I posted in a different topic that my cleric <prime> is getting messaging upon swapping HE to 2HE while using a bastard sword, whereas his skill in said weapon is nothing extraordinary, i'm wondering whether it might be the weapon itself, or some other spell or skill he has. My plat cleric <my tf cleric doesn't have a bastard sword> is not getting the same messaging.
The messaging is as follows:
>swap my swor
You shift your bastard sword to a heavy edged grip while quietly paying homage to the war gods.
When i Look at the sword my prime cleric has, the following is seen:
Impressed into the metal is the image of a dragon perched on a mountain, breathing fire in the shape of the initials "B.Q."
I have no idea whether i purchased this as a forged item or whether i got it at a fest.
HE, 2he skill & titles i have with my prime: <dwarf, circle 59,14 favors- damaris>
HE 56, 2he 45 <his main weapon is MB>
Initiate Cleric, Apprentice Cleric, Journeyman Cleric, Cleric, Expert Cleric, Acolyte, Supplicant, Celebrant, Brother, Friar, Worshipper, Vicar, Beseecher, Preacher, Witch Doctor, Father, Theurgist, Vigil Keeper, Holy Mage, Spirit Healer, Theorist, Holy Scholar, Warrior Priest, Solace, Oracle, Resurrector, Life Restorer, Life Giver, Malice, Divine Draughter, Blessed, Infuser, Ritualist, Haloed, Exorcist, Holy Light, Holy Fire, Cremator, Monk, Bead Carver, Embalmer, Spellbinder, Temple Guard, Spiritist, Spirit Adept, Altar Boy, Temple Youth, Cloistered, Holy Man, Priest, Clergyman, Chaplain, Metamagician, Holy Blade, Pure Spirit, Anointed Soul, Consecrator, Soul Sunderer, Soul Binder, Matchmaker, Soul Cleanser, Purifier, Tombwarden, Weasel, Spiritual Warrior, Mime Exterminator, Zombie Slayer, Skeleton Breaker, Ghost Hunter, Undeath Abater, Monastic, Reverend, Mythologian, Theomancer, Idolist, Pilgrim, Shrine Keeper, Missionary, Sacristan, Relic Warder, Divine Hammer
My TF cleric - circle 50, s'kra, 12 favors, ushnish. HE 67, 2he 73. main weapon ME.
Initiate Cleric, Apprentice Cleric, Journeywoman Cleric, Cleric, Expert Cleric, Acolyte, Supplicant, Celebrant, Sister, Friar, Worshipper, Vicar, Beseecher, Preacher, Witch Doctor, Mother, Theurgist, Vigil Keeper, Holy Mage, Spirit Healer, Theorist, Holy Scholar, Solace, Oracle, Blessed, Infuser, Ritualist, Haloed, Exorcist, Holy Light, Cremator, Monk, Bead Carver, Embalmer, Divine Emissary, Hymnist, Spellbinder, Spiritist, Altar Girl, Temple Maiden, Cloistered, Holy Woman, Priestess, Clergywoman, Chaplain, Metamagician, Holy Blade, Pure Spirit, Anointed Soul, Consecrator, Soul Sunderer, Soul Binder, Matchmaker, Soul Cleanser, Purifier, Tombwarden, Weasel, Holy Lash, Mime Exterminator, Zombie Slayer, Skeleton Breaker, Monastic, Sacred Herald, Mythologian, Theomancer, Idolist, Iconolater, Soultaken, Pilgrim, Shrine Keeper, Sacristan, Relic Warder, Sacrificer
Plat - no messaging with her bastard sword, look is You see nothing unusual. Pretty sure it was forged, but no maker's mark on it.
