By request... an update.
This is just for you people not at the Con. If you're at the Con please stop reading. This isn't for you. So nyah. Now go buy Tiesse a drink instead.
So, what should you be expecting for Heritages at release (Which mind you, I am NOT giving a deadline for. Not even Soon. Sorry. This is my largest project to date so we're sorta playing it by ear. Get the joke?)
*Three unique joining quests that will make you hate me.
*A fairly decent lore dump.
*Three smallish Heritage Hall area (possibly with shops).
*Some minor cosmetic perks (Like titles).
"BUT RAESH!" you say, "What about feats? What about X, Y and Z?"
So I'll tell you, there are two reasons for a fairly bare-bones release goal. Firstly is speed - I rather have something out for you to start digging into rather then waiting till it's all done. Secondly is the practical matter that there are a lot of balls in the air right now, Crafting, New Combat, Magic 3.0 etc and we need to see where some of those land before moving forward.
That said, what to expect moving forward, more or less in order (Note: this is all very much subject to change):
More Stuff
Heritage based cosmetic effects to existing abilities.
More Cosmetic Heritage Stuffs
PS: Buy Tiesse drinks. Abasha too.
Re: Super Sekret Noncon UPDATE
07/10/2010 12:46 AM CDT
I love sekrets. Thanks for the update!
- Terra
Raesh gives Terra wings. And then rips them off and beats her with them.
- Terra
Raesh gives Terra wings. And then rips them off and beats her with them.
Re: Super Sekret Noncon UPDATE
07/10/2010 07:56 AM CDT
Did we(general we not necessarily bards) ever get all the Stuff and More Stuff from last year? Just curious.
Re: Super Sekret Noncon UPDATE
07/10/2010 03:18 PM CDT
You'd have to ask someone else as that was before my time on staff, though weren't they The Thing and The Other Thing?
Re: Super Sekret Noncon UPDATE
07/10/2010 03:59 PM CDT
<<So nyah. Now go buy Tiesse a drink instead.
Trust me I would, but she's an awesome bartender herself.
The gods are jerks. No, really.-Armifer
I don't think we ever take the training wheels off as players or gamemasters.-Inauri
Trust me I would, but she's an awesome bartender herself.
The gods are jerks. No, really.-Armifer
I don't think we ever take the training wheels off as players or gamemasters.-Inauri
Re: Super Sekret Noncon UPDATE
07/10/2010 11:00 PM CDT
Very cool, thanks for the update! I cannot wait to test and break this new system. :)