Purely for the fun of it...
First, for background: I never knew the different bard GLs had different joining spiels as far as their account of the persecution under Dzree, until I had to add Tasdrean's spiel. Now, they aren't all unique, but they do have different accounts of that time period, depending upon their personality/views. It really was nifty to see their differing perspective on things - and as you might imagine (or maybe not, but hey...), it seems that they do tend to line up with one or the other of the "currently existing" (as Raesh has explained it) heritages - Lorekeeper and Songsworn.
So, just for fun..
Which of the heritages would you expect the guildleaders (and/or bard npcs) to fit best with? Obviously, this won't be used as some list of who-belongs-to-what (especially as they could just as well not belong to any of 'em), but it's just fun to think about where they might fit. And note - "They don't belong to any because (whatever)" is just as interesting a possibility.
So! Pure speculation based on what you know so far of the heritages and what you know of the guildleaders and/or npcs - who fits where?
(Note - do not feel that they must only be one of those two; if you think one of 'em best fits the Taleweavers, even though Raesh has confirmed that that heritage does not exist yet as far as game lore is concerned, then by all means, rank 'em there.)
Re: Where do you think the GLs fit?
01/29/2012 10:15 PM CST
Come to think of it, I've only ever trained under Silvyrfrost and Ezruh. Silvyrfrost always seemed like a Lorekeeper to me, and Ezruh I'd rank as Songsworn.
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Re: Where do you think the GLs fit?
01/29/2012 10:25 PM CST
Macfrae is totally an undercover spy Songsworn. Silvyrfrost - Lorekeeper. Ezruh - Lorekeeper. Lileyew - Taleweaver. Yaziyi - Talewaver. Selinthesa - Songsworn.
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Re: Where do you think the GLs fit?
01/30/2012 08:34 PM CST
If nobody's ever heard Mac's join spiel - which I wouldn't imagine anyone WOULD, given his location - you really should, if you have the character slot available, go ahead and go down there to join just to hear his version. It is definitely different from what Silvy or Ezruh give/gave. It fits him very well, especially given his location.
Re: Where do you think the GLs fit?
01/30/2012 09:06 PM CST
I noticed the similarities in how they view the persecutions and have been pondering building this into my character's background.
Maybe I'm viewing the Heritages differently, but given that Silvyrfrost and Lileyew share the view of Tasdrean about the need to fight under those historic circumstances, I'm seeing them as representing the Songsworn. More prone to fight for what they believe in, the Guild, etc. Not that I don't expect them to be smart, stealthy, and secretive, just they honing those skills for a purpose: to keep up the struggle.
Macfrae fits into the same "Yes we should fight" but with the qualification that he'd want to do it wisely, at the right moment, etc. So more like a Songsworn who's been in one fight too many that didn't end the way it was supposed to. This may even be an argument for him being an ex-Songsworn, or as "ex" as you can be for someone who's jaded and bitter about the past arrogance of other leaders.
Ezruh seems very Lorekeeper and trying to hunker down and wait things out. He'd certainly argue he's learned from the past mistakes of the Guild in a way others haven't and understands a little bit of perspective on the Guild's place in the world.
Selinthesa and Yaziyi seem like less opinionated Lorekeepers compared to Ezruh.
If there's a dichotomy here, I'm seeing a tension between trying to actively resist persecution and trying to change the world when the world is against the Guild, and a passive resistance that is looking to withdraw from the world of persecution and harbor hopes for change.
I don't know about Taleweavers, but if they are the new kids on the block they'd be the ones least burdened by all of the questioning on what was the best approach for dealing with the past and perhaps would be more focused on the future. Maybe instead of two sides of the same coin debating the relationship of Bards against the rest of the world, a faction that celebrates Bards as part of the world, tearing down the barriers we've built up over the years. I'd like to think of an NPC like Aaron Albuam as something like this, someone just celebrating the world . . . and their own importance in it. Or maybe Sinjian.
The Ru'atin Peri'el all seem Lorekeeper-ish, trying to get alive old traditions.
Maybe I'm viewing the Heritages differently, but given that Silvyrfrost and Lileyew share the view of Tasdrean about the need to fight under those historic circumstances, I'm seeing them as representing the Songsworn. More prone to fight for what they believe in, the Guild, etc. Not that I don't expect them to be smart, stealthy, and secretive, just they honing those skills for a purpose: to keep up the struggle.
Macfrae fits into the same "Yes we should fight" but with the qualification that he'd want to do it wisely, at the right moment, etc. So more like a Songsworn who's been in one fight too many that didn't end the way it was supposed to. This may even be an argument for him being an ex-Songsworn, or as "ex" as you can be for someone who's jaded and bitter about the past arrogance of other leaders.
Ezruh seems very Lorekeeper and trying to hunker down and wait things out. He'd certainly argue he's learned from the past mistakes of the Guild in a way others haven't and understands a little bit of perspective on the Guild's place in the world.
Selinthesa and Yaziyi seem like less opinionated Lorekeepers compared to Ezruh.
If there's a dichotomy here, I'm seeing a tension between trying to actively resist persecution and trying to change the world when the world is against the Guild, and a passive resistance that is looking to withdraw from the world of persecution and harbor hopes for change.
I don't know about Taleweavers, but if they are the new kids on the block they'd be the ones least burdened by all of the questioning on what was the best approach for dealing with the past and perhaps would be more focused on the future. Maybe instead of two sides of the same coin debating the relationship of Bards against the rest of the world, a faction that celebrates Bards as part of the world, tearing down the barriers we've built up over the years. I'd like to think of an NPC like Aaron Albuam as something like this, someone just celebrating the world . . . and their own importance in it. Or maybe Sinjian.
The Ru'atin Peri'el all seem Lorekeeper-ish, trying to get alive old traditions.