Not saying this is complete but I thought of it yesterday, and I thought cool bard ability, followed by... cool bardic ability for performing path.
Having read about Heritages there's so much I want to think and talk about, I think their should be a fourth path, and I'll make that argument a little later.
So as I'm speeding home from a nice vacation day listening to Lady Gaga - Bad Romance, my sweetheart lover sitting beside me starts swaying his shoulders raises his hands and dancing in his seat!
He then restarts the music and turns the volume up to 42, that's enough to make the car shake and vibrate in tune with the music. As I'm relaxing to the music, making dance motions with one hand off the wheel. The thought hits me. Miss Lady Gaga is singing and their's instrumental music in the background, if she was just singing her performance wouldn't be nearly so beautiful and mesmerizing.
This is important to know because it's how the idea for the new bardic ability /enhance performance is born.
By playing an instrument along with singing an enchante, or by playing an enchante on an instrument and singing along with it, a bard more easily reaches the global cap.
In addition to this, when a performer reaches a global cap and uses the enhance ability the enchante then becomes a self-only duration spell, like aether shield for warrior mages. For example, if Holdierna's Lilt were active at global cap, at song-end it would enchant the performing bard with the full effects of the song for the next 30 minutes. Like a continuous vitality boosting/fatigue reducing spell, said bard could then play another enchante for themselves.
When the Bard uses POWER to check, they can see that Hodierna's Lilt is cast upon them and will stay active for the next anlaen.
/recall enchante name
You remember the last time enchante to be played on you like it was yesterday. You focus your mind on the music of the past bringing it forward into the present.
A silence surrounds you as you focus on listening to the enchante from memory.
You hear the faint tune of Lilt surround you, easing your pain.
I <3 Bleach. ~Sircha
Re: Heritages for Performers /enhance and /recall enchante
09/04/2010 06:20 PM CDT
>>So as I'm speeding home from a nice vacation day listening to Lady Gaga - Bad Romance, my sweetheart lover sitting beside me starts swaying his shoulders raises his hands and dancing in his seat!<<
Are you sure he was dancing and not trying to escape?
Are you sure he was dancing and not trying to escape?
Re: Heritages for Performers /enhance and /recall enchante
09/04/2010 07:09 PM CDT
>>I <3 Bleach. ~Sircha <<
Is he known as Prince Destructo on the dance floor, or you?
Is he known as Prince Destructo on the dance floor, or you?
Re: Heritages for Performers /enhance and /recall enchante *NUDGE*
09/05/2010 03:11 PM CDT
Keep it on topic, please.
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All are lunatics, but he who can analyse his delusions is called a philosopher. --Ambrose Bierce
If you have any questions, please email either myself ( or Message Board Supervisor Annwyl (
All are lunatics, but he who can analyse his delusions is called a philosopher. --Ambrose Bierce