The Pleasure Ship Song 11/06/2005 03:12 AM CST
For those of you that may not know, immediately after Daerlynn's Arthe Dale concerts those interested adjourn to the Half Pint Inn - Bard's corner for more song sharing. Everyone's welcome to either sing, tell a story or just listen.

This little tune spontaneously ran amuck tonight, I thought I'd share.

Miekhael says, "This is the Pleasurable Glythtide

Miekhael mischievously sings:

"We're sailing upon the Pleasurable Glythtide
Every time is an excitingly dangerous ride
You'll never know where this voyage'll end..."
Miekhael excitedly exclaims, "Oh Void! She's heading
right for the river bend!"
Miekhael frets.
Miekhael teasingly sings:

"The Glythtide's Pleasure is massively ribbed
For her pleasure I have never fibbed
Ranger Captain Eoworfinia is the best host!
You'll only die once - twice at most"
Miekhael excitedly sings:

"We're sailing upon the Glythtide's Pleasure
All those other ships can never measure!
A three anlaen tour is what you hope to get
Whether it's that short, is anyone's bet!"
Miekhael matter-of-factly says, "Frankly, my bet is
that it is a three anduaen tour."
Miekhael excitedly sings:

"The Captain has a crowded dock in her sights
She'll ram our ship up to the Ratha Heights!
'Full speed ahead!' is Eoworfinia's battle cry!
Oh Eluned, not again - We're all gonna die!"
(Miekhael wobbles as though the ship just hit land
very quickly...)
Miekhael falls over.
Miekhael haggardly says, "Next stop, Third Tier..."
Lindryl laughs at Miekhael.
Miekhael stands up.
Miekhael grunts to himself.
Miekhael nervously sings:

"When Captain Eowo's got a gleam in her eye
Then you know -a lot- of us are going to die!
Never -ever- let her talk and steer the wheel
Pray to the Gods you enjoyed your last meal!"
Shavay exclaims, "Song circle! Everybody make a
Shavay sings in a countertenor voice:

"The Glythtide's Pleasure! Don't call her a boat.
A ship great and strong, with a fresh paint coat.
Sure, it's hiding the cracks. Maybe slowing a
But I swear she will float! At least, for THIS
Daerlynn sings in an alto voice:

"Shavay is busy turning round the wheel
Luckily for us, so he cannae cop a feel
But still you must beware of Nite on the poop
With Xanzie and Miek around, none of them will
Shavay sings in a countertenor voice:

"We're sainging upon the Glythtide's Pleasure
All those other ships can never measure!
A three anlaen tour is what you hope to get
Whether it's that short, is anyone's bet!"
Ailspyth sings:

"The Glythtide's Pleasure has seen many things
Those planks could tell quite a story
If she sinks, Cap'n Eowo might say
She's exploring new territory!"
Miekhael sings:

"Everytime the Glythtide sails, it's exciting
Until she sinks, no sharks are biting
Thank the Gods Eowo's in bed
If she were here, I'd be dead."
Shavay sings in a countertenor voice:

"The Pleasure, she sail's all over the seas,
Finding wondrous wares, and dodging import
It's not that we really mean to smuggle.
We just forget to declare while in mid-snuggle!"
Chabelle's soprano, Xanzie's mezzo-soprano and Jhat's
baritone join with Shavay's

countertenor as he sings:

"We're sailing upon the Glythtide's Pleasure
All those other ships can never measure!
A three anlaen tour is what you hope to get
Whether it's that short, is anyone's bet!"
Gylee sings in a countertenor voice:

"A ship a fools that stays afloat
the fools are all inside the boat
for when she sails the mighty seas
the captain drinks most merrily"
Xaphira sings in a soprano voice:

"A grand ship she is with many a sail.
Across the sea she tosses as we all flail.
Prayers to the gods some raise for safety of our
While others drink to sleep in hopes of waking on
Niteshiver sings in a bass voice:
"all eyes upon her mainsail setting
but the damn ships a floatin brothel Eo's
kept it secret about all the petting
All I ask is that you pass me a towel"
Markhor sings:

"Adrift the seas aboard the Glythtide's Pleasure
Decline to board if your life you treasure
As for me, I've climbed the mast
For I've no clue how long she'll last!"
Gylee sings in a countertenor voice:

