I don't necessarily understand your logic. Here are my questions and concerns.
>With all 10 skills it has to be set really high or it can be easily met by dabbling. This heavily favours those who want to craft a lot, while those who don't want to craft are left out in the cold.
As I understand the situation right now, Empaths and Traders can use Appraisal, Mechanical Lore, Scholarship, Teaching and their Guild specific skill for their general Lore requirement. This excludes Animal Lore (how unfortunate!) and the four music related skills. I don't know why Animal Lore is excluded but I understand the logic for excluding the four music related skills because, based on the logic you propose, existing Empath and Trader general Lore requirements could be more easily met by dabbling in the musics. And if they wanted to do that, become a Bard!
After the reconfiguration Tactics will become a new Lore skill. I think it would easily make sense to be included in any Guild's general Lore requirements. The music related skills will be collapsed into Performing. Being one skill instead of four I think there could be a strong case for including it in anyone's general Lore requirements. Scholarship and Teaching will be combined, which I think argues for expanding the pool of skills for the general Lore requirements for Empaths and Traders to include Tactics and Performing since their pool would be shrinking elsewhere.
The big problem for any general Lore requirement, as you point out, is what to do with the explosion of skills from the Mech Lore split. Would more skills necessarily make the requirements easier? Let's say yes. So yes, perhaps with the split the skill requirements would have to be higher than what Empaths and Traders currently face.
But I don't see how this would benefit or favor those who want to craft a lot.
>Having top 5 allows non-crafters, single-crafters, and dedicated-crafters to all have an equal go at the reqs without forcing them to train a skill they don't want, or have a skill they want to train not count.
Here's what worries me about the top 5.
Let's say that on average most Bards have Musical Theory, Vocals, Percussions, Strings, and Winds in their top six. I'd love to know if this isn't the case for most people and my Bard is just unusual. Currently, this means five of the six skills are from music/performance and you can select one other Lore skill. For me it's Appraisal. Mildly curious what it is for everyone else.
What about after the skill reconfiguration? Bardic Lore and Performing will still be in my top five. So will Appraisal. But now I've got to find more skills to train. Let's say Scholarship, which I could switch to without taking too much of a hit and having to backtrain. And remember Scholarship and Teaching combine, which is sad because I'd be able to switch to both if they were staying split.
What else? Tactics? Not unless it's grandfathered in a way that brings it up to my circle, and even then I'm still taking a hit because my Lores are ahead of my circle. And if I don't want Scholarship or Tactics or Appraisal I'm pressured to shift most of my Mech Lore skill into just one craft skill to avoid taking a hit and be forced to backtrain when the skill is split up.
The way I look at it the skill reconfiguration really messes up my Bard's progression. Right now my highest lore skill is 15 circles ahead of my actual circle. The sixth highest lore skill is still 10 circles ahead. I haven't really ignored Scholarship and Teaching, but combining them reduces my flexibility in picking skills. I don't feel like I've been doing anything unusual so I wonder why I feel like I'd be taking a bit hit from only top five but no one else seems to be concerned. Unless I'm not understanding the Mech Lore split properly. Or everyone else is really confident that Tactics will be grandfathered and boosted by the requirements.