HE: 50, 2he 54, <main weapon is ME>, circle 41, 11 favors - ushnish. <s'kra>
Initiate Cleric, Apprentice Cleric, Journeywoman Cleric, Cleric, Expert Cleric, Acolyte, Supplicant, Celebrant, Sister, Friar, Worshipper, Vicar, Beseecher, Preacher, Witch Doctor, Mother, Theurgist, Vigil Keeper, Holy Mage, Spirit Healer, Resurrector, Blessed, Infuser, Ritualist, Exorcist, Cremator, Monk, Bead Carver, Spiritist, Altar Girl, Temple Maiden, Cloistered, Metamagician, Holy Blade, Pure Spirit, Anointed Soul, Consecrator, Soul Sunderer, Soul Binder, Matchmaker, Soul Cleanser, Spiritual Warrior, Mime Exterminator, Zombie Slayer, Skeleton Breaker, Monastic, Idolist, Soultaken, Pilgrim, Shrine Keeper, Sacristan, Relic Warder
You've seen life through distorted eyes;You know you had to learn;The execution of your mind;You really had to turn;,the book is read,The end begins to show,The truth is out, the lies are old, But you don't want to know - Black Sabbath
Re: Bastard sword - question on messaging
04/16/2011 10:19 AM CDT
These're the ones I can find listed, but they don't list cleric stuff.
I was sure there was a similar list on epedia but I can't find it off hand.
These're the ones I can find listed, but they don't list cleric stuff.
I was sure there was a similar list on epedia but I can't find it off hand.
Re: Bastard sword - question on messaging
04/16/2011 11:06 AM CDT
<<Impressed into the metal is the image of a dragon perched on a mountain, breathing fire in the shape of the initials "B.Q.">>
That's Blazzon's maker's mark if I recall correctly.
Also are you sure both characters have the same spells up when you do the testing?
If you have questions or comments, please email me at (Mod-Vorofilum@play.net) or Senior Board Monitor Sidatura at (DR-Sidatura@play.net) or Message Board Supervisor Annwyl (DR-Annwyl@play.net).
That's Blazzon's maker's mark if I recall correctly.
Also are you sure both characters have the same spells up when you do the testing?
If you have questions or comments, please email me at (Mod-Vorofilum@play.net) or Senior Board Monitor Sidatura at (DR-Sidatura@play.net) or Message Board Supervisor Annwyl (DR-Annwyl@play.net).
Re: Bastard sword - question on messaging
04/16/2011 11:13 AM CDT
Or communes.
Gay, geeky, and a little bit cheeky.
Gay, geeky, and a little bit cheeky.
Re: Bastard sword - question on messaging
04/16/2011 11:26 AM CDT
neither character had any spells up when i did the swap. communes either. I tested it upon logging in to make sure.
You've seen life through distorted eyes;You know you had to learn;The execution of your mind;You really had to turn;,the book is read,The end begins to show,The truth is out, the lies are old, But you don't want to know - Black Sabbath
You've seen life through distorted eyes;You know you had to learn;The execution of your mind;You really had to turn;,the book is read,The end begins to show,The truth is out, the lies are old, But you don't want to know - Black Sabbath
Re: Bastard sword - question on messaging
04/16/2011 02:24 PM CDT
Maybe Plat didn't get the update? Clerics get a special message, and two additional depending on if you have the correct spells up.
Default: You shift your bastard sword to a heavy edged grip while quietly paying homage to the war gods.
MPP: Silver light kisses the surface of your bastard sword as you shift it to a heavy edged grip.
Cent: With one superbly balanced motion, you shift your bastard sword to a heavy edged grip in front of your heart.
Tachid smugly exclaims, "Die midget!"
Default: You shift your bastard sword to a heavy edged grip while quietly paying homage to the war gods.
MPP: Silver light kisses the surface of your bastard sword as you shift it to a heavy edged grip.
Cent: With one superbly balanced motion, you shift your bastard sword to a heavy edged grip in front of your heart.
Tachid smugly exclaims, "Die midget!"
Re: Bastard sword - question on messaging
04/16/2011 10:15 PM CDT
Devotion, maybe?
Gay, geeky, and a little bit cheeky.
Gay, geeky, and a little bit cheeky.