I, Kamiwynn, an Empath, and my companion, Fyrrus are pretty well dead on the boat between Riverhaven and Ratha. Pirates boarded and killed us. Fyrrus has many favors, I however do not... I am in dire need of assistance. Any help would be infinately appreciated and I will give anything I can as compensation for your troubles.

Re: Help on the boat between haven and ratha? 02/17/2006 12:41 AM CST
did you ever get help? if not Send me an AIM at AlexranderDR

Holy Mage Dannrik
Re: Help on the boat between haven and ratha? 02/17/2006 12:02 PM CST
I had a moonie check on her when I read that, and she was on Ratha, 4th level. So she got help, of whatever kind, and far, far out of my range of influence.

- Holy Scholar Diarik Erasto, in search of spiritweaving.