Does Bardic Lore not count for an Nth Lore? I notice there's no Hard/Soft requirement for it.
Elemental Lord Opieus, Master Warrior Mage of Elanthia
"For a bunch of radical empiricists, the Philosophers' system relies on a whole lot of faith." ~Armifer
Re: Bardic Lore
01/20/2013 06:39 PM CST
>>I notice there's no Hard/Soft requirement for it.
IIRC there won't be until Raesh gets a chance to rewrite all of our Bardic Lore abilities.
~ Leilond
IIRC there won't be until Raesh gets a chance to rewrite all of our Bardic Lore abilities.
~ Leilond
Re: Bardic Lore
01/21/2013 12:03 AM CST
Sure would be nice if it counted as a lore in the meantime.
- Useff
- Useff
Re: Bardic Lore
01/21/2013 03:13 AM CST
> Sure would be nice if it counted as a lore in the meantime.
So that people would be stuck not having trained properly when it gets added as a hard req?
So that people would be stuck not having trained properly when it gets added as a hard req?
Re: Bardic Lore
01/21/2013 07:03 AM CST
> So that people would be stuck not having trained properly when it gets added as a hard req?
Well yeah, but - as it is I have 800 ranks of bardic lore - ranks that USED to be my 1-4 lores - that no longer apply, and now I have to work skills that I didn't need to before. So, there's that.
- Useff
Well yeah, but - as it is I have 800 ranks of bardic lore - ranks that USED to be my 1-4 lores - that no longer apply, and now I have to work skills that I didn't need to before. So, there's that.
- Useff
Re: Bardic Lore
01/21/2013 08:39 AM CST
>>now I have to work skills that I didn't need to before. So, there's that.
Yeah, I'm feeling the sting too. I actually have to train Scholarship to circle now lol
But yeah, it'd probably be a very bad thing if you could use a skill to circle now, and then in a few months that skill becomes a hard requirement and you can't use it anymore. It wouldn't be fair to any other guild.
~ Leilond
Yeah, I'm feeling the sting too. I actually have to train Scholarship to circle now lol
But yeah, it'd probably be a very bad thing if you could use a skill to circle now, and then in a few months that skill becomes a hard requirement and you can't use it anymore. It wouldn't be fair to any other guild.
~ Leilond
Re: Bardic Lore
01/21/2013 10:34 AM CST
Is it going to be grandfathered when the requirement is put in?
Elemental Lord Opieus, Master Warrior Mage of Elanthia
"For a bunch of radical empiricists, the Philosophers' system relies on a whole lot of faith." ~Armifer
Elemental Lord Opieus, Master Warrior Mage of Elanthia
"For a bunch of radical empiricists, the Philosophers' system relies on a whole lot of faith." ~Armifer
Re: Bardic Lore
01/21/2013 10:40 AM CST
>>Is it going to be grandfathered when the requirement is put in?
I imagine so, just like they're doing for Expertise and Endurance :)
~ Leilond
I imagine so, just like they're doing for Expertise and Endurance :)
~ Leilond
Re: Bardic Lore
01/21/2013 01:03 PM CST
Given that it's currently trainable (And if it's not, please let me know your experiences with it) and there was already a bunch of math involved in figuring out what you ranks in it should be - I wouldn't bank too heavily on additional grandfathering.
"Ever notice that B.A.'s flavor text swells in direct proportion to how much one of our characters is getting screwed?" - Brian Van Hoose
"Ever notice that B.A.'s flavor text swells in direct proportion to how much one of our characters is getting screwed?" - Brian Van Hoose
Re: Bardic Lore
01/21/2013 01:07 PM CST
> there was already a bunch of math involved in figuring out what you ranks in it should be
What math was that? I thought it was just Music Theory renamed. Are you thinking of how Performance was figured?
What math was that? I thought it was just Music Theory renamed. Are you thinking of how Performance was figured?
Re: Bardic Lore
01/21/2013 01:11 PM CST
i know its definately wierd though. I have more ranks of it on my 30th bard that i rarely played primeside than my 44th bard platside.
<<The real thing DR needs is to get out there to the kids who actually read books.>>
<<The real thing DR needs is to get out there to the kids who actually read books.>>
Re: Bardic Lore
01/21/2013 01:53 PM CST
Do we know what the requirement will be? If not, how do we train it to level in the meantime?
