I am looking for some advice from other clerics about choosing an optimal armour set-up. My Cleric is an elf and so tends to favour lighter less hindering armour perhaps more than other clerics might. Currently he uses a mix of leather armour and ring armour. I am planning on purchasing a lumium set of a chain type and I am not sure if I should stick to ring or upgrade to chain or mail. Furthermore I am not sure if I should use more chain armour or more leather. His current set up is:
HCS ring lorica
HCS ring vambraces
rugged leather greaves
rugged leather cowl
rugged leather gloves
I think I should swap the cowl for a chain-type balaclava and possibly change out the vambraces and lorica for a chain-type shirt. Alternately I had thought about changing the vambraces to leather and using a chain-type balaclava and/or chain-type gloves.
Does anyone have any thoughts?
Re: Armour Mixing
02/07/2016 03:46 PM CST
>>I am not sure if I should stick to ring or upgrade to chain or mail.
Stick to ring.
>>I think I should swap the cowl for a chain-type balaclava and possibly change out the vambraces and lorica for a chain-type shirt. Alternately I had thought about changing the vambraces to leather and using a chain-type balaclava and/or chain-type gloves.
I don't play a Cleric but I do play several Armor tert characters and I prefer to put light armor on the torso and arms or legs and then metal everywhere else. This will keep your hinderance to a minimum since the biggest pieces have the lower hinderance.
Stick to ring.
>>I think I should swap the cowl for a chain-type balaclava and possibly change out the vambraces and lorica for a chain-type shirt. Alternately I had thought about changing the vambraces to leather and using a chain-type balaclava and/or chain-type gloves.
I don't play a Cleric but I do play several Armor tert characters and I prefer to put light armor on the torso and arms or legs and then metal everywhere else. This will keep your hinderance to a minimum since the biggest pieces have the lower hinderance.
Re: Armour Mixing
02/07/2016 04:21 PM CST
My Cleric wears all ring and swaps greaves for all others. You can buff the bejeezus out of your defenses, and I don't stealth, so figure why not play around with things. Hindrance isn't bad, only fairly when mixed.
Re: Armour Mixing
02/07/2016 07:21 PM CST
I use steel chain on the body, a bone balaclava and brig gloves. this is with a shield. I did wear a bone helm and a plate mask for about 200 ranks of plate. now i just swap the gloves off if i want to work plate.
The chain hauberk is chain armor.
The hauberk looks like it offers protection for the following areas:
right arm
left arm
right leg
left leg
You feel certain that a chain hauberk appears to impose moderate maneuvering hindrance and moderate stealth hindrance, offering:
very good protection and very great damage absorption for puncture attacks.
very good protection and very great damage absorption for slice attacks.
moderate protection and very great damage absorption for impact attacks.
moderate protection and very high damage absorption for fire attacks.
moderate protection and very high damage absorption for cold attacks.
poor protection and very high damage absorption for electrical attacks.
If you were only wearing a chain hauberk your maneuvering would be lightly hindered and your stealth would be fairly hindered.
But considering all the armor and shields you are wearing or carrying, you are currently somewhat hindered and your stealth is somewhat hindered.
The feeble old swamp shaman