Combat spells. 07/25/2014 10:55 PM CDT
I recently started a Cleric and am going to make him pretty cursed/undead(going to move to Forf as soon as I can handle Togballs and more or less stay there as long as I can) combat heavy, and was trying to map out my spell selections. Any other combat heavy Clerics have any suggestions for spells that I absolutely cannot pass on for combat?

Right now he's circle 14 with:

> spell
You recall the spells you have learned from your training.

In the chapter entitled "Holy Defense", you have notes on the Minor Physical Protection [mpp] spell.

In the chapter entitled "Spirit Manipulation", you have notes on the Rejuvenation, Centering, and Soul Sickness [sick] spells.

In the chapter entitled "Holy Evocations", you have notes on the Bless, Harm Evil [he], Divine Radiance [dr], and Fists of Faenella [ff] spells.

You recall proficiency with the magic feats of Augmentation Mastery and Efficient Channeling.

You have 2 spell slots available.
Re: Combat spells. 07/26/2014 06:02 AM CDT
For undead, PFE is possibly game breakingly powerful.

Must have combat spells (at some point) would probably include Centering (infuse, anti stun effect one time), SoL, OM, malediction (specifically with HyH, but that requires 50th), HyH (it's so good it deserves a second entry), and Benediction, in addition to the spells you have.

I'd strongly recommend invoking a MaF scroll asap as well. It's ablative so you'll have to keep re-casting it, but it's powerful.

Not must-have but close enough to not matter would probably be GHS, MF, FoU, and HH. If you're going to be doing exclusively undead/cursed, HH will be a killer. I loved being able to drop a couple every few minutes. FoU, at like 50, just never 'did it' for me, it's more of a 70-80+ spell. Too mana intensive and too difficult to pull off even with several hundred ranks. HH is castable much sooner, is much easier and requires much less mana.

It may seem odd to put GHS in there, but it's a great way to train and move warding. Otherwise it's mostly just a PvP spell. Same with Sanyu Lyba, CoZ, Idon's Theft, Meraud's Cry, and Huldah's Pall.

You might get some traction from Phelim's Sanction because it basically only effects undead, but everyone says it's broken now, so since it's a dead end I'd skip it.

I also left Halo off my list because I never really got any use out of it. Pushing things to pole/range never did much for me, even when you set it up to go off when you get stunned, between Centering and mpp/mapp/maf/pfe/sol, you really shouldn't be getting stunned.

And of course you should probably train sorcery so that you can play with any other combat buffs you pick up from other guilds.
Re: Combat spells. 07/26/2014 11:46 AM CDT
What Vickers said except centering doesn't anti stun anymore, you actually can't infuse it at all. It's just a static nimble balance boost (still good to have) but no as or incredibly balanced properties since 3.0
Re: Combat spells. 07/26/2014 07:14 PM CDT
A little late to the topic but here's a few thoughts on combat spell buffs:
PFE - For hunting Undead, this is a very nice and useful damage barrier. It also has great synergy with MPP.
MPP - Overall decent damage barrier. A great spell for any battle cleric.
MAPP - Defending and Evasion bonus, quite handy to have up.
SoL - Decent shield paired with a shield skill bonus, great to have.
BENE - Boosts Str/Ref/Agi, all great things for helping you survive any encounter.
Centering - As mentioned it no longer has the anti-stun from infusion but keeping you decently balanced is always a boon.
Additionally, GG and Auspice bonus Wisdom and Charisma which figure prominently in Spirit contests which a large part of our curses are. So if you plan to get much from that lovely suite of spells as well, these are good spells to also have in your toolbox.
General combat spells:
Soul Sickness - Handy immobilizer to have.
Malediction - Excellent usage for debuffing your opponent's offense/defense/both.
CoZ - Useful though I've had more usage from it fighting Paladins and not much else, though I must say I may be partial to HyH+Malediction Offense when I'm training combats.
HYH - Great utility in conjunction with Male/CoZ.
GhS - Fairly situational but good spell. For PvE, I tend to opt for Hyh-Maled. It's great against enemy casters for PvP though.
Hulp - A fun but somewhat niche spell. I find more usage for it in PvP than I do in PvE.
SL - Similar to Hulp. Very useful spell but more so in PvP than PvE due to usually dealing with multiple critters over solo combat.
Halo - Very useful for keeping critters/people away from you if straight cast. Put in OM it's a pretty useful emergency 'ack I'm stunned save me' spell.
IT/MC - Reasonably useful but primarily for PvP, though IT can be fun to steal spells from critters as well.
OM - A great utility spell for every cleric regardless of their focus.
PoM - Attunement bonus, a great boon to anyone that calls themselves a mage.

I think that's enough input for now, ha ha.