Request for performers for Bardic Gathering 01/26/2010 09:40 PM CST

Since the party suggestion seems to be well met thus far, I'd like to put in an official request for performers. Original songs, stories, and dances are welcome! They don't even have to be recent, as long as they are your own creations. If you wish to perform, please send me a message here, or via mail.

The party will most likely be held the last weekend in February (27th) or the first weekend in March (6th).

Thank you!

- Maireann (Who is very excited to be throwing a party! Yahoo!)
Re: Request for performers for Bardic Gathering 01/26/2010 09:54 PM CST
Just a heads up: That March date is during Vegascon. Not sure if any other bards are going aside from me, but I figured I'd let you know.

Re: Request for performers for Bardic Gathering 01/26/2010 10:18 PM CST
Oh? Ahem. In that case, it'll be Feb. 27th!