Elemental Lord Opieus, Master Warrior Mage of Elanthia
"For a bunch of radical empiricists, the Philosophers' system relies on a whole lot of faith." ~Armifer
Elemental Lord Opieus, Master Warrior Mage of Elanthia
"For a bunch of radical empiricists, the Philosophers' system relies on a whole lot of faith." ~Armifer
Re: Bardic Lore
01/21/2013 01:57 PM CST
> Do we know what the requirement will be?
No, but I imagine roughly the same as Performing will be a safe bet.
No, but I imagine roughly the same as Performing will be a safe bet.
Re: Bardic Lore
01/21/2013 03:16 PM CST
Hmm, you're right, I think it was Musical Theory renamed. I think I was confusing myself with one of the other variants that was discussed at one point - I haven't really been involved in skill grandfathering.
Either way, I would not count on grandfathering happening at a later date.
"Ever notice that B.A.'s flavor text swells in direct proportion to how much one of our characters is getting screwed?" - Brian Van Hoose
Either way, I would not count on grandfathering happening at a later date.
"Ever notice that B.A.'s flavor text swells in direct proportion to how much one of our characters is getting screwed?" - Brian Van Hoose
Re: Bardic Lore
01/21/2013 03:30 PM CST
>>No, but I imagine roughly the same as Performing will be a safe bet.
I believe in the final draft it was in line with Performance.
"Ever notice that B.A.'s flavor text swells in direct proportion to how much one of our characters is getting screwed?" - Brian Van Hoose
I believe in the final draft it was in line with Performance.
"Ever notice that B.A.'s flavor text swells in direct proportion to how much one of our characters is getting screwed?" - Brian Van Hoose
Re: Bardic Lore
01/21/2013 03:42 PM CST
>I believe in the final draft it was in line with Performance.
There might need to be some sort of grandfathering then, since music theory wasn't required to circle before? Also, the circle requirements in 2.0 for lore were lower than what the requirement is for Performance.
I've been training BL pretty well, keeping it moving in combat through whistles and bluffing and doing practices pretty much as often as I can. And my BL isn't up to where my circle requirement is for Performance, although it's getting there. Part of this is from the fact that my BL fell quite a bit behind at first once 3.0 dropped.
Circle: 41
Showing Lore skills with field experience.
SKILL: Rank/Percent towards next rank/Amount learning/Mindstate Fraction
Performance: 178 87% mind lock (34/34) Bardic Lore: 162 95% focused (20/34)
Not doing any grandfathering and/or not having it as a requirement right now will only lead to trouble once the requirement is put in place, if no grandfathering is done at that time.
There might need to be some sort of grandfathering then, since music theory wasn't required to circle before? Also, the circle requirements in 2.0 for lore were lower than what the requirement is for Performance.
I've been training BL pretty well, keeping it moving in combat through whistles and bluffing and doing practices pretty much as often as I can. And my BL isn't up to where my circle requirement is for Performance, although it's getting there. Part of this is from the fact that my BL fell quite a bit behind at first once 3.0 dropped.
Circle: 41
Showing Lore skills with field experience.
SKILL: Rank/Percent towards next rank/Amount learning/Mindstate Fraction
Performance: 178 87% mind lock (34/34) Bardic Lore: 162 95% focused (20/34)
Not doing any grandfathering and/or not having it as a requirement right now will only lead to trouble once the requirement is put in place, if no grandfathering is done at that time.
Re: Bardic Lore
01/21/2013 04:05 PM CST
> whistles and bluffing
My little Bard is only 10th. When do we start getting abilities that start using BL? Or did I just miss the speech?
Elemental Lord Opieus, Master Warrior Mage of Elanthia
"For a bunch of radical empiricists, the Philosophers' system relies on a whole lot of faith." ~Armifer
My little Bard is only 10th. When do we start getting abilities that start using BL? Or did I just miss the speech?
Elemental Lord Opieus, Master Warrior Mage of Elanthia
"For a bunch of radical empiricists, the Philosophers' system relies on a whole lot of faith." ~Armifer
Re: Bardic Lore
01/21/2013 04:10 PM CST
>> Not doing any grandfathering and/or not having it as a requirement right now will only lead to trouble once the requirement is put in place, if no grandfathering is done at that time.
