Magic Changes 04/05/2016 01:53 AM CDT
I did a LITTLE testing tonight, and I'm very tired, so keep those facts in mind. That said, overall the changes were less painful than I was expecting.

>>Aether Wolves: Reduced to 1 slot. Swapped with Glythtide’s Joy in preq tree.

I assume this happened because AEWO is a more useful choice for a novice than GJ (which isn't that useful in PVE, and I've fought plenty of TM critters). I approve for this reason. My personal preference is to have GJ and not AEWO, though, so too bad for me. Darn prereqs.

>>Slot changes

Well... nice. I can't complain. Are any of these losing efficacy or gaining mana cost? I didn't notice in my brief look.

>>Linear mana regen

This was what I was really dreading, as a magic secondary with a focus on cyclics. I was afraid I would not be able to have my cyclic up at maximum mana and still be able to use other spells. However, in a very good mana room (14 mana upped to 17 with Nexus) I was able to keep up DALU at 19 mana (my max) no problem, even while slinging constant BOS 10s. When I upped BOS to 20, it was clear I was going to go downhill, bottoming out in perhaps 10 minutes. PVE training was definitely fine.

Would I like to be able to do more than 1/5 of my TM spell's mana at once? Yes. But I can see how this situation creates meaningful choices. I'm forced to either manage mana carefully (and drop weapon swings due to camb/harness RT), lower the mana of my cyclic or TM, or drain myself out quickly.

At this point I'm mostly worried about what it'll look like when not in such a good mana room. I'm really hoping I won't have to go after the good mana areas quite so zealously.

Also while we're talking about Bard magic, can you explain why a bunch of our spells take 27 seconds to cast, when the typical norm is 22? I've never understood that.

- Navesi
Re: Magic Changes 04/05/2016 06:24 AM CDT
>I assume this happened because AEWO is a more useful choice for a novice than GJ

More or less. GJ is fairly awful.

>Are any of these losing efficacy or gaining mana cost?

Short answer: no and depends.

Long answer: please read the full changelog.

>can you explain why a bunch of our spells take 27 seconds to cast, when the typical norm is 22?

I assume because they're flagged as group /aoe spells. We're working on improving how that's handled but it's likely to push to after this round of changes, which are already extensive.


"It was wise enough to know itself, and brave enough to BE itself, and wild enough to change itself while somehow staying altogether true." ― The Slow Regard of Silent Things
Re: Magic Changes 04/05/2016 02:53 PM CDT
<<re: higher prep times

See this link for why:

Basically, prep time is currently determined by a combination of battle/standard/ritual and number of potential targets with a fee exceptuins here and there. For this reason, Bards and Clerics tend to have very high prep times while Moon Mages have low ones, for example.