I'm going to assume this is NOT a secret, as none of the components for our communes are to my knowledge.
Can someone tell me how to make a bonding rose?
I've tried the recipie on DR secrets (rose pulp + 3 parts dracon powder + holy oil = attar) in a mixing bowl, and get nothing but 'failed to combine' and 30 seconds of RT.
I'm frustrated and not in a good mood to begin with, which is never the 'ideal' time to play with these wonderful systems.
Petals were new, oil was not, powder was not. Mech's nearly 100. Finished the quest before, was just going to make a couple roses for convenience.
What'm I doing wrong?
Re: Bloody roses again
11/15/2010 07:06 PM CST
I use an empty gem pouch myself. It's 1 part drac powder and 1 part holy oil, those are the only things I see wrong on your recipe. Close gem pouch and shake it.
Re: Bloody roses again
11/15/2010 07:16 PM CST
User error. Had a 5 part powder broken into the 2-3 parts, and put the wrong one in the bowl.
More depressing than anything else at this point.
More depressing than anything else at this point.
Re: Bloody roses again
11/15/2010 09:30 PM CST
True story- since completing the quest I haven't made a single rose.
Since I never do it, when people ask me, finding out how would just take too much effort.
Clerics are just so cuddly you can't get mad at them, until they try to rip your soul out and chew on it like a candy bar.
Since I never do it, when people ask me, finding out how would just take too much effort.
Clerics are just so cuddly you can't get mad at them, until they try to rip your soul out and chew on it like a candy bar.
Re: Bloody roses again
11/16/2010 05:06 AM CST
I think if you have a mixing bowl, you need a mixing stick. I THINK. Otherwise as someone else pointed out, when you mix or shake the bowl it splatters everywhere.