Why is that? Unlike performance (excluding the trickle you get from scream conc), bardic lore can be kept near locked/locked 24/7. Scream defiance and whistle piercing every few minutes. Keep words up, and you shouldn't have a problem with mojo (at least I haven't reached that point yet). Scream concussion occasionally when in combat for that little extra boost.
Why is that? Unlike performance (excluding the trickle you get from scream conc), bardic lore can be kept near locked/locked 24/7. Scream defiance and whistle piercing every few minutes. Keep words up, and you shouldn't have a problem with mojo (at least I haven't reached that point yet). Scream concussion occasionally when in combat for that little extra boost.
Re: Bardic Lore
01/21/2013 04:20 PM CST
Bardic Lore is in a weird place - Once it's properly trainable, it'll become a hard circle req. Making it a soft req right now would royally screw everybody when it becomes a hard req, because it would disappear from their nth lore listing and they'd be woefully behind. In that situation I'd need to enable another grandfather-to-circle check, which is decidedly not something I want to do. For now, you can train it for TDPs and for the limited set of abilities that it's useful for, and when it becomes a robust enough skill we'll grandfather it (and only it) up to at-circle as a hard req. Those of you that overtrained it for the TDPs and the habits will still be ahead, and those that decided not to aren't punished.
"The ninety and nine are with dreams, content but the hope of the world made new, is the hundredth man who is grimly bent on making those dreams come true." -E.A.P.
"The ninety and nine are with dreams, content but the hope of the world made new, is the hundredth man who is grimly bent on making those dreams come true." -E.A.P.
Re: Bardic Lore [possible bug]
01/21/2013 04:23 PM CST
I've been bad and haven't paid much attention to the mess that is Bardic Lore, so I've been trying to figure it out. I thought Evoke was supposed to be training it, but it's not moving it at all...
[The Crossing, Landfall Dock]
> exp bl
SKILL: Rank/Percent towards next rank/Amount learning/Mindstate fraction
Bardic Lore: 994 76.46% clear (0/34)
> evoke
You focus on your surroundings, seeking any impressions of the past.
However, you are distracted by a little girl clutching a ragdoll crying out for her mother. You glance downward and ask her if she is lost.
She nods at you, saying, "We travelled here from Ratha and got separated. A sailor came and told us that our inn rooms were ready. Momma said to wait here for Daddy to leave the ship, then went with the sailor." Before you can reply she yells toward the river, "Daddy!" and runs down the gangplank.
Suddenly, she is knocked into the swirling water below by a burly sailor carrying a trunk. You shoulder your way through the crowd to where she fell, but all you see is the ghostly image of a child reaching upward. Her blond hair floats upon the water, and one hand clutches the doll as she dissolves before your eyes.
All you are left with is the sound of her voice echoing on the river's breeze, calling out, "Daddy!"
With a start, you find yourself drawn back to the reality of the here and now.
Roundtime: 2 sec.
> exp bl
SKILL: Rank/Percent towards next rank/Amount learning/Mindstate fraction
Bardic Lore: 994 76.46% clear (0/34)
Time Development Points: 2246 Favors: 12 Deaths: 43 Departs: 15
Overall state of mind: clear
EXP HELP for more information
As each feathery note falls from your lips, you weave it into a tapestry of subtle harmonics that support a line of melody in a minor key, forming the complex measures of the "Sanctuary" enchante.
The music takes hold, manifesting as a large dome of shimmering light.
> evoke bodhran
You attempt to evoke memories of the past, but nothing seems to have left a strong enough imprint on an ebony bodhran with a cambrinth inlay and a decorated head.
Something about an ebony bodhran with a cambrinth inlay and a decorated head tickles at your unconscious recollection.
> exp bl
SKILL: Rank/Percent towards next rank/Amount learning/Mindstate fraction
Bardic Lore: 994 76.46% clear (0/34)
It is working from my screams at least, so it'll be something I can work on in combat, at least.
> scream defiance
Building inspiration from tales of heroic Bardic deeds, you steel your resolve and bellow a defiant decry against oppression!