"Sail the Pleasure for a trip worth taking
over yonder waves we're breaking
Clear the decks, I have a hunch
I'm just about to lose mu lunch"
Chabelle sings in a soprano voice:

"Oh, the Glythtide's Pleasure! Much more than a
To hear the tales about it, you better hope you
Aye, tied to the mast and whipped by the wind
Miekhael swears it's the Captain. So watch you
don't get skinned!"
A chorus of voices join with Shavay's leading
countertenor as he sings:

"We're sailing upon the Glythtide's Pleasure
All those other ships can never measure!
A three anlaen tour is what you hope to get
Whether it's that short, is anyone's bet!"
Ailspyth sings:

"Wailing and moaning from all the decks
As all on board await a wreck!
Tossed and turned to the very brink
Yet the good Captain never spills her drink!"
Xanzie sings in a mezzo-soprano voice:

"So we're sailing Glythtide's Pleasure 'cross the
Are we survivors, we can only hope to be
Through the tests and travails we will get
through them
I hope if I last I'll win a million lirum!"
Shavay sings in a countertenor voice:

"Through pirate and storm, doldrom or gale,
The Captain's fine crew shall never wail.
As long as there is rum to be had,
The sailors and passengers shall never be sad!"
Miekhael sings:

"Sailing upon the Glythtide is always a treat
I hope I don't end up as shark meat!
Sure Eoworfinia's best called 'Cap'
Too bad she's never looked at that map."
Markhor exclaims, "Map? I thought it was outhouse
Niteshiver sings in a bass voice:

"They caught robo one morning swabbing the deck
He says hey xanzie this is as good as it gets
She says Well robo you know, if we do go down
I'll meet you in a bar in that Five Fathom Town"
Roboson ponders that explains the blisters
Markhor sings:

"Some crew's gaze is upon the first mate
While others refuse to take the bait
Many an eye is cast to the sails
When she shanghais all the males"
Cardinalred sings in a countertenor voice:

""With the men disappeared
the bow thrusts and rears
Through fog and salty spray
Glythtide's Pleasure has lost its way."
Lindryl sings:

"There are drinks in the captain's cabin
The pilot yells "weigh anchor, now!"
Sailors pick oakum to the rythem
Of bards carousing in the bow."
Ailspyth sings:

"Canvas snapping in the breeze
All the masts, they look like trees
All you Bards now sing the chorus
Eowo's driven into a forest!"
A chorus of voices join with Shavay's leading
countertenor as he sings:

"We're sailing upon the Glythtide's Pleasure
All those other ships can never measure!
A three anlaen tour is what you hope to get
Whether it's that short, is anyone's bet!"
Miekhael sings:

"Everytime I sail the Glythtide's Pleasure
Oh, those cute sweaty togs I treasure!
How I love to watch them swab the deck
Void! How did I get this mark on my neck?"
Miekhael says, "Oh yeah, I was drunk that night."
Miekhael frets.
Chabelle sings in a soprano voice:

"And there stood Cap, all hands secured
While the ship's passengers decided to detour
Markhor stood close, his hands on his picks
While Nite passed out after givin' her licks."
Jhat sings in a baritone voice:

"With a bang and a bump, 'tis the shore we do hit,
For the Glythtide's Pleasure, that is sure it,
But no! There's hope! With a thump and a wail,
We head back to our seas, and up with the sails!"
Markhor sings:

"The meals on board leave much to be desired
Of cod and tuna we're all very tired
At least the drinks are varied by wish
Oh gods, not another dinner of fish!"
Niteshiver sings in a bass voice:

"on a dark windy night ye can still hear the
of Eo blaming the crew for her fouls
A shriek and a gurgle as she hurls thru the
that was a boat? It flew like a kite!"
Roboson sings in a bass voice:

"Glythtide Pleasure is now on the NTR
With Eowo steering off on a lark
How did we get off course so far
We just hit a dead guy
thats gonna leave a mark!"
Jhat sings in a baritone voice:

"It takes in water, from it's bump with the shore,
In the side of the ship, a hole it tore,
Captain says, "Lessen our weight! Throw out your
But in reply, "I'd rather die" says the crews!"
Ambernlyn sings in a soprano voice:

"And there we all were
On this ship called the Skur
A hole in itside
The booze we must hide.."
Cardinalred sings in a countertenor voice:

