Thank you 11/29/2003 04:19 PM CST
Thank you, Heiu. I apologize for being so negative. Dissapointment after dissapointment does wear after a while. I know I've done my share of whining and sometimes I say to myself.. just don't post if I have nothing to say. But, I was mad dammnit and I wanted things to change.

Anyways.. thankyou. Things ARE looking brighter. Or more gruesome.. :)

Gray Cleric of Meraud
Daxlynn Tarhkanna of Ilithi
Re: Thank you 11/29/2003 06:00 PM CST
<<Thank you, Heiu. I apologize for being so negative. Dissapointment after dissapointment does wear after a while. I know I've done my share of whining and sometimes I say to myself.. just don't post if I have nothing to say. But, I was mad dammnit and I wanted things to change.>>

We share a common goal... wanting things to change. And I understand your frustration and the need to vent. That's why Zabari is here. (duck)

<<Anyways.. thank you. Things ARE looking brighter. Or more gruesome.. :)>>

One in the same... definitely one in the same.

GM Heiu
Re: Thank you 11/30/2003 05:38 AM CST
>That's why Zabari is here. (duck)

I knew there was a reason we had her <ducks>. Heh, just kidding Zabs. She puts up with a lot of my whining, which is great <hums>

I'd also like to appologize for my negativity along with Dax. Frustration is running rampant these days. Dax and I just need someone new to complain at. You fit the bill Heiu :P

- Smeg
Re: Thank you 11/30/2003 09:41 AM CST
We all put up with your whining in our own ways. Me, I chuckle and think to myself, "Smegs and Shalrin make such a cute couple."

Soul Devourer Heroiklim Zortal
...wondering if people can take a joke and prepares himself for the holy bolt of doom
Re: Thank you 11/30/2003 12:10 PM CST
Sorry I had to leave a little early. But while I was there, I did notice that a lot of the things that were discussed, where things we spoke on at another pull up meeting. The spirit walking (Millimbar, I am soo with you on that), the raise circle and more. This was like 3 odd years ago. I was a little dishearted that the same things we were asking for then, are the same things we continue to ask for, and still have not come a step closer to getting. I do hope, that sometime soon (not simusoon either) we will recieve these abilities or a close facsimile of them.


>Jeladric says, "Some people would have me believe she could ride here on a broom."
>Jeladric says, "Or that her and Talorc skip hand in hand up the north road."
>Jeladric asks, "There is a nice pitcure eh?"

Jeladric says, "Talorc skipping..."
Re: Thank you 11/30/2003 01:41 PM CST
Hero hero hero...

Ya know now that after I slaughter Velmix...I'm gonna have to slaughter you. :(

WE all know I can't take jokes...

Spiritist Shalrin Ottavion--Cleric of Urrem'tier
Don't understand the post, then you don't understand me.
Re: Thank you 11/30/2003 01:48 PM CST
Take Archrost down first, restore order to the masses that love you so much, then take me to the swamp. Let the slaughs do your dirty work, cause we all know how you hate getting dirty.

Oh, wait! Didn't you retire?... again?

Soul Devourer Heroiklim Zortal
...who has made more money performing rejuves than hunting this week and is getting depressed because of it
Re: Thank you 12/01/2003 08:00 PM CST
1.) I couldn't get close to Archrost if I wanted to (I'm not a Event junkie)
2.) Massess hate me...take a vote in 2 of the 3 mainland guilds.
3.) I would love for slaughs to do my dirty work, cause I don't wanna damage my tattered nightsilk robe
4.) And I would never retire again (ok, maybe), only because I'm waiting for the paperwork from Esuin and Tallis.

Spiritist Shalrin Ottavion--Cleric of Urrem'tier
Don't understand the post, then you don't understand me.
Thank you 02/12/2004 02:10 PM CST
Thank you Kalira for traveling so far to enable us two to have a joyful day. It was wonderful to see you, and we cannot say enough how much we appreciate it that you would spend your time to make some happiness for us.