> exp bl
SKILL: Rank/Percent towards next rank/Amount learning/Mindstate fraction
Bardic Lore: 994 76.46% perusing (2/34)
-Broichan Leshyahen
> hum tuneless
You hum a tuneless tune.
[The Crossing, Landfall Dock]
> exp bl
SKILL: Rank/Percent towards next rank/Amount learning/Mindstate fraction
Bardic Lore: 994 76.46% clear (0/34)
> evoke
You focus on your surroundings, seeking any impressions of the past.
However, you are distracted by a little girl clutching a ragdoll crying out for her mother. You glance downward and ask her if she is lost.
She nods at you, saying, "We travelled here from Ratha and got separated. A sailor came and told us that our inn rooms were ready. Momma said to wait here for Daddy to leave the ship, then went with the sailor." Before you can reply she yells toward the river, "Daddy!" and runs down the gangplank.
Suddenly, she is knocked into the swirling water below by a burly sailor carrying a trunk. You shoulder your way through the crowd to where she fell, but all you see is the ghostly image of a child reaching upward. Her blond hair floats upon the water, and one hand clutches the doll as she dissolves before your eyes.
All you are left with is the sound of her voice echoing on the river's breeze, calling out, "Daddy!"
With a start, you find yourself drawn back to the reality of the here and now.
Roundtime: 2 sec.
> exp bl
SKILL: Rank/Percent towards next rank/Amount learning/Mindstate fraction
Bardic Lore: 994 76.46% clear (0/34)
Time Development Points: 2246 Favors: 12 Deaths: 43 Departs: 15
Overall state of mind: clear
EXP HELP for more information
As each feathery note falls from your lips, you weave it into a tapestry of subtle harmonics that support a line of melody in a minor key, forming the complex measures of the "Sanctuary" enchante.
The music takes hold, manifesting as a large dome of shimmering light.
> evoke bodhran
You attempt to evoke memories of the past, but nothing seems to have left a strong enough imprint on an ebony bodhran with a cambrinth inlay and a decorated head.
Something about an ebony bodhran with a cambrinth inlay and a decorated head tickles at your unconscious recollection.
> exp bl
SKILL: Rank/Percent towards next rank/Amount learning/Mindstate fraction
Bardic Lore: 994 76.46% clear (0/34)
It is working from my screams at least, so it'll be something I can work on in combat, at least.
> scream defiance
Building inspiration from tales of heroic Bardic deeds, you steel your resolve and bellow a defiant decry against oppression!
> exp bl
SKILL: Rank/Percent towards next rank/Amount learning/Mindstate fraction
Bardic Lore: 994 76.46% perusing (2/34)
-Broichan Leshyahen
> hum tuneless
You hum a tuneless tune.
Re: Bardic Lore
01/21/2013 04:29 PM CST
> For now, you can train it for TDPs and for the limited set of abilities that it's useful for, and when it becomes a robust enough skill we'll grandfather it (and only it) up to at-circle as a hard req. Those of you that overtrained it for the TDPs and the habits will still be ahead, and those that decided not to aren't punished.
Sounds perfect. Thanks.
Sounds perfect. Thanks.
Re: Bardic Lore
01/21/2013 04:56 PM CST
The problem you're seeing with Evoke is when I redid the exp it actually scales vs the difficulty of the evoke and you're swinging around so much Bardic lore most of the evokes that exist right now will be smashed by your skill.
I've been putting hard and harder ones into the game (There's an extremely hard one waiting in the wings for one of my projects) so it should ease up over time.
"Ever notice that B.A.'s flavor text swells in direct proportion to how much one of our characters is getting screwed?" - Brian Van Hoose
I've been putting hard and harder ones into the game (There's an extremely hard one waiting in the wings for one of my projects) so it should ease up over time.
"Ever notice that B.A.'s flavor text swells in direct proportion to how much one of our characters is getting screwed?" - Brian Van Hoose
Re: Bardic Lore
01/22/2013 08:56 AM CST
>I've been putting hard and harder ones into the game (There's an extremely hard one waiting in the wings for one of my projects) so it should ease up over time.
You're pretty amazing. Thanks!
-Broichan Leshyahen
> hum tuneless
You hum a tuneless tune.
You're pretty amazing. Thanks!
-Broichan Leshyahen
> hum tuneless
You hum a tuneless tune.