""The crew looks at the white sandy beach
the ground doesn't seem too far out of reach
they grab a bottle, a jug and a keg
Let us go overboard, they all beg."
Miekhael sings:

"I saw the Capt'n spin the wheel round and round
Even as she ran the ship up on the ground
Oh Void! Oh Gods! Here we're going to spin!
And all I had to show was this lousy pin."
Ailspyth sings:

"Here's a scrape and there's a bump
And who can explain that unsightly lump
While the other captains point and jeer
Eowo says, "Hey, I like souveniers!""
Lindryl sings:

"The Mistbringer sails sweetly to port
Bringing cargo of drinks and song
Hurry lads and lasses to meet her
Board the plank and travel along."
Xaphira says, " your doom...."
Shavay exclaims, "A race, between the Mistbringer and
the Glythtide's Pleasure!"
Niteshiver sings in a bass voice:

"You wonder at heart 'bout that decadent boat
with so many sinners just how does it float
the captain she rages and curses with oaths
going round in circles in the Theren Keep's
Chabelle sings in a soprano voice:

"Then finally the tree that stopped the great ship
Had a bend to itself, though its not a boatslip
The passengers pulled themselves to their feet
Glad for their lives and yearning for the
Markhor sings:

"Red sails! Pirates! Avast, ahoy!
Grab your swords, to battle, oh boy!
Load your bows, aim ballistae
Oho, but wait, the pirates say..."
Markhor recites:

"What the heck is that, a sieve?
Pillaging that ship would net us negative loot
To the Pleasure our stern we'll give
Where she goes, we don't give a hoot!"
Jhat sings in a baritone voice:

"Turning towards Ratha, or Hara'jaal,
Hell, we don't know.. we can't remember at all,
We've lost our map and we're traveling blind,
Continue like this.. you're out of your mind!"
Ailspyth sings:

"The Mistbringer raises it's sails aloft
As poor Glythtide's Pleasure is tossed
She carries her crew at quite a clip
Okay, so sue me, I just jumped ship."
Roboson sings in a bass voice:

"The ship has finally stopped its spin
The hull is so messy, I may be sick
I have to clean it cap't hints
At least the dead guy I scrap is Korsik"
Shavay sings in a countertenor voice:

"The Pleasure is boarded by a pirate crew.
Enemies abound, trouble starting to brew.
Quick, says the Cap'n, before anyone's hurt...
Somebody go bring me my red shirt!"
Chabelle sings in a soprano voice:

"Not a silent ship, nor a bore
The Mistbringer sails from shore to shore
Then came the cry from the Pleasure
Away went the Mist to return with liquid
Gylee sings in a countertenor voice:

"The ship spins widly on the waves
threatening to plunge us to our graves
The Cap'ns door says no knockin'
if this ship is a rockin'"
Jhat sings in a baritone voice:

"The hole still brings water, and it fills ever
It's something we simply cannot ignore.
"We need to lose weight, or we'll never make land
"Throw out the fuel.. we're keeping the bar!""

Ailspyth sings:

"The Mistbringer and Pleasure had a race
They'd take turns, to lead and chase
Mistbringer came home, seas safely crossed
Glythtide's Pleasure, though? Still quite lost."
Chabelle sings in a soprano voice:

"And in the sea it went, the Pleasure went down
Survivors waved to the Mist for saving as that
crew went to town
Every bottle was taken, no drink did they ignore
While Cap declared promptly and loud, "Don't
worry, I've been here before!""
Markhor sings:

"The Pleasure's speed slowed to barely a knot
How we still float and move, I ken not.
For now it's a drydock port that we seek
We've been upside-down this whole past week!"
Paschein asks, "How many verses does the Pleasure ship
song now have?"
You say, "More than we'd want to count."
Miekhael says, "Several hundred."

Markhor says to Paschein, "About 70."
Paschein asks, "Has anyone recorded it?"
Paschein grins.
Shavay says, "Eleventeen."
Miekhael says, "I should record it."
Vagabond Cardinalred came through a dimly lit arch.
Paschein nods to Miekhael.
Markhor says, "I recorded all mine."
Miekhael says, "My song after all."
Shavay says, "No no, destroy the evidence."
Roboson says, "we gotta get that on a Scroll"
Paschein says, "Oh no, it's all marvelous."
Miekhael jots down some notes.
Cardinalred asks, "What are we getting on a scroll?"
Paschein says, "The Pleasure ship song."