Lyravkla and Lhun

P.S. Please try to refrain from tree jumping henceforth!
Re: Thank you 02/12/2004 03:39 PM CST
You're welcome. It was one of my most treasured moments in DR. And it was good to see an old friend's niece. And shhh about the jumping out of the tree.
Thank you to the GMs 10/13/2004 11:34 AM CDT
Well now that I've had a chance to absorb the last week of events and deaths and things I'd like to thank everyone for the resurrection quest.

Skralthaen: I miss ya bud but your design of the quest was awesome. Hopefully someone will pass along my admiration and thanks.

Heiu: For stepping into some very big shoes to finish someone else's work through kids, pregnancy, hurricanes and who knows what else. Also thank you for all the little things you did to keep everyone going whether it was events or nudges. ;)

Solomon: Thanks for making sure this project stayed on track for so long and getting it out there.

To all the nameless GM's who QC'd, did events, killed us as we went through this, thank you so much.

And last but certainly not least Zabari. Thank you for being there the whole time during our frustrations, breaks, whining, and despair. I'm sure there's a candle on that bridge with your name on it for keep a light in the darkness for us. I think we all owe you our deepest thanks and appreciation.


Need bonding roses, wedding services or divorce services? Contact me at:

My website of clerical information:
Re: Thank you to the GMs 10/13/2004 12:08 PM CDT
A lot of bad things have happened this year. Deaths of a loved one, Hurricanes, Finance problems, GMs leaving, Friends leaving.. The list goes on. It was a crappy summer weather wise too.

The release of this quest area has got to be one of the highlights of this year to me where so many things went wrong. I want to thank everyone who worked so hard on the project. I want to thank everyone who worked so hard at being patient too. Heiu and Zabs, you are the first people I think of with this release and I know there are most likely countless others. Thank you it is so nice to see ROB shoved out the door.

Re: Thank you to the GMs 10/13/2004 04:48 PM CDT
Well said, Kali. I agree whole heartedly, and I'm sure alot of others do as well.

A Great Cleric Elder : You do, of course, realize that dying is the wrong thing to do in combat, right?
Re: Thank you to the GMs 10/14/2004 10:09 PM CDT
I echo the sentiment, well except for that Solomon part, but seriously, was a pretty neat time. I spent four days just sort of meandering through, getting more interested in seeing the sights than completing the quest, if truth be told. So many novel ways to die. But if I ever see some "matted hair" again, it will be far too soon. Although it might make an interesting invasion creature.


"Ciggendra gehwelc wile poet hine man gehere".
Thank you Cadderrly 10/29/2004 02:18 PM CDT
Just wanted to thank you again for helping my empath after she got blindsided by nasty pirates.

Thank you 11/10/2004 01:24 PM CST
Thank you Krystha for uncursing me yeseterday. I so wanted the gruesome greatsword that a cinder beast had that I didnt think it would be cursed ;) Thanks again for helpin me get back to the hunt.

-Brevity is the soul of wit.
Re: Thank you 11/10/2004 04:18 PM CST
Well your very welcome....but ya never did take that greatsword.......I did break the curse on it.....then you left it with me......

Re: Thank you 11/21/2004 03:57 PM CST
>Well your very welcome....but ya never did take that greatsword.......I did break the curse on it.....then you left it with me......

Sorry, didnt mean to make it sound like your fault. I didnt have enough room in my sheath for it is all and I was just sulking ;)

The haunting sounds of distant battle echo all around you, fading into a black silence as quickly as they came.
Thank you Kasrkyn 05/12/2009 06:27 PM CDT
I just wanted to post a public thank you for Kasrkyn, who took the time to help me with the infusion quest. I've been gone from DR since 2002 and only been back for a week and change. I'm still lost, so your help is very much appreciated.

It's good to be back among such great people!
Re: Thank you Kasrkyn 05/12/2009 09:24 PM CDT
Sorry about ditching you at the end, I forgot you can't follow through the exit, and getting back in takes forever.

Side note...hurry up with the secret entry into